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Free transfers in the future?


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After dealing with blizzard for about 7years in wow I can tell you being 97% sure that server transfers will be mid May for The general population and they will NOT be free. I am 99% sure on that part. Right before Summer your average player tend to have more funds. Summer and Xmas are an MMOs best time to market new items. They know if they go with mid may they will make bank. As with any business it's all about the marketing.


Yea def agree about charging for transfers, it makes sense. They would have to add in new content to make this available and it would cost them money, so charging for transfers is not out of the question or a bad move on their part, it makes sense. I just am just extremely ready to be able to have my characters back together to make this family legacy a better experience for me, and like i stated aboe it was my fault for changing servers to begin with. It was my lack of knowledge and study into the sytem that caused me to change servers so i understand a fee for transfers and would be more than willing to pay. I just dont want it to be put off for a long time because patch 1.2 comes out in a few hours and id like my family tree to be ready and functioning like i wanted it too asap. If i have to wait a half a year for this to happen it would kind of defeat the whoel purpose for me because in that amount of time i could have restarted everything, but i dont want o do that. I like my characters i have now and want them to part of my family again as soon as possible. Id really like this to be TORs new focus after 1.2 so people could begin getting ready to complete what they started.

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After dealing with blizzard for about 7years in wow I can tell you being 97% sure that server transfers will be mid May for The general population and they will NOT be free. I am 99% sure on that part. Right before Summer your average player tend to have more funds. Summer and Xmas are an MMOs best time to market new items. They know if they go with mid may they will make the most profit. As with any business decision it's all about the marketing. So mid may. Maybe just a tad sooner.


Not to mention they'll have the nice shiny legacy sytem to wave in your face, making you want to pay to transfer and consolidate your chars into a busy server all under the same legacy.

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Not to mention they'll have the nice shiny legacy sytem to wave in your face, making you want to pay to transfer and consolidate your chars into a busy server all under the same legacy.


i think its reasonable to charge for tranfers, it takes the developers time and money to make transfers happen so charginf for transfers is necessary in my point of view and im more than willing to pay in order to have the game experience i intended to have, but cant becaus ei made the mistake of not doing enough research when i got the game on everything, i just jumped into the first server i saw and after i reached lvl 50 realized that the server was not the kind of server i wanted to be on so i switched, That was my fault not theirs. So again i think there is nothing unreasonable for them to charge for transfers.

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#1) Character Transfers will (IMO) help build the guilds and community aspect of this game. If i join a guild or want to game and quest with others it would be nice to take a character i have put a lot of time and dare i say Money into developing to the server a guild i want or am joining plays on or a group of friends plays on.


- for some of us it costs or is going to cost many months of subscription payments to level up and get to really develop one character let alone 2 or 3 and thats just due to life in general. jobs, kids..the usual stuff. I personally (and i know im not alone) do not have the time or free hours to join another server and grind my way back up to a decent level where i am a help to the group or guild and i certainly do not want all the hours and money i already invested to sit by the way side going to waste. + you become attached to a character and a role and become very adept at using it.


#2) they could implement a system of free and pay system transfers.


My idea would be 1 free move every 30 days and up to a maximum of 1 per week. If you move more then every 30 days then you pay for those extra moves ..if you can wait for 30 days then you can get the move for free. It allows players to make a move..but those that want to server hop like bunnies have to fork up a little cash for the extras.



Server transfers is not just needed but IMO most definitely necessary.


I am playing mostly on Droogas pleasure barge. I played pretty much non stop on the 2 day trial and now have purchased the game and a subscription. But i prefer an East coast server-lower ping-..(for some reason i chose a west coast one) and would love to move my player to a reasonably populated server closer to me. the ability to interact with more people and get in groups more often really enhances my whole swtor experience and this alone will keep me paying out for subscriptions.


If i feel at some time its just not worth the time and effort and money to grind my way back up a new character on a new server i'd rather cut my losses , save some money and walk away from the game which really isnt something i want to have to consider if the server i am currently on see's its population drop to a point i cant find anyone to group with.

