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i'm curious to find out what some of the reasons are that people vote someone for mvp.


there are games where i feel like was definitely a contender for mvp, if i single handedly ninjad a turrent which turned the tables and caused us to win, etc and i don't get a single vote and then other times i feel like i did an average job and get 3 votes.. i don't get it.


i usually vote for the a person very low on the list just to make them feel better about themselves, give them a little pat on the back support which is probably not the greatest way to do it. haha. but i always feel bad for them.


anyway, what are the reasons you vote for someone as the mvp?

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squeaky wheel gets the grease. No one knows you did a dang thing unless they see it on the final board.


Civil War - I vote for most Objective Points > Guarding > Healing

Voidstar - Healing > Guarding > Most deaths

Huttball - Vote for whoever got the least medals


all those are trumped by people leaving so i just vote for whoever is left.


And i dont vote on most losses unless it was close

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I vote for those I have seen contributing to the win, nothing else.


The mvp system is just for the fun of it. I often see well known players on my server not doing anything in the warzone and getting mvps every single warzone. The only thing they ever did was grind their *** of to get rank 70-80.

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squeaky wheel gets the grease. No one knows you did a dang thing unless they see it on the final board.



i usually call it out so everyones knows hahaha. i'll be like "ninja'd" right when we get it but it usually doesn't get me votes anyway.


but i mean cmon, if you turn the tide of the battle to get us to victory i think you should at least be considered for mvp so why not say something? hehe.


i think once i got mvp just cuz i was the only one who talked in the match.


i've been observing the votes trying to figure out how people vote for who and there doesn't seem to be any pattern with the exception of healing, i do see that top healers get alot of votes.

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I try to give my MVP vote to the person I see doing the most for us to win... that is generally not Killy McKillowitz running off to deathmatch away from the objectives... but in terms of just stats, I try to reward the guy with the most protection, healing or objective points or the person who takes the time to coordinate the effort in ops chat and actually gets a PUG to do it right.


Anyone who is ranting, insulting or acting like a d-bag during the match, however, gets no MVP no matter what numbers they put up.

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Before the only 4 medals count patch I would vote for whoever had the most medals. Now I vote for the second most important thing, the person with the most damage.


After they add objective medals - voting for person with most medals isn't bad idea but it will be always a healer or tank. I can get up to 6 medals in just 1 2 vs 2 fight with my Jugg.

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Anyone who is ranting, insulting or acting like a d-bag during the match, however, gets no MVP no matter what numbers they put up.


that gives me an idea, it would be cool to have like a d-bag sort of anti-mvp vote.

could be an eye opener for people like me who just go off and fight instead of watch the doors. :D

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Before the only 4 medals count patch I would vote for whoever had the most medals. Now I vote for the second most important thing, the person with the most damage.

Ha ha ha damage is not as important as you think. Im not suprized im mostly the only healer. Take a little just a little time to observe what ppl do dps without going after the ballcarier or preventing someone from capping well you know oh wait you dont... I heal/interupt caping/cc healer if I see any/chasing after allys who are not in line of sight most anoying thing btw and I get focused which makes it a lot harder for me than a dps. I wish I atleast didnt have to worry about the enemy capping since I have a lot on my plate but if I dont the enemy caps even with our dps around. Uf sry for this mess using my phone

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I always MVP a healer, i usually watch the top two healers and then MVP the second top healers cos the first always gets VP votes.


If there are no healers i will vote for the people ingame i saw fighting well regardless of their scores on the final table.


I never vote for the guy with the most medals.


BTW i'm a Maurader

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