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Star Wars: The Old Republic Mobile Security Key for ANDROID


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iOS runs on PMPs, Android doesn't.


Technically that isn't true. There are some out there that do run on Android. They're just ...well, they are what they are. But your point stands. Just wanted to throw that out there since I've been looking for one that suits my needs and found several Android PMPs...just none I want.


Carry on.

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Because the Apple store is better that the Android Market. Period.


And I'm not biased. I have an iPad 2 and an HTC Evo 3D phone. So I use both products. I can order stuff from the Apple store no problem. Never had an issue buying any apps at all. Android Market had recent sales where they were doing $.10 apps. They wouldn't accept my payment. I e-mailed their customer service and got a form letter response. I complained about that and it got escalated. They told me they were aware of the problem, as a lot of people were experiencing it, and they would get back to me. They never did.


I've also used both extensively.


Sadly, totally, utterly true. I don't WANT to like i-stuff, but I do. I like Android, too, but you're right that it has issues you won't generally see on iPhones and iPods.

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FYI your Info page at:




There are two types of Star Wars: The Old Republic Security Key available:


The Physical Security Key comes free with the Collector’s Edition of Star Wars: The Old Republic, and is available for purchase online, or through selected retail partners.

The Mobile Security Key is available for the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and certain Android and Blackberry devices.


I spent some time looking for the Android app after reading that, but now see it is not yet available.



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Is there a way to have multiple devices have the ability to generate a code? I have an ipod i did my registration with, and now i want to use the authenticator app on my ipad (or maybe my android phone when the app comes next week), but i cannot find the section on the website for me to generate another code. It just seems to ask if i want to secure my web browser with the security key.


And if it is not possible to have multiple authentication devices, how do we remove the current device to add a different one?

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They're working on it, as stated. Don't know what's with all the whining.


I'm not going to see if there indeed has been a WP7 authenticator thread made and just suggest that people wanting that, would probably get more attention to the specific device if they made a thread entitled with Windows Phone 7, instead of posting in a thread with "ANDROID" in it... just saying.


More like it's easier to develop for iOS in that developers know exactly what specs their users will have, rather than trying to account for the many, many different phones running android.


Just takes a bit longer is all ;)


Mostly true, but Authenticator isn't that intensive on hardware, as previously stated. You'd think they'd be on top of making an android app, but I'm sure some executive somewhere put iOS top priority because of the popularity of iOS, and a device like iPod touch makes it farther reaching. Wonder if the app works on the multi-touch nano?

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I think most of you guys are misunderstanding the fundamentals here. Think of your computer. Why do some people with computer games have graphical glitches, but the same game on a console like the ps3 rarely ever suffers from similar glitches? Because every ps3 out there is mass produced and running on the same hardware, whereas computers are different in every house. The computers require different drivers to pass information through the different components in the computer, and that information routing can change to some degree depending on what hardware you have. This affects how the program must be written, and requires MORE coding to make it blanket the entire market of pc's.


The same is true of this debate. Iphones all have the same hardware, sure different generations have different hardware, but all iphone 4's are running on the same processor. With androids, you have different processors, different amounts of memory, different mainboards that are setup by different manufactureres. The android app will require more coding to be compatible with all of these. If they pushed out an app without developing it correctly, you would have some people who could run it just fine, and other people who would get nothing but crashes.


Personally, i applaud them for not pushing the app out before its ready and frustrating half their smartphone using fanbase.

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I think most of you guys are misunderstanding the fundamentals here. Think of your computer. Why do some people with computer games have graphical glitches, but the same game on a console like the ps3 rarely ever suffers from similar glitches? Because every ps3 out there is mass produced and running on the same hardware, whereas computers are different in every house. The computers require different drivers to pass information through the different components in the computer, and that information routing can change to some degree depending on what hardware you have. This affects how the program must be written, and requires MORE coding to make it blanket the entire market of pc's.....


This is true of games which push hardware to its limits and have much more complex code that digs deep into hardware's capabilities. This is not a game, its code generator that as we can see can be run on a $4 key fob, it needs very basic system calls and even a dumbphone's level of hardware could handle it, so there is no need for optimization. The only thing I will give them credit for is that it seems they are building on top of another app, so that has its own peculiarities, however, the app is out for both iphone and android so the hole thing is still a bit sketchy.

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They're not bad phones. I had one for a long time before switching carriers. Don't knock it until you try it. :p


I agree, a lot of people are put off of Windows Phones because of Windows Mobile 6 which was an awful operating system.


Windows Phone 7 is a totally separate system.

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Android users will get the app soon enough.


Patience is key. It is easier to develop for the iOS platform than Android so no wonder iOS got the app first.


(written by a iPhone user wanting everyone to have a good experience, how hard was that people ?)

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People need to just get some perspective. If the Android app came out first, then the iPhone people would be complaining. And it's all stupid because, and I remind everyone, the game isn't even OUT yet. It's still in early access!


So be patient. You know for fact that BioWare is working on an Android solution, and they hoped it would be ready for launch by the 20th. Even if it isn't, clearly it's a priority for them, and it will be out as soon as it's ready.


There's no conspiracy going on folks...it'll be out when it's good and ready. Decisions are made for all kinds of reasons, and it's foolish if you think you know why the iPhone app was done ahead of the Android one. There's probably all sorts of factors that went into the decision that you don't know about because, well, you don't WORK for them.


Short answer: there's nothing you can do to change the situation, so be patient and it'll come. :)



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More like it's easier to develop for iOS in that developers know exactly what specs their users will have, rather than trying to account for the many, many different phones running android.


Just takes a bit longer is all ;)


so you tell us that a company that can make a great MMO game cant make an Android application easy?

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