Edited by CrazyCanukk
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After dealing with blizzard for about 7years in wow I can tell you being 97% sure that server transfers will be mid May for The general population and they will NOT be free. I am 99% sure on that part. Right before Summer your average player tend to have more funds. Summer and Xmas are an MMOs best time to market new items. They know if they go with mid may they will make the most profit. As with any business decision it's all about the marketing. So mid may. Maybe just a tad sooner.


LOL, if we don't get at least one free transfer a character, I can assure you they will lose far more in residual income then they will from the character transfer fees.

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i think its reasonable to charge for tranfers, it takes the developers time and money to make transfers happen so charginf for transfers is necessary in my point of view and im more than willing to pay in order to have the game experience i intended to have, but cant becaus ei made the mistake of not doing enough research when i got the game on everything, i just jumped into the first server i saw and after i reached lvl 50 realized that the server was not the kind of server i wanted to be on so i switched, That was my fault not theirs. So again i think there is nothing unreasonable for them to charge for transfers.


I have to commend you for taking accountability for your own actions!!! It is amazing how many people want to blame anyone and anything other then themselves for THEIR OWN mistakes. While I would understand if they charged for server transfers there there are a few reasons I believe that they should not charge for them or atleast the first transfer. While some did not do research on the servers I had, I was on 8 different servers from starting fromt he early release to a few weeks after launch. I chose 2 servers one for Imp's and one for Pub's, both based on the community and the number of people on a server at a given time. However that number of people under no control of my own has dwindled to a nearly permenant Light server population. Also I chose 2 because I did not believe they would allow so many cross faction advantages so quickly in the game( as of 1.2) because many other games I had played did not allow it unlit late in its evolution or not at all. With that in mind I would hope they allow transfers for possibly the first 30 days or so to be free make it a huge deal about join with your friends and make new ones, blah blah advertising stuff and then once most people that wanted to transfer because of a similar dissatisfaction has done so, then start to charge for the people that are just changing to be changing.

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LOL, if we don't get at least one free transfer a character, I can assure you they will lose far more in residual income then they will from the character transfer fees.


I think you hit the nail on the head, atleast the first transfer or first week/month they implement transfers NEEDS to be free many people feel the same way and outside of the small % of hardcore gamers the casual mmo player would not want nor have time to re-roll just becuase their server is very low/dead they will play til they are happy with what they accomplished then shelve the game and cancel their sub, as if it were any other single player game!

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I think you hit the nail on the head, atleast the first transfer or first week/month they implement transfers NEEDS to be free many people feel the same way and outside of the small % of hardcore gamers the casual mmo player would not want nor have time to re-roll just becuase their server is very low/dead they will play til they are happy with what they accomplished then shelve the game and cancel their sub, as if it were any other single player game!


Indeed. I am ALL for EA charging for subsequent transfers. I know RIFT allows for free every month, and I'd be happy if EA did this too, but I think Trion is nuts and doing what they can to keep propping up an intellectual property no one cares about.


I wouldn't hold it against EA at all if they charged 10-15 bucks a transfer after each character currently created gets one freebie. at that point it's on the user if they want to leave their second server.

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I have to commend you for taking accountability for your own actions!!! It is amazing how many people want to blame anyone and anything other then themselves for THEIR OWN mistakes. While I would understand if they charged for server transfers there there are a few reasons I believe that they should not charge for them or atleast the first transfer. While some did not do research on the servers I had, I was on 8 different servers from starting fromt he early release to a few weeks after launch. I chose 2 servers one for Imp's and one for Pub's, both based on the community and the number of people on a server at a given time. However that number of people under no control of my own has dwindled to a nearly permenant Light server population. Also I chose 2 because I did not believe they would allow so many cross faction advantages so quickly in the game( as of 1.2) because many other games I had played did not allow it unlit late in its evolution or not at all. With that in mind I would hope they allow transfers for possibly the first 30 days or so to be free make it a huge deal about join with your friends and make new ones, blah blah advertising stuff and then once most people that wanted to transfer because of a similar dissatisfaction has done so, then start to charge for the people that are just changing to be changing.


