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BH nerf confirmed


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I dnt really care what they do to tm I only use it long enough to stack my heat sigs, any merc who relies solely on tm dies easily.... What we need is something to make us more effective in 1v1 pvp... Coz right now merc is lacking in that area... We have very little defense/survivabilty
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Honestly if they change it to where I can use more than just TM to the same effect (around the same DPS in both pve and pvp) and somehow make it an alright switch to learning how to play the class again, I won't have that much of a problem with it.


I'd like to be able to have a little more variety with Arsenal Merc, even in raids it's the same thing over and over. If they can make the class more mobile without affecting DPS by much I say go for it.


You know you can reroll other classes? if you feel like bounty hunters are to "simple". I don't see anything wrong with some classes are more "simpel" then other's, makes game more interesting.

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I will laugh so hard when they will nerf BH to **** and not touch sorc, because 75% of their playerbase plays a sorc. I'm currently leveling a sorc alt, I guess it will pwn even harder after the 1.2 nerf. Too bad I won't be able to play my merc anymore, it was really cool.
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I will laugh so hard when they will nerf BH to **** and not touch sorc, because 75% of their playerbase plays a sorc. I'm currently leveling a sorc alt, I guess it will pwn even harder after the 1.2 nerf. Too bad I won't be able to play my merc anymore, it was really cool.


No patch notes, no specifics.... of course its time to QQ.


Also, you know you're not paying attention in PvP f you think TM Mercs and Sorcs are in any way optimal.

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No patch notes, no specifics.... of course its time to QQ.


Also, you know you're not paying attention in PvP f you think TM Mercs and Sorcs are in any way optimal.


Sorcs not optimal in PvP? You're either joking or have no idea about PvP. In Huttball which is by far the most played WZ, the team with most sorcs will win 90% of the cases. And in any warzone if you take a look at the scoreboard you will see that in top 5 at least 3 are sorc/sage every single time.


Arsenal merc can be very good in PvP if you know how to play it (basically never shoot more then 2 tracers in a row and don't stay there pushing tracer like a retard if you get interrupted), my merc is valor rank 62 and I do quite well in PvP using arsenal spec.

Edited by oldshatterhand
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Sorcs not optimal in PvP? You're either joking or have no idea about PvP. In Huttball which is by far the most played WZ, the team with most sorcs will win 90% of the cases. And in any warzone if you take a look at the scoreboard you will see that in top 5 at least 3 are sorc/sage every single time.


Arsenal merc can be very good in PvP if you know how to play it (basically never shoot more then 2 tracers in a row and don't stay there pushing tracer like a retard if you get interrupted), my merc is valor rank 62 and I do quite well in PvP using arsenal spec.


If you're letting sorcs pull all the time, your team is bad. Rip them up with a melee. They fall hard.

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I will laugh so hard when they will nerf BH to **** and not touch sorc, because 75% of their playerbase plays a sorc. I'm currently leveling a sorc alt, I guess it will pwn even harder after the 1.2 nerf. Too bad I won't be able to play my merc anymore, it was really cool.


Indeed. If they are happy with the current state of the sorc I'm certainly going to hop on the bandwagon for the rdps and lulz.

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All rational people, including the dude being interviewed, seem to agree on two things


1. Mashing TM allows a bad player to achieve better than deserved results in a damage stat (though claims that you can top the carts by doing so auto disqual anyones opinion as that is stupid)


2. Vs a good player TM epic fails



However, 2 does not go far enough. Vs a good player in just about any class an arsenal merc is straight F'ed in the A. Arsenal merc is a pretty crappy burst/sustained DPS hybrid.


Solutions like splitting the benefits of tracer to other attacks are moronic because they require to use more attacks that don't hit hard enough to burst and take up too much heat to be sustainable in the long run.




The only way to really contribute to your team because of this is to fill various support roles as the 2nd or 3rd person in confrontations. If they are going to nerf TM the changes to the rest of the tree better fix the rest of our abilities.




I really want the current reliance on Tracer to set up our DPS burst removed as we can be crippled by anyone with a interrupt and a brain(not to mention the animation is so distinctive you don't even need to look at the cast bar to know what we are casting). The thing is I just have zero faith in BW to not screw it up either in the design or by leaving some stupid bug in the new tree.

Edited by Axlah
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If you're letting sorcs pull all the time, your team is bad. Rip them up with a melee. They fall hard.


You aren't seriously suggesting that that a squad fills up with melee to counter a sorc heavy squad are you? 8 sorc s vs. 8 melee? Everyone knows how that will turn out....

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Hopefully they will put a 6sec CD on TM. That way you can still build your 5 stacks but be forced to perform other specials while the CD is active.


Oh and maybe give us a true interrupt.


Not sure about 6 seconds, but if a cooldown is added to tracer they should reduce the cooldown on railshot and add heat reduction to power shot. Then mercs will rotate through 3 main attacks, 1 proc, and 1 big hitting cooldown. Similar to many other classes. So easy a 2 year old can do it but now you can act like the class is actually difficult to play (like so many of the others that complain about tracer).

Edited by McGarnagle
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Hopefully they will put a 6sec CD on TM. That way you can still build your 5 stacks but be forced to perform other specials while the CD is active.


Oh and maybe give us a true interrupt.


build 5 stacks over 30 seconds? that would pretty much hose the class


just take stacking away completely and make one tracer give the full effect of 5 stacks + damage reduction+ rail shot bonus and THEN put it on a 6 second cooldown... once you do that all you need to do is make sure the dps/heat is the same by adding a new attack or adjusting power shot or HS or rail... problem is power and rail effect other builds, so maybe a new attack


its complicated, and i bet a coding nightmare.

