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Please no more Warcraft terms.


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(I quoted this one as it's the most polite)


And I have asked, and they've defined it for me. I respect these terms, and now after 50 levels, I under stand them (I've actually said "taunt" during a flashpoint).


And I know they aren't WoW terms, I just said that as that's probably the most popular MMO currently. And it's not about me, it's about the new players. This is my first MMO, and I only half-understood them because I started a thread like back in augest asking about it.


Ps- and my apoalgiseis, I had no idea Jedi guardians literrly had "taunt". I'm a sith assassin, and my aggro-grab or "taunt", is called mind control/mass mind control. Not exactly a TAUNT...


SWTOR, like WoW before it, is an indoctrinary MMO. The new players will play this, someone will say 'Dungeon' instead of 'Flashpoint', they'll be like 'LOL DUNGEON' and someone in their group will inform them of the generally accepted MMO vernacular.


When someone who's played SWTOR, months or years from now, tries another MMO, they won't have to relearn their vernacular for the sake of the injected jargon of the new game.


Believe it or not, every single MMO has to come up with new names for ****. Dungeons, Instances, Flashpoints, Warzones, Battlegrounds, Warfronts, etc etc etc. Some standardization is bound to occur, because those of us that have been playing MMOs for a while (12 years here) are old hat to all the new jargon that comes along every time someone wants to do something the same as what's been going on for the last decade but wants to make it sound new.

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This thread is cute.


In a 'baby's first MMO' kind of way. :p


You do realize, for this to be true, we would need both a baby, and it be there first MMO?


This is not my first MMO, and im quiete a few years off "baby"...

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<Anti "Warcraft" list of terms was here>


I wont lecture you, but, please, for other player's gaming experience, use standard terms to help people learn how the game works.:D



I'll return the favor and won't lecture you, but none of those terms are Warcraft terms, they're MMO terms. Anyone who has played an MMO prior to this game will know those terms. Anyone who plays an MMO after this game will still know and recognize those terms. New MMO players will learn them. They're universal.

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To the OP --


didn't read the whole thread. The tone of your post simply suggests that you do not like any reference to WoW or Warcraft judging by the title of the thread. All of these terms are universally accepted MMO lingo.


The WOW hate that boils over in general chat amuses me, especially when people casually mention WOW or make an observation comparing this game to it. You get someone who always screeches, "GO BACK TO YOUR PANDAS WE DON'T WANT YOU!". I just have to wonder why they are so mad?


I guess I played it for years and so all of the references to it don't bother me and I actually GET them. I now find WOW tiresome. I can see how all of the attention it gets HERE can irritate those who aren't familiar with it.

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It can be utterly confusing. I ask you to please cut down on them, as they can be annoying. Some things I do and do not like are below-

Bad slang: :mad:

"Raids"- Why is it so hard to say Ops? It can be incredibly confusing to a new player.

"Taunts"- I am tank-specced and I had NO idea where "taunts" come from, and took forever for me to learn that it's just to grab the attention of the enemy.

"Mobs"- Where does this come from for NPCs? It's the most random name so far.

"Instance"- Don't really have a problem with this one, yet I'm not sure where it comes from, it seems just like an odd term.

"Dungeons"- I assume you mean Flashpoints, and you can not have a worse term. Since when is being in deep space, while being under attack by an enemy cruiser, a "dungeon"?

"Pets"- A companion is a NPC sidekick, not a pet. For pets, see mouse droids, and other droids. I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO CALLS MY COMPANION A PET!!

"Spells"- They are ENTIRELY unrelated to Force Powers. People consider Grenades spells!

"Adds"- I just don't like this one- I prefer to say "backup", for the boss.

"CC"- I understood it was for Crowd Control, but a more accurate term is stuns.

"DPS" (person)- That just doesn't make sense, how can a person be considered damage per second? Perhaps a better term is Damage Dealer.

Slang I'm fine with::)

"Aggro"- I don't like the term, but it's the only term i know of to get attention of NPCs.

"Tank"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"DPS" (damage)- Although we rarely mean "Damage Per SECOND", it is useful to understand.

"HP"- Hitpoints, or health. No problem here.


I wont lecture you, but, please, for other player's gaming experience, use standard terms to help people learn how the game works.:D



I agree with you on: raids, dungeons, pets and maybe spells. Maybe. Everything else is either not form warcraft or makes sense. I mean if you know the definition of taunt or mobs...you know what that means!

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In MMO vernacular, a Pet is an NPC that aids you in combat, either by helping you do damage or by tanking for you. Companions ARE pets in this regard.


Mouse droids are Vanity Pets or Noncombat pets. Difference.


Also, Gunnery Commandos and Arsenal Mercs are the MMO definition of a spellcaster, gun or not. They're ranged, they have a mix of instants, channels, and cast-time spells, they're a spellcaster.


Crowd Control abilities aren't stuns. Stuns are a form of Crowd Control, but most of the time CC is a designation for long-form crowd control used as a pacification tool to remove a mob entirely from combat for a lengthy period of time. Another word used commonly for this is Mez, for the Mesmerize spell employed in Everquest.


Bringing a dead player back to life is a Rez, short for Resurrection, another old spell name.


Nobody cares if you don't like these or not, or how accurate you think they are. Applying real world logic to MMO Jargon doesn't matter.

Edited by Onager
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I fear the original poster is trying to kill the result rather than the cause; So in effect it's not the wow terms we/he wants rid of... it's the actual wow community. Regardless of the origins looking at and summing up his OP it would be deemed that this would proliferate these terms.


Which is a logical mindset looking at the title and reason for the thread.