well thanks i guess lol :p I mean i know its my fault i have no reason to lie, wont do me any good in this situation so i mean.... but yea i see what has been going on alot of blaming everyone else instead of just saying they made a mistake lol

And too the guy 2 posts above yours that is a horrible idea. Bioware has to make money in order to continue to run a game of this quality. This game way outdoes any other games ive ever played and some may disagree but i know alot was put into this game to make us, the community, happy, and it takes alot of time and money for the upkeep on this game to keep it going. I would welcome a free transfer sure, but i dont think its necessary at all, and im more than understand charging for server transfers no matter the price. I messed up a bunch of times because i was so excited about playing this game that i overlooked alot of things in the begining and wish i could change alot of things i did but i cant so im not cryin about it.

But server transfers = GOOD alot of us could use them to fix our mistakes either way. I think the main goal should be to get server transfers for us not to argue on whos fault it is or what you think you deserve.... you didnt make the game, you dont keep the game going, and you dont make the new features that the game requires for upkeep, so ill leave al lthe decisions in the hands of the developers.

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And too the guy 2 posts above yours that is a horrible idea. Bioware has to make money in order to continue to run a game of this quality. This game way outdoes any other games ive ever played and some may disagree but i know alot was put into this game to make us, the community, happy, and it takes alot of time and money for the upkeep on this game to keep it going. I would welcome a free transfer sure, but i dont think its necessary at all, and im more than understand charging for server transfers no matter the price. I messed up a bunch of times because i was so excited about playing this game that i overlooked alot of things in the begining and wish i could change alot of things i did but i cant so im not cryin about it.



it was just an idea..


no need to tear my face off and wiping your arse with it for just having an opinion...i didn't state my opinion in a mean or nasty way..it was just a thought i figured i would share.


I am more then aware a company needs to make money..i own my own company and am painfully aware of this.


I thought the 1 move every 30 days and charging for any more to a set maximum was a good compromise. Maybe extend the free move to every 90 days.


Personally i don't care either way. I'd pay to have my character moved and have no issue with them charging for the service at all.


Personally i think that is something that should be made clear to newcomers though when they sign up for a free trial or buy a subscription that they should chose there servers carefully since there currently is no Character moves and playing on a new server requires starting a new character. Information and communication are key..and Bioware didnt communicate this very well at all. I can say knowing this would have most definitely made me make a more informed choice about which server i was going to log into before i did.

Edited by CrazyCanukk
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Quite simply put to make this as succinct as possible:


Low server populations will result in more people quitting the game than any other currently available variable. Server mergers, cross server warzones or some way of repopulating servers have to be the number 1, biggest priority for SWTOR at this time.

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I wouldn't support free server transfers, more like 20-30$ fee for it, that it doesnt get abused. Although server merges would be absolutely nice. There would be no problem having 5-10 european servers rather then 50+



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it was just an idea..


no need to tear my face off and wiping your arse with it for just having an opinion...i didn't state my opinion in a mean or nasty way..it was just a thought i figured i would share.


I am more then aware a company needs to make money..i own my own company and am painfully aware of this.


I thought the 1 move every 30 days and charging for any more to a set maximum was a good compromise. Maybe extend the free move to every 90 days.


Personally i don't care either way. I'd pay to have my character moved and have no issue with them charging for the service at all.


Personally i think that is something that should be made clear to newcomers though when they sign up for a free trial or buy a subscription that they should chose there servers carefully since there currently is no Character moves and playing on a new server requires starting a new character. Information and communication are key..and Bioware didnt communicate this very well at all. I can say knowing this would have most definitely made me make a more informed choice about which server i was going to log into before i did.


i wasnt trying to rip your arse bud lol, i was just sayin i dont think the idea of free transfers will ever work thats all i was trying to get across

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They have servers that are severely lacking in population. Allowing people to transfer off of those servers at no cost would result in completely dead servers. They have stated they will not merge servers in the near future, so you can conclude you will not get a free transfer off of them either. As for a paid transfer, I sure hope they have package deals, since they have this whole Legacy thing set up.


