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Why are ppl slowly leaving...


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PvP sucks, PvE is boring, engine is weak and bugged, no new content => people leave. Also many doesn't believe 1.2 (aka +2 instances, +1 warzone) may save the game because our experience says it will be bugged, delayed, and exploited beyond any recognition.


Wait for +5-7 days: there is subscription deadline in March, 18 and many will leave. Including my toons.


I enjoy pvp in SWTOR actually .... PvE is just fine for me ... engine is fine and the game is no more buggy that I have seen other MMO's in the past. As for no new content ... the game is still NEW and they have a HUGE patch for 1.2 that would not typically be a free patch in previous games (see Everquest 2).


The MMO genre is getting away from most people now and THAT is the issue I see.

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For those who don't wish to do pvp or level alts there is nothing at all for them to do outside of raid time and that only lasts 2 hours a week.


Says something where a social pve guild like mine has morphed more into a pvp guild just for something to do, those guildies who enjoy it log on, those who do not like pvp are now seen very rarely. We are down to 1 ops group a week, had been running 2 but people have quit playing and we are struggling to find replacements.


Maybe 1.2 will change this for us...

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I enjoy pvp in SWTOR actually .... PvE is just fine for me ... engine is fine and the game is no more buggy that I have seen other MMO's in the past. As for no new content ... the game is still NEW and they have a HUGE patch for 1.2 that would not typically be a free patch in previous games (see Everquest 2).


The MMO genre is getting away from most people now and THAT is the issue I see.


Say what?


Adding in a few of the missing features they couldn't make in their rushed lauch wouldn't be free? Serious?


They are adding a warzone, and op, and partially adding some basic features that it's a disgrace to even imagine were left out.


I find the legacy stuff completely and utterly underwhelming.

Edited by savagepotato
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So you are on a high population server, that's very nice for you.


It doesn't change the reality for the dozen plus servers that are an abysmal pit of negativity which are bleeding more and more every day.


I am sure your server is bleeding too, and if it's not it is probably maintaining at the moment due to the few people that are bothering to reroll and stream in from dying servers.


Either way it doesn't change the obvious, the population as a whole is waning in interest, hard. You choose not to see the bigger picture because your portion of it is looking okay right now.

The only thing that is obvious is one's perception based on first-hand experience. So unless you physically play characters on those dozen plus servers that are an abysmal pit of negativity you mentioned, your testimony is based on ... what? What others are saying? An ezine article? Bunk server stats sites? Have you picked a side and are sticking to it?


It's been my experience that both fleet and planet pops during peak are about the same. What is increasing is the off-peak populations. Also, fleet pops fluctuate a ton during peak, bouncing between 100 and 175 or 200 seemingly within a span of minutes. I finally figured out that those numbers indicate parties entering and exiting flashpoints & Ops.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I enjoy pvp in SWTOR actually ....


Yes, I enjoy ilum too - just it lasts only 20 minutes now + my 1 year old computer is trying to set itself on fire due to overheating. And ilum will be removed in 1.2 + those 20 minutes daily doesn't worth subscription fee.


If only devs were smart enough to add 10 merc commendations per each ilum kill ...

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Say what?


Adding in a few of the missing features they couldn't make in their rushed lauch wouldn't be free? Serious?


They are adding a warzone, and op, and partially adding some basic features that it's a disgrace to even imagine were left out.


I find the legacy stuff completely and utterly underwhelming.


Indeed, you would think he never went to Ilum to see how badly that runs even on high end gaming pc's or never did the eternity vault to have soa bug out multiple times after they have "fixed" him so many times. That is just off the top of my head much more is broken.


To me the legacy stuff is underwhelming also, I mean the legacy requirments for unlocks just seem to low I cant believe it.

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