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Can you help me think of a game for my guild to play?


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So I want to make things a little lively for my guild. I was wondering if you guys would have any games in mind that you may want to share. And what kind of prizes you think I can give to them.


When I was still helping out my guild in WoW, I would hold events and have them make level 1 characters and summon them in the lowest part of the world map and have them manually run from there to the northern part of the map. It was fun and full of laughs and they get to win WoW TcG pets from me.


But since SWTOR doesn't have that yet, I don't know what to give them to motivate them to level and stay playing the game. I figured guild activities like this could help them stay and play for the sheer enjoyment and company.


Anyone who can help?

Edited by lainewell
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Yeah...I'm at a loss. I know what you mean though. In LOTRO, our guild had an event where we walked, I mean literally walked, from the Shire to Rivendell in the footsteps of Frodo and Bilbo. It was fun.


I'm not finding similar inspiration, yet, in SWTOR. In City of Heroes, there'd be great costume parties. SWTOR limited appearance and item looks don't work well for that.

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So I want to make things a little lively for my guild. I was wondering if you guys would have any games in mind that you may want to share. And what kind of prizes you think I can give to them.


When I was still helping out my guild in WoW, I would hold events and have them make level 1 characters and summon them in the lowest part of the world map and have them manually run from there to the northern part of the map. It was fun and full of laughs and they get to win WoW TcG pets from me.


But since SWTOR doesn't have that yet, I don't know what to give them to motivate them to level and stay playing the game. I figured guild activities like this could help them stay and play for the sheer enjoyment and company.


Anyone who can help?


Guild datacron night. Its fun me and my guild do it.. each datacron actually takes a while if the whole guild is trying at the same time. It can lead to lots of ribbing and laughing on vent.

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Depending on the level, I'd say a race through Tatooine on the speeder segway thingies. The last one still on their speeder bike wins. Between tusken raiders, sandworms and imperial/republic outposts it should be a fun event.
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If you are on a PVP server, you can contact one of the opposing-faction guilds and have a PVP adventure. Pick some place for one side to defend (such as a spaceport or base) and have the other side try to invade. Alternatively, designate someone as the "package" and escort him to a number of checkpoints, with the other side trying to stop the procession and kill the escortee.


You can also do PVP with same-faction guilds by going to the Outlaw's Den on Tatooine.

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Speeder races on Tatooine. There are several chasms that could be used to define a race course. Or how about the derelict pod/swoop racing track on Taris?


Another thought could be hide and seek of some sort. With a bit of RP thrown in, you could be a captive prisoner somewhere, and your guild has to find you.

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We held a hide and seek event the other week. Our guild has both republic and imperial sides to it, so we hosted it in the Prominade area on Nar Shaddaa, a neutral planet.



No vehicles allowed during search. This let the players below level 25 and no speeder a fiar chance.

One person acted as bouncer, and got a PM when the hider was ready and then let everyone leave the cantina. Each hide, we stated if it was upper or lower.

We had a guild contribution fund so each person who found the hider got 10k credits and in 1 hour we ran 5 hide and seeks.


The other social event we have done so far was a cantina event in the same cantina. here players met, bartered goods, asked for crafting items, danced etc. We did this as a server invite and people from a few guilds showed up.


I really hope they add more social activities into the game. race tracks (could have a droid quest somewhere on tatooine for a pod race through the desert etc). let us use macros (for quiz events). Item customisation soon may help also, esp if more and more clothing/armor is added, and chance to recolour. held many fancy dress competitions before in SWG and they were great fun but cant really do here atm.


Even datacron runs are good events to do for the guild and fun to do

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During the beta we had an on going tag game. When you see a guild member you have to /poke them so they see it on their chat. It was actually fun since you easily forget about the game when doing quests. Plus it was fun to hunt someone down.
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Swoop bike races tiered for the level of bike. Newbie runs across Tython. Naked character runs across the higher level planet of your choice.


Crafting competitions to bless newbie or lowbies (great recruiting tool, btw) with stuff they ordinarily couldn't get.

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Weekly guild lotterys. Set amount to enter, start with something low like 500 credits so even new members can enter. Buy basic bingo game (what i use) and assign a numbered ball to players name who enters. Then draw weekly. Of course this needs a measure of trust on the players part
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Basic Star Wars themed quiz. Cant do indepth ones due to lack of macros here, but could say have a 5 question round, with players needing to answer correctly to pass to next round. Keep it short and simple so you can do many of them in 1 hour.


I hosted loads of quiz's in SWG. From Star Wars themed quiz's, to Halloween and Xmas themed ones, to Life Day ones.


Example of 1 macro i had for 1 question:



/pause 4;

What are Younglings?;

/pause 6;

A)That is what pre-adolescent Wookies are called;

/pause 5;

B)SWG Players that land at Mos Esiley for the 1st Time;

/pause 5;

c)Very young Jedi in training, usually trained in groups by Master Yoda OR;

/pause 5;

d)Inhabitants of the planets in the Younglo System


In Tor you could simply write the questions in word at desktop and copy/paste ingame chat. So would be the above but without the /pause 5; etc as would need to do each one individually. Could start off easy and then go to harder questions nearer the end like:


TIE 2;

/pause 4;

How many floating platforms are in the Galatic Senate Rotunda?;

/pause 6;


/pause 3;


/pause 3;

C)3,045 OR;

/pause 3;



The reason the above is called "Tie" is that incase more than 1 player answers correctly or has the same score (used to be out of 20 for my quiz's) then tie answers would only be used then. ie 4/5 and 1/2 ties beats 4/5 and 0/2 ties

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Another very simple but fun event i hosted was a Motor Show and Pet Show.

As we dont have pets yet, cant do that one, but there are a few vehicles around, so have a guild motor show, and let players show off thier vehicles.