I simply rerolled and I will play my Bounty Hunter again in 6 months when my server is down to 15 Imps online at prime time, and they are forced to do something or laughed at by every major MMO review site.

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I am having trouble staying interested in this game until I can transfer some of my characters. While I know it is my own fault that I ended up spread across a couple different servers, Bioware did do a couple things to encourage this.


1. Guilds were assigned to a server. I started on a server because of a guild, but quite a few of those people have left, and now I'm on a server I never really wanted to be on with my highest level characters.


2. I am a West Coast player playing on an East Coast server. In many MMO's, that would not be a big deal, but for some reason the added latency makes a bigger deal in TOR. The game play is much smoother when I play on a west coast server, but again my highest characters are stuck on the east coast.


3. Those pretty large queue's at launch had a lot of people trying alternative servers. I take some responsibility here, as we all should for our impatience, but it still would be nice if Bioware helped us out with that.


4. The Legacy system encourages playing both factions on one server. I don't know if the information was out there at release, but I had no idea that my legacy name and XP would carry over on both factions. It is really different than many other MMO's, where it is almost encouraged to use a different server when playing other factions.


So I really hope they allow server transfers soon. I understand the biggest hurdle is the Legacy system, but I don't even care if the legacy xp gets transfered over, and I have no problem changing the names if they aren't available on a new server. If they just allow each character one free move, it will make my experience a ton better, and I don't see how that can be exploited.

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Quite simply put to make this as succinct as possible:


Low server populations will result in more people quitting the game than any other currently available variable. Server mergers, cross server warzones or some way of repopulating servers have to be the number 1, biggest priority for SWTOR at this time.


This is the why i'm quiting. Love the game, made chars on 3 servers, each one of theme were very high at the time of toon creation. So not willing to do this anymore.

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Right, it's not our fault our servers are dead now. It's Bioware's fault, honestly.


I still mostly enjoy the game, but there is no way I'm paying to transfer. I'd just assume spend my time and money elsewhere, if this is how I'd be treated as a 'valued' customer.

Edited by islander
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i know one thing, now that ive seen and messed around a little with the new stuff in 1.2 i now more than ever want to have server transfers so i can put my family together. I really hope they do it soon or like someone just said that they were losing interest in the gsame, i wont lose complete interest but it def makes me want to play less.
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Quite simply put to make this as succinct as possible:


Low server populations will result in more people quitting the game than any other currently available variable. Server mergers, cross server warzones or some way of repopulating servers have to be the number 1, biggest priority for SWTOR at this time.


I had two subs; both cancelled as of today. I have a lot of gripes about different things in this game. However, no MMO will ever be perfect; and the gripes I had were tolerable.




  • playing with the same 20 people
  • having 10+ minute WZ queues
  • being unable to find a FP let alone an Ops group
  • having a completely dead GTN
  • no world PvP


....is game-breaking. I was planning on playing both GW2 and this game; however, I've grown so sick of this game due to the above listed things that I'd probably need a free server transfer for all of my toons on the same dead server to even consider re-subbing.

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I had two subs; both cancelled as of today. I have a lot of gripes about different things in this game. However, no MMO will ever be perfect; and the gripes I had were tolerable.




  • playing with the same 20 people
  • having 10+ minute WZ queues
  • being unable to find a FP let alone an Ops group
  • having a completely dead GTN
  • no world PvP


....is game-breaking. I was planning on playing both GW2 and this game; however, I've grown so sick of this game due to the above listed things that I'd probably need a free server transfer for all of my toons on the same dead server to even consider re-subbing.


Unfortunately I think we will be seeing more and more of this now that 1.2 is out without server transfers. I wont quit but ive had alot of problems with guild recently and cant seem to find one that is clicked up and is genuinly nice and helpful to new players joining, at least with the more hardcore guild for RAIDing or PVP. Which has forced me to be guildless and the game is alot less fun with noone to play with and talk to on vent/mumble/team speak wutever. All that on top of the server transfer problems is putting a dampening on my SWTOR spirit as well. I really hope they do something about server Transfers soon

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