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This is an awesome game


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I liked the companion system and the stories.


What i want more of at lvl 50:


More companion content and stories.


I'll sign this. This is BW at its best.


I would add that unique crafting items would be cool too. Maybe some modable stuff that is off the wall crazy looking. Sort of like the social items but in heavy and medium. maybe unique crystals that have unusual effects. Chems that change the appearance of the character or turn them into a creature. maybe even mods/enhancements that change the color of gear or add effects to the gear like electricity or a red/blue slight glow.


Rare drop rideable creature mounts for sure would be cool. Even vanity ones that don't go too fast would be something to collect and good to sell if they where boe.


Pretty much anything that we can make or get lucky and loot then use, sell or trade.

Edited by Derfmiolleh
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Then again I don't race to level cap as if that lends me some kind of status..


Why do people who race to level cap get such a bad view from the rest of the community. I could give a rats a** about status. I get my enjoyment from marathon gaming. Takes me back to my childhood. Plus its easier with my schedule to take a week off and go bat sh*t crazy on a game, then go back to playing only 2-4 hours a week.


So bc I am playing a game the way I enjoy it, I have be seen in a negative light by the rest of the community? Doesn't really seem fair.

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I like the game, there are some stuff that needs to be fixed/nerfed/buffed/etc, and the endgame content needs some attention but all wil come in good time.


So far I am just doing FP's and alot of pvp. Hope they will do a patch where there will be more than just 1 civil war like gametype. The new one coming with the patch looks like fun but seems to be just another turret defence game.


Ofcourse: MOAR story! BW is praised with it's stories (ME and DA ofcourse) I really hope they will release more class stories/companion stuff.

Edited by Mythic_MK_II
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I want Ilum to either be cool or phased out. Right now its just a pain in the butt


I want legacy to be released, and I want it to really be innovative and add something to the game. I also want whoever decided to launch without legacy to be tarred and feathered, since its a major feature of the game and its still not out.


I want to spend more time in the warzones then I do waiting for the queue to pop up.


I want something to make pugging easier to do. For the love of all that is good in the universe why isn't there a server wide lfg channel? At least then you wouldn't have to sit on fleet while you don't get a group.


Oh, and since i"m a smuggler I want an Indian costume for Raela. Since I have to dress like a cowboy I want her dressed as an Indian, feather deadress and all.


Additional positives?

I dunno, i like the game, but there's not that many awesome qualities about it. Its mostly just good enough to keep playing.

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I thought BW said the forum would be restricted to active subscriptions only. Did that not happen?


Once the time runs out then the hyjackers can't post. Unfortunately some evidently paid for months in advance before they knew if they would like the game so we are stuck with them.

Edited by Derfmiolleh
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Ah, I love this game. It's literally the only MMO that has ever been able to keep my attention all the way to max level. (And now I'm doing it again!) And with more content coming out in a month, I can't be more satisfied.
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I think he's trying to say that the unhappy people outnumber the happy.


On the forums that's certainly the case. But the side conversation that this guy injected himself into was about people that have canceled their subscription.

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Oh! i have another suggestion



Pazzak points and speeder racing points to unlock legacy talents?



might bring some additional diversity


That would be the only way they could add pazzak. Since they can't add gambling.

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I just wanted to say...MMO's don't save you much money.


You paid full price for the game, then an additional subscription fee every month. That already puts it way more expensive than any standard non-MMO game.


I really like this game though, I'm enjoying myself for the most part. I do find myself getting a little burned out levelling up though because a lot of it is the same thing, and without an LFG tool to break up the monotony then it does become a hell of a grind.


But still, this is a very fun game. It just has a lot of things it needs to improve.


Though the argument of "Other games didn't have an LFG tool to begin with and they took how long to impiment one?" doesn't hold water. The fact is back then no games had a proper LFG tool, now it comes as standard.

That's like saying "Well when houses were first built they didn't have electricity, it took them how long to invent it?"

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It's negative response bias. It's a proven tendency that people who dislike something are much more likely to comment. Add on to that the average player never even visits a forum you have a recipe for hate.


There is a difference between whining and complaining and constructive criticism. The difference is the goal. Criticism is given in the aim that it will improve or help. Whining is just done to complain or stir up issues. By all means offer criticism but what I can't stand is the one liners "this game sucks fanboy".


I don't think the game is perfect. No where near it. I have numerous complaints and areas where I think they could and should improve but the difference is I'm still interested in this game succeeding. If you no longer wish it to succeed then please just go away.


You're helping no one.

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Oh! i have another suggestion



Pazzak points and speeder racing points to unlock legacy talents?



might bring some additional diversity


Agreed. Just ingame gambling would be cool.


I think it would be nice if we could turn off class leveling experience gains, that way we could level slower and earn more Legacy with our alts. Making alts will be more fun as they add more legacy options such as races and maybe even gear.

Edited by Derfmiolleh
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Yeah. If it was points and not credits? we could earn points towards items or just earn legacy.


That would work. But you couldn't bet the points, you would just earn them for winning. And knowing BW you would get some for losing too.

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I can think of a few things that are good about it.


There's actually customisation to my character, and I'm not just talking about in looks but in personality. By having dialogue choices and Dark and Light side choices this means I can craft more of a persona to my char, their attitude and their morals.


The graphics are beautiful. All of the planets I've visited I've stopped just to look around quite often and really take in the breathtaking scenery.


Companions make so much of a difference whilst levelling, they help me to feel like there's an actual story to my character instead of just running around doing quests. Plus it's handy having that NPC to heal me or help DPS down a mob.


Space battles look fantastic and are a nice little mini-game to break up the monotony of grinding.


Crew Skills are so much more convenient than other MMO's professions. I don't have to take time out of questing to grind up my professions, instead I just send a companion or two off to do it for me.


There's more, and there's things that annoy me or disappoint me too.


Like I said, I really like the game, but I think there's much to be improved.

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I like the game over all, I like the Vo's, the stories, the are war zones, oh wait i am having fun, for me, is it perfect nope, no game is perfect, but I like Star Wars and Bioware games, two great tastes that taste great together,,:) the game wil lonly grow and expand, like all mmo's do, no mmo out today started where they are are currently..:)
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to OP and people of like mind, the same was being said of every MMO thats been released including WoW from the time it was released and probably just as much today. The phrase "haters are gonna hate" comes to mind. Edited by Kumakichi
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On the OP’s point about saving money:


He is correct that paying a $15 monthly subscription “saves” him money over the other options. It doesn’t save money in an absolute sense. But it is a savings in a relative sense. It’s a budgeting thing. If you plan to spend $60 and instead you spend $15 then you’ve saved $45 against the planned expense.


This is how politicians can propose ten year budgets that increase the debt by $6 Trillion and claim that they’ve saved $4 Trillion. In an absolute sense of course they haven’t. But compared to baseline projections they have.

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On the OP’s point about saving money:


He is correct that paying a $15 monthly subscription “saves” him money over the other options. It doesn’t save money in an absolute sense. But it is a savings in a relative sense. It’s a budgeting thing. If you plan to spend $60 and instead you spend $15 then you’ve saved $45 against the planned expense.


This is how politicians can propose ten year budgets that increase the debt by $6 Trillion and claim that they’ve saved $4 Trillion. In an absolute sense of course they haven’t. But compared to baseline projections they have.


Thank you for making that clear ;)

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