Newer players who dont have alot of vehicles, or indeed any yet will enjoy seeing them and others may even enquire about how to get them.


I hope they bring multi passenger ones soon, as a good feature of a motor show (in SWG) was players who had never been in certain multi passenger vehicles before could ask for a ride around in one with the owner

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Other ideas:


Beach Party (find nice beach like area with plenty of water. if not one then a nice area of water with some nice scenery) and just chill out, have swimming races.


Devs- PLEASE add fishing lol. Used to host fishing tourements. Can fish in SWG, WoW, Lotro, all with own collections etc. Different fish per planet. Competition for largest fish caught, smallest one caught etc. (Fish had date/time stamp on them when caught in SWG).


If they add playable games to cantina's then a Casino Night. As guild leader, make sure you buy everyone a drink though from vendor.


Comedy Club- Again abit trickier without macros but can copy/paste. A 30 min stand up comedy routine.

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Guild datacron night. Its fun me and my guild do it.. each datacron actually takes a while if the whole guild is trying at the same time. It can lead to lots of ribbing and laughing on vent.


I thought of that too. But we have people whose done it already and cannot participate anymore or might choose not to cause they already have the datacrons in their codex :(

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We held a hide and seek event the other week. Our guild has both republic and imperial sides to it, so we hosted it in the Prominade area on Nar Shaddaa, a neutral planet.



No vehicles allowed during search. This let the players below level 25 and no speeder a fiar chance.

One person acted as bouncer, and got a PM when the hider was ready and then let everyone leave the cantina. Each hide, we stated if it was upper or lower.

We had a guild contribution fund so each person who found the hider got 10k credits and in 1 hour we ran 5 hide and seeks.


The other social event we have done so far was a cantina event in the same cantina. here players met, bartered goods, asked for crafting items, danced etc. We did this as a server invite and people from a few guilds showed up.


I really hope they add more social activities into the game. race tracks (could have a droid quest somewhere on tatooine for a pod race through the desert etc). let us use macros (for quiz events). Item customisation soon may help also, esp if more and more clothing/armor is added, and chance to recolour. held many fancy dress competitions before in SWG and they were great fun but cant really do here atm.


Even datacron runs are good events to do for the guild and fun to do


You sir, just gave me something I might be able to work with.


Although, I would also try to hold a tatooine race too if they can all get there. We still have some lowbies who may want to join so it may be a while before the race can be implemented. :D

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What i find important also is making sure not everything is geared towards level 50s. I see you mention the lowlies in the guild for Tatooine racing so seems you have a similar approch to me.


So although i am only level 34 at the moment, i run datacron runs on the starting worlds for newer players, as most will ask "whats a datacron". These are simple to run but can lead to alot of banter between members as you seem to have your good jumpers and those with boots with concrete in. Helps to have a trooper with harpoon or jedi with pull skills to help those who have trouble jumping.


Also our guild seems to apprechiate the weekly low to mid level flashpoints runs we do on the weekend so an entire morning is dedicated to them, for either doing them for loot/experience/xp or just social points.


Good luck with your events.

Shame we cant post pics on these forums or id post some of things like motor show etc i have held before

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If your guild uses a chat ie vent, teamspeak then another idea i have come up with is a teamspeak event. This would also help to get those who dont use it much into it with luck.


The event i am running this week in teamspeak for our guild (we have Unity (Rep), Dark Unity (Imperial), Unity in Lotro and Unity minecraft) so a gathering of everyone is (copy/pasted from guild forums):


EVENT: Dumb or Dumber


We have all had those classic moments ingame where we have done somethiing foolish or stupid and can look back at it and laugh.

For instance, when i first played Star Wars Galaxies, the nights ingame were pitch black not just dark. I hated them as i could not see anything. I wondered how players could play this game when the settings were night time. I had to adjust my monitors screen brightness to cope.

A few weeks later, a guild member was /lmfao at me when he told me about the ingame light function for nights.


Come along, share your top embarrasing moments in your gaming history, laugh at others inc the officers as we can all be noobs at times and have a general laugh with all Unity members from all games for an hour.

Every person will be given 5 minutes to tell us of thier funniest ingame experiences.


Dont be shy, this is a great way to get started with teamspeak if you havent used it before.


If you sign up for it, please enter your mains character name as your name so we know who you are.

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Used to do this in wow before Dalaran became a ghost town but we had the individuals with the mounts which could carry 1 other person (really hope they put these in-game, i haven't seen any yet) set the speed to a steady crawl and have 6-7 of us one right behind the other set to /follow so we could do our very own parade. The person in the passenger side would target some random person that was just in the general area and /wave. It got so popular that at any givin time, i could see that random players would join the train and there would be 20-25 mounts all in a line. Those of us which were in vent at the time would be laughing pretty hard with what was going on and it lasted for quite some time.


I could see the same thing happening in the fleet since its somewhat compact and alot of players gather there :)


This could also be used as a guild recruitment function if you had a decent number of players in your guild which could log on at the same time. Stuff like this if you show it around is a bit hard to forget about because its just so random and because its hard to forget, the person would remember which guild was providing the entertainment. :p

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Similar to hide n seek and the scavenger hunt. I use to hold treasure hunts and get members of the guild to act as npc's. They were only allowed to give out clues that were strictly scripted. Had my guild running around all day back in WoW.


Also we did the foot race scenario too but to ensure each runner didn't take shortcuts we had players acting as race marshalls and each runner had to collect an item from each marshall and take it to the race organiser who would be at the finish line. the beauty of it is the runner would only know the location of the next marshall hence never knowing the route of the full race or where it would end. Race Marshall 1 would tell the runner where Race Marshall 2 was etc. Here you can send them off to different planets.

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