Edited by Caspian_Rho
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It can be utterly confusing. I ask you to please cut down on them, as they can be annoying. Some things I do and do not like are below-

Bad slang: :mad:

"Raids"- Why is it so hard to say Ops? It can be incredibly confusing to a new player.

"Taunts"- I am tank-specced and I had NO idea where "taunts" come from, and took forever for me to learn that it's just to grab the attention of the enemy.

"Mobs"- Where does this come from for NPCs? It's the most random name so far.

"Instance"- Don't really have a problem with this one, yet I'm not sure where it comes from, it seems just like an odd term.

"Dungeons"- I assume you mean Flashpoints, and you can not have a worse term. Since when is being in deep space, while being under attack by an enemy cruiser, a "dungeon"?

"Pets"- A companion is a NPC sidekick, not a pet. For pets, see mouse droids, and other droids. I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO CALLS MY COMPANION A PET!!

"Spells"- They are ENTIRELY unrelated to Force Powers. People consider Grenades spells!

"Adds"- I just don't like this one- I prefer to say "backup", for the boss.

"CC"- I understood it was for Crowd Control, but a more accurate term is stuns.

"DPS" (person)- That just doesn't make sense, how can a person be considered damage per second? Perhaps a better term is Damage Dealer.

Slang I'm fine with::)

"Aggro"- I don't like the term, but it's the only term i know of to get attention of NPCs.

"Tank"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"DPS" (damage)- Although we rarely mean "Damage Per SECOND", it is useful to understand.

"HP"- Hitpoints, or health. No problem here.


I wont lecture you, but, please, for other player's gaming experience, use standard terms to help people learn how the game works.:D


Ok...I am going to agree with some of your complaints, but most of them are really really petty complaints.


I agree that it isn't hard to refer to Operations, Flashpoints and even Heroics by the term the game uses, rather than Raids and Dungeons.

I will also agree that Companions are not Pets.

SWTOR abilities are not spells. Even force users are not using spells, they are using the force, and no I am not going to get into the whole thing that there isn't alot of difference between force abilities and spells.


But, the following terms are you being really petty and rediculous over:

Instance, comes from parts of the game are instanced sections, which only yourself and your party/group can enter together. This is a perfectly fine term and should be used.

Mobs, again is a perfectly fine term to refer to hostile NPC's, especially in SWTOR where many of the hostile NPC's are a small mob of enemies.

Adds, again this is a perfectly acceptable term as it is generally used as a warning or announcement of additional mobs have been brought into combat. Calling them backups can also create confusion as some may think that your asking the group to backup as a tactical maneuver.

CC, as you said it is shorthand for Crowd Control. This is not just Stuns, as it also includes snares, traps, slows, etc... Also as some people don't know exactly what kind of CC a class may have it is of course much much easier to refer to it as CC or Crowd Control so that the individual knows what you want.

Taunt, from what I can recall this may have originated with P&P DnD, where there was an ability called Taunt, which was described as verbal taunting of a hostile to get it to focus its attacks on you. Obviously this has then transferred through MMO's as a easy method of asking the tank to pick up agro on a mob.


At the end of the day the short hand terms that we use in games are generally for the ease of use and the quickness of getting it out. If in a Op and something is going wrong you want to be able to get the warning or message out as quickly as possible over Voice Coms or text. Especially in text when you have seconds to get the message out a single word of ADDS lets the tanks know that there are additional creatures to grab, that are likely to be picking off their healers. Same thing it is quicker to type "CC that add" rather than "Crowd Control that additional npc".


Last thing I will add...if you don't like the terms that people use, that is your call/issue. Either find a collection of people who feel the same as you and group together, become friends, form a guild, and you can enjoy you game your way. But it isn't worth complaining to the entire community.

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I fear the original poster is trying to kill the result rather than the cause; So in effect it's not the wow terms we/he wants rid of... it's the actual wow community. Regardless of the origins looking at and summing up his OP it would be deemed that this would proliferate these terms.


Which is a logical mindset looking at the title and reason for the thread.


I think it's the case that the OP's first MMO was WOW. Those terms have been around a lot longer than WOW.

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I think it's the case that the OP's first MMO was WOW. Those terms have been around a lot longer than WOW.


this is true i think. I have noticed tho that OP have not answered to this thread now for a long time... it keeps going only on other posts... I get the feeling that he have accepted his defeat :cool:

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In MMO vernacular, a Pet is an NPC that aids you in combat, either by helping you do damage or by tanking for you. Companions ARE pets in this regard.


Mouse droids are Vanity Pets or Noncombat pets. Difference.


Also, Gunnery Commandos and Arsenal Mercs are the MMO definition of a spellcaster, gun or not. They're ranged, they have a mix of instants, channels, and cast-time spells, they're a spellcaster.


Crowd Control abilities aren't stuns. Stuns are a form of Crowd Control, but most of the time CC is a designation for long-form crowd control used as a pacification tool to remove a mob entirely from combat for a lengthy period of time. Another word used commonly for this is Mez, for the Mesmerize spell employed in Everquest.


Bringing a dead player back to life is a Rez, short for Resurrection, another old spell name.


Nobody cares if you don't like these or not, or how accurate you think they are. Applying real world logic to MMO Jargon doesn't matter.




Without a doubt, the BEST response in this entire thread!! As far as CC goes...Look at it like the difference between Jacuzzi's(Stun) vs hot tubs(Crowd Control). ALL Jacuzzi's are hot tubs, but not all Hot tubs are Jacuzzi's! CC is generally termed for ALL abilities that take an enemy out of consideration.....if only temporarily.

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