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Nameplates for Healers in PvP


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I just recently started healing in PvP as a Bounty Hunter and have one big problem with the current state of healing: lack of clickable nameplates above peoples heads. In Huttball for example, if I am trying to click on the friendly ballcarrier who is getting attacked, yet he has 3 melee enemies attacking him, it can be quite difficult to click on him to heal. Yes, I use the operations frames to heal most of the time - BUT if I happen to be healing someone else and am in a PUG grp where I dont know the names of people I am playing with, it is not always easy to quickly identify the ball carrier in the operations frames.


Another gripe I have is with the legacy and surname system, where it makes it very difficult to identify someones name upon seeing them in the operations frames and visa versa.


My two suggestions would be:

1) Have the friendly ball-carrier have an icon in the operations frames, specifically for Huttball (because as Imperial i get his warzone 95% of the time)

2) Create clickable nameplates above players that I can toggle on and off for friendly/enemy


Im tired of having to deal with clicking on the actual player themselves, or quickly trying to identify which player they are in the operations frame


And pls don't say "Just look at the one loosing alot of HP, he must be the ball carrier getting focused"... I know that but sometimes there is alot of damage going out or the ball carrier is getting healed and its not easy to see.


Thanks for any comments and suggestions



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Good idea. Also having the option to toggle it on or off would be a nice option as well, for people who dont care about clicking on friendlies.


I cannot test it for myself at the moment, but do F1-12 keys let you target friends? I had a set up like that while playing a healer in other MMO's, depending on where someone was in my raid frame they had a designated F key. Made it very easy to quickly target someone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This still screws me up. I'm so used to clicking nameplates, I'll do it out habit multiple times before I remember it doesn't work.


One thing that I've found that helps a bit is binding my mouse wheel to target the next/previous friend.


The ops frame thing puzzles me. I've heard healers complain about titles etc before, but they've never displayed in my frames. Is this a setting I put in place & forgot about?

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My two suggestions would be:

1) Have the friendly ball-carrier have an icon in the operations frames, specifically for Huttball (because as Imperial i get his warzone 95% of the time)

2) Create clickable nameplates above players that I can toggle on and off for friendly/enemy



Excellent ideas.

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Good idea. Also having the option to toggle it on or off would be a nice option as well, for people who dont care about clicking on friendlies.


I cannot test it for myself at the moment, but do F1-12 keys let you target friends? I had a set up like that while playing a healer in other MMO's, depending on where someone was in my raid frame they had a designated F key. Made it very easy to quickly target someone.

Yeah with F12 it's much easier :rolleyes:

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Healers are soooo OP already.. we dont need to make it easier for them.


If anything we should expand on this difficulty by making the group interface menu a merry-go-round type thing which spins on the screen.


You pressed F2 and healed... opps wrong guy.. he is now F3 . :)

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Healers are soooo OP already.. we dont need to make it easier for them.


If anything we should expand on this difficulty by making the group interface menu a merry-go-round type thing which spins on the screen.


You pressed F2 and healed... opps wrong guy.. he is now F3 . :)


I got to the first line and almost had a heartattack, then I realised that it was a joke. Nice one :D



To OP: You deserve a medal. Highlightning the ball carrier would make it alot easier to identify him, especially when there are alot of passing going on

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  • 2 months later...
Another gripe I have is with the legacy and surname system, where it makes it very difficult to identify someones name upon seeing them in the operations frames and visa versa.


This drives me insane! I'm trying to distinguish my teammate's name only to find I'm searching the raid frams for his legacy name...


It would be nice if everyone removed their legacy name and titles, but I understand this isn't the land of Oz...

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This suggestion has actually already come up multiple times. As a healer I would love it, but as an issue that's constantly been brought up since time immemorial, I wouldn't bank too much on BW coming through on this one.
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This suggestion has actually already come up multiple times. As a healer I would love it, but as an issue that's constantly been brought up since time immemorial, I wouldn't bank too much on BW coming through on this one.


Did you by any chance read Brian Lumley's Necroscope series? If anybody has, you'll know why I'm asking.....

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As a healer who is focused alot by enemy dps, it is one of my main issues when doing pvp. Can not count the amount of times I have clicked a player on my screen to heal them and it either doesn't click on them or takes like 4-5 tries as I continue to run closer to them. Searching the raid frames for the name or trying to watch raid frames and heal at the same time a person that's not even in range of me is't fun at all.


In the few operations I have done for pve, it just is so much easier. I live by keeping eye on the raid frame, and know everyone is usually in range of me with maybe a little running around.

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^ This



Good idea. Also having the option to toggle it on or off would be a nice option as well, for people who dont care about clicking on friendlies.


I cannot test it for myself at the moment, but do F1-12 keys let you target friends? I had a set up like that while playing a healer in other MMO's, depending on where someone was in my raid frame they had a designated F key. Made it very easy to quickly target someone.


you can only keybind members of your party, not ops group. hopefully bioware updates what we are able to keybind soon, as there are some major fundamental keybinds missing, or unable to be changed

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This so freaking much- the 'hit detection' on players you're trying to click on is absolutely atrocious in this game- this would help especially in Huttball.


Another thing that would help significantly is if there was a glow around the operations frame for the player who has the ball- sure, you can use hotkeys for players... but when you already have 25 buttons hotkeyed, another 7 is starting to push it.

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The worst is trying to click a laggy person with some crazy title in his name. He'll be bouncing around and you are missing the click on him and to boot you can't figure what his name is in the operations menu. Thank god for shift+tab.
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Trying to click on anyone (enemy or friendly) is a nightmare. Try keybinding the tilde key (~) for cycling next ally/friendly, shift tilde for previous and ctrl tilde for nearest. That works the best for me when healing.


Bit off topic for this thread about healing but it also works well for tanking/guarding, just change the straight up tilde to nearest instead of next.


Tilde ally.

Tab enemy.


Edited by Ridickilis
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