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I love how everyone keeps talking about how TM should have a CD. Now, that's all well and dandy since it would mix things up (even though I already have 14+ keybindings that I use all the time on my merc) but you all keep forgetting about the little thing called the talent tree. If they don't make changes to the tree and other abilities and just toss a CD on TM, then we're going to be broken and borderline unplayable, especially in PvP. PvE, we can probably make due, but won't be near as effective as we are now. Edited by Swaggz
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To use WZ damage numbers to make a determination is stupid. Any class under the right circumstances can be top dps/healing, ect. Ive seen tanks do a crap ton more damage than me over the course of a WZ.


Is that because they can do better dps than me? No, its because they can stay alive a lot longer and thus have more on target time for higher dps.


Without taking into consideration things like gear, use of stims, adrenals, pre-mades ect. a nerf on ANY class is foolish. If however these nerfs were based on solid data collected though controlled tests, Id give them credibility. Otherwise its just catering to a crybaby player base.

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lol the dev said the spec is too easy....


Haha @ arsenal mercs who have been acting like they have a difficult spec / skill...


That's a haha at those who defend the terribly boring spec, not u pve guys whose end game is boring anyways


omg i r marauder i have 4 rotation attack i am leet omg each of them pwns omg omg omg

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All rational people, including the dude being interviewed, seem to agree on two things


1. Mashing TM allows a bad player to achieve better than deserved results in a damage stat (though claims that you can top the carts by doing so auto disqual anyones opinion as that is stupid)


2. Vs a good player TM epic fails



However, 2 does not go far enough. Vs a good player in just about any class an arsenal merc is straight F'ed in the A. Arsenal merc is a pretty crappy burst/sustained DPS hybrid.


Solutions like splitting the benefits of tracer to other attacks are moronic because they require to use more attacks that don't hit hard enough to burst and take up too much heat to be sustainable in the long run.




The only way to really contribute to your team because of this is to fill various support roles as the 2nd or 3rd person in confrontations. If they are going to nerf TM the changes to the rest of the tree better fix the rest of our abilities.


exactly...so they need to make the rot harder and buff our damage/cc/escape abilities to make us competitive against = ability players

Edited by Ionna
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Lol the dev said the spec is too easy....


Haha @ arsenal mercs who have been acting like they have a difficult spec / skill...


That's a haha at those who defend the terribly boring spec, not u pve guys whose end game is boring anyways


vs you playing the same 3 wz over and over? why didnt you just buy call of duty? it has better maps....


i prefer pvp over pve philosophically but the pvp in this game is the worst ever, my BH and my sorc do very well fyi, just booooooring, more borning than you percieve TM spam


and fyi never heard anyone say that it was a difficult spec, but to play right you have to do more than TM spam... the argument is it makes bad players "ok" ... has nothing to do with skilled players.

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Interesting to see what the overall skill changes are to Merc in 1.2. it shouldnt be too hard to make improvements in the TM skill tree.


I never really liked TM build overall, anything that roots the player in order to channel an attack is bad for pvp survival (flamer, unload, sweep shot, tracer = 4 pretty useless chanelled attacks for a dps class, ouch).


Best thing I like about TM builds is final skill - heatseeker missile, the animation looks deadly when its homing in the target :)


Still, pyro all the way - mobility with mass elemental periodic pwnage topped off with some rail shot icing :)

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It's not a nerf at all, they're basically saying instead of doing Tracer missile Tracer missile Tracer missile Tracer missile Tracer missile tada top dps, they're changing how Tracer missile will be used.


As in

Tracer missile, some other spell, more spell, stuff here, stuff there to achieve the same amount of DPS.



You essentially will be doing an actual rotation of various abilties than just Tracer Missile.


Which would be considered by many as a nerf. However this one actually seems like a reasonable and halfway well thought out nerf. I just hope the idiot troopers get the same treatment on this because quite frankly I'm tired of hearing that Grav Grav Grav Grav Grav Grav Grav sound coming out of 4 troopers constantly in the WZ's. I swear the republic side on my server is nothing but Sages and Commandos. I'm all for them having to learn to do something other then mash 1 button repeatedly.


TLDR: this sounds like a reasonable "nerf" and is one that I think should be enacted onto the Merc counterpart as well.

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Lol the dev said the spec is too easy....


Haha @ arsenal mercs who have been acting like they have a difficult spec / skill...


That's a haha at those who defend the terribly boring spec, not u pve guys whose end game is boring anyways


It's not difficult. Yet I will let you in on a secret. Nothing is. Tanking multiple enemies is about the most challenging thing in this game. Yet if you are DPS or heals (which is pretty much everyone in a warzone) then your spec is easy. Don't claim it's tough. They are all a piece of cake. Hitting a few different buttons instead of one does not make you a skilled player. It is also not exciting. It is a couple of different keyboard buttons. You must find typing exciting as hell. You have to use like 30 or more buttons. Just think of the excitement you could have!

Edited by McGarnagle
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omg i r marauder i have 4 rotation attack i am leet omg each of them pwns omg omg omg


Thanks for making my eyes bleed. If you think Maras have a 4 button rotation(yup,even Rage)then you sir,are plain nutter.


I get that was a feeble attempt at sarcasm, but that's all you could come up with? Your forum name and posts seem to be at odds with each other.

Edited by Temeluchus
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