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This is an awesome game


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Let me start a thread on what i like about this game, and focus away from the negative!


1.)This game saves me money.

hard to believe right? but it does, it costs me 15 bucks a month. Normally i buy a new game for 60 dollars.


2.) This game is fully voice acted, WOW was all text which i hated for doing quests.

Nobody would pay any attention to what was going on


3.) Game is one of the best looking MMO's i have ever played.


4.)Game has been released for less than 3 months, and the support team is working hard to release content.


5.) good player base



Things i like and i want more of...


1.) more warzones i enjoy pvp


2.) faction reputations


3.) More lightsaber and weapon diversity.


What other positives can you think of?


And what would you like more of?

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I liked the companion system and the stories.


What i want more of at lvl 50:


More companion content and stories.



Both are brilliant and innovating (companions for Trade Skilling could be pretty good with a few more changes too).




However they should have expanded zones (or added extra-extra zones like the bonus quest ones) with just text based quests (there's more than a couple dotted about already), to help with re-playability.


Trying to voice 90% of quests just takes too long development-wise and narrows things down content-wise.

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Things I want more of?


Things that actually inspire players with a reason to collaborate.


A full featured guild interface.


Server transfers to address the scads of dead servers.


More and better emotes.


Chat bubbles.


Raids that aren't bugged to the point of frustrating people to the point they want to quit.


Space combat that isn't utterly hollow and forgotten. Notice how no one even mentions it? You could take it out of the game tomorrow and twelve people might care.


World pvp that was actually thought out well and isn't being effectively abandoned for the time being.


Shall I continue?

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I sense the OP is a younglin. Oh I wish I was pure like that again....


I think that's the biggest problem. People are seasoned and have HIGH expectations. If they saw it here, they want to see it there. There is no room for a company to make a unique game from the ground up.


I like this game, because I don't treat games like chores or obstacles that I need to tackle as quick as possible.


In addition to more huttball arenas, I want open world operations or 8 man heroics. Those quests would be shared by both factions, which would lead to some open world pvp for control of the heroic 8 man area.

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On the contrary, I did add what I wished for.


There are no other positives I can think of.


The fact that you played the game and are on these forums indicates the game doesn't totally suck.


Or you wouldn't even be discussing this with us.



Am i wrong?

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you wont fine someone here that is logical

these forums are like 4chan,and the dark force that Palpatine would fear to cross.


all that love to play the game are actually IN game and playing.


i love the game,and i will continiue to play it ;-) i cant thank more BW for this mmo.


what i would like :


More open areas ( not like the corridors of Naar shadaa,i would like to explore the city in fully scale )


more companion quests


i would like to see more motivation for doing HM's and contents. ( some ppl when they get their gear,stop doing even groups.)

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I think that's the biggest problem. People are seasoned and have HIGH expectations. If they saw it here, they want to see it there. There is no room for a company to make a unique game from the ground up.


I like this game, because I don't treat games like chores or obstacles that I need to tackle as quick as possible.


In addition to more huttball arenas, I want open world operations or 8 man heroics. Those quests would be shared by both factions, which would lead to some open world pvp for control of the heroic 8 man area.


I think there is room to be unique, bit this games failings do not come from that.


They come from execution. Simply having less features alone does not make the game unique. And they were always intended to be added, they just flat out couldn't get it done in time. They had no intentions of being all that unique.


I would ADORE the arrival of a truly new and compelling MMO experience. Something that can successfully combine the sandbox aspects of say star wars galaxies, with the themepark liveliness of say WoW, with the single server architecture of say EVE, the PVP of Ultima online, and the community interaction of EQ.


Someone needs to do that.

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Welcome to MMO's. Seriously. There is not one MMO in existence that doesn't have these problems. Looks like this isn't your genre.


I believe the problem is that the poster you responded to is still trying to pin why he doesn't like this game on those features. Truth of the matter is, there is just something about this game that pushes people away. I tried for the longest time to pin my disinterest on missing features, bugs, bad design, technical issues....but none of those really fit. Most of my guild has come to the realization that we have no idea why we don't like this game...we just don't.


Everyone knows that every MMO is always a work in progress...people are just looking for something to blame for their lack of entertainment.

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I don't care if the game is done better than WoW Vanilla (I was in vanilla WoW, and tbh this game is less impressive). The average, $15-a-month-paying gamer isn't going to sit back and be like "Just give them some time, the game's only been out for 3 months!"


3 months is 1/4 of a year.


That's a long time for there to still be this many game-crushing bugs. If you wanna know what bugs can do to a game, go check out DC Universe Online.


Planned features and promises are only worth so much. WoW is the king NOW, and SW:TOR is competing with it NOW. It chose to compete by having a subscription fee.


If you don't agree that classes are poorly designed, stop playing your Inquisitor/Warrior and look at the other classes/specs for once. At least vanilla-WoW rogues had proper openers and finishers, whereas Operatives don't even get their full rotation until late 30s (!!!).


If you like the game, fine. Go ahead and like it. But TECHNICALLY---that is, on an objective level, judging by content, technical prowess, working order, and etc.---the game is a massive letdown.

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This is why i tried to get positive feedback in order to find out what people enjoy about this game.



Will more than 2 posters give me some additional feedback that i requested?



please? :(

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This is why i tried to get positive feedback in order to find out what people enjoy about this game.



Will more than 2 posters give me some additional feedback that i requested?



please? :(


This is the first game where questing was the focus, that may be counted as a positive by many.


They delivered great story lines for each class, very immersive the first time you play through a faction.


They gave pets a little more substance, even if some of them were VERY annoying.


Not many more positives I can think of, but then again I haven't played in a long time.

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As someone who has been playing multiplayer games longer than most of you have been alive, I can say that this game was well thought out and executed. I like it so far..


Then again I don't race to level cap as if that lends me some kind of status..

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