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PvP & Pet Classes


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While I tend to play pet classes in other games, I can't see them being overly viable in this game. With the lack of fear, and nearly everyone having ranged attacks, a pet class player would probably be up to a lot of frustration in warzones.
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It's pvp not pvp&pet. All this game did was get it right. They made every class a pet class in pve and then at the same time found the perfect balance by not allowing any class a pet in pvp.


All they did was balance both sides of pve and pvp. If you need a advantage (pet) in pvp maybe you need more work on pvp combat.

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You may not like them but many have lots of fun playing Warlock, Frost Mage, Death Knight and Hunters just to name a few.


And as soon as they negatively effect balance this ruins far more peoples enjoyment.


No need for pet classes.

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A triple A MMO that is missing a lot of core features that have become a norm in MMO's.


How is it missing pets? Everyone has pets, they are just more useful here and are called companions.

Edited by Bobbyieboy
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A huge part of my attraction to Warlocks was the pet aspect, be it Demonology or Affliction. For PvP i had choices which is great!


Wouldn't a Beast Master type of class fit here!


Again this is PvP.


Seriously what is the point of companions? Just buff the player solo questing wise.


Companions were fun and nice but they seem like a gimmick now. Reach 50 and what use are they after you do the daily Heroic-if you group the companion is of little use any way.


So a leveling gimmick? That;s it?


Well sorry but I want to play a pet class...A real pet class..and ALL the time.

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No...I can't tame companions...I cant customize them with talent tree's, and they cant come into pvp or raids with me.


You can make then hate you or like you. You can turn abilities on and off. You can change out gear on them as you see fit, They can come into a raid with you if you want to gimp the raid and yeah no they can't come into pvp but that's this game balancing things for once.


The crew members are your companions. your not looking for a companion your looking for a advantage and nothing else.

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I would like seeing a pet class appear for pvp use. Not because I want some sort of pet advantage, whether real or fictional, but simply because it's an avenue of play unexplored by the game in warzones.


What if instead they just allowed the use of companions in pvp for everyone?

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