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Arsenal tracer missile Nerf in 1.2


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Stacking Arsenal Mercs on purpose ... some of us don't want to exploit (even if it's not punishable) and actually don't need to. :p


the buffs stack, it is how it works, where do they call it an exploit? never hear that one, you may think it is OP if you want, but it is not an exploit unless you can show me where Bioware posted it is not working as intended.

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Working as intended might be a stretch, I would be highly suprised if they do not modify this in 1.2 or a subsequent patch to have HSM only scale off your personal heat signatures.


it isn't a HSM thing, "reduces armor rating by 4%" ... it is a raid wide damage buff

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What? I believe it was disproved that multiple heat signatures stack. However, sunder armor and Sniper debuff thing will apply additional armor penetration. You will see multiple copies of the same debuff graphically on the mob, but the effect is only 1 per type applied. Edited by Crestlin
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pvp is secondary in this game, it is a pve game.


Recent numbers showed there are over 6 million warzones played daily. This is far from just a PvE game.


This is why TM is being tweaked:


Yes, you will laugh at the video. And you'd probably be surprised by how many Mercs do this in PvP. I run up and pistol whip them with Quell, and they literally just stand there in shock because they don't know what to do next.


Personally, I don't think this is a nerf. Too many things rely on TM and it makes Arsenal Mercs very one dimensional and easy to counter. And for you PvEers out there, I don't know how you keep from falling asleep at the wheel while playing like this.



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Recent numbers showed there are over 6 million warzones played daily. This is far from just a PvE game.


This is why TM is being tweaked:


Yes, you will laugh at the video. And you'd probably be surprised by how many Mercs do this in PvP. I run up and pistol whip them with Quell, and they literally just stand there in shock because they don't know what to do next.


Personally, I don't think this is a nerf. Too many things rely on TM and it makes Arsenal Mercs very one dimensional and easy to counter. And for you PvEers out there, I don't know how you keep from falling asleep at the wheel while playing like this.




first question is where did you get your 6 million daily warzones info? a number like that requires backup


secondly it is so easy to kill a spamming BH that only spams that to complain about it means you are a baddy


thirdly i have no issues with revamping BH, i just have no faith that they will do it right and believe that it is to intricate of a change for them to do in the timeline they have set


fourthly yes the rotation is basic, it is 3 button mashing vs the 4 button or 5 button mashing most of the other classess get.


If they do it right i will be super happy,


so then thoughts on pvp... i dont know what you have played before, but WOW is not a pvp game either, this is a care bear game, not a pvp based game. There is a LOT of people out there wanting a good pvp game, so they are playing the pvp content (three warzones pfft) ...


the game may over time become a pvp game, but without any reasonable world pvp, and without any world consequences for pvp this game just is not a game designed for pvp. The hero engine will not allow 100 people into a zone without lagging so world pvp is pretty much out the window.


so you might ask what ARE pvp games... UO, Shadowbane, Eve, Darkfall, DAOC ... these were games designed as pvp being the central point with pve being secondary... SWTOR is a pve game with a pvp overlay because it is industry standard.


I would prefer that they slowly make this game a pvp game, where the pvp content > than pve but realistically right now with what 8 HM FP and 2 raids as well as dozens of dailes vs 3 warzones, illum and 2 dailies ... just because people play pvp does not mean this game was designed for it.

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All told, that is really a buff for Arsenal because it will reduce the effectiveness of interrupting Tracer Missile against Arsenal BHs in PvP.


This is actually a really good point, provided all else comes out equal. And I'm going to hold out faith in that for now.


I enjoy my Arsenal merc, and I loves me some Tracer Missile, but I sure do feel at times like I must be doing something wrong. Any balance that maintains overall viability while inviting me to press more buttons is something that'll make me happy.

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first question is where did you get your 6 million daily warzones info? a number like that requires backup


The numbers are out there, do your own homework. You're the one who said this isn't a PvP game, it's not my job to provide easymode for you.


secondly it is so easy to kill a spamming BH that only spams that to complain about it means you are a baddy


Yup. I must be a "baddy". Where exactly was I complaining? Your forum Kung Fu needs polished, son.


Any MMO published since WoW has been crap. WoW played to the lowest common denominator, and has produced a new breed of player who wants everything handed to them on a silver platter. Gone are the days of hard games or dedicated communities, because every Sally Secretary and Joe the Plumber plays MMOs these days, so the game has to be dumbed down enough to keep the average unemployed housewife subscribed.


SWTOR is so ridiculously easy, they might as well start everyone out at max level and give them a backpack full of top tier goodies and 2 million credits. The amount of "work" aka "time" spent getting to that point is minuscule anyway. Then we can all spend our days whining about how overpowered all the other classes are until we're all officially handed our very own, shiny, I WIN BUTTON.


By that time, the next MMO will come out and we can all move on to that and start the process over again. But we won't actually be playing. We'll spend more time on the forums talking about the good old days when MMOs were actually worth a damn.

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the buffs stack, it is how it works, where do they call it an exploit? never hear that one, you may think it is OP if you want, but it is not an exploit unless you can show me where Bioware posted it is not working as intended.


Probably wasn't explained enough, currently armor debuffs from all classes and multiple debuffs from the same class (see stacking Trooper/Bounty Hunter) are stacking.


The "exploit" I believe the person was implying was the increase in damage to your Heatseeker/Demolition Round per stack of armor debuff. 1 player = 5 stacks applied as a buff to your ability, 2 players = 10 stacks applied as a buff to your ability, 3 players = 15 stacks applied as a buff to your ability...you get the idea.


The point being, is that intended or not? Many guilds are taking advantage of it.


I've also been seeing some claims that this "exploit" has been fixed, any confirmation?

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I don't think the arsenal change is a nerf, so much as a change for how the class plays. BioWare hasn't stated they were unhappy with the numbers arsenals put out, just that they aren't happy with how they put out those numbers, too much of one power.


I wonder how many of them are PvP'ing because there's no PvE content..


That'd be me!

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I don't think the arsenal change is a nerf, so much as a change for how the class plays. BioWare hasn't stated they were unhappy with the numbers arsenals put out, just that they aren't happy with how they put out those numbers, too much of one power.




That'd be me!



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