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How long will the 1.2 patch notes be. How Excited will you be.


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The fact the notes are not out yet is not a good sign, maybe they're holding them back to keep people subbed for the May earnings report. Even worse is the fact many of the 1.2 improvements could have been rolled out weeks ago, yet another bad sign they are using the patch as leverage. Bioware is dead, the greed of EA shines through.
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I am so disappointed with the state of this game at launch i doubt a small novel would make me happy. I still have over a month paid but I will not be resubbing. This game needs more time to develop before i start paying for it again and I hope that days comes.


I will certainly take a look though. The thing that concerns me though is that this is the first major patch and it took 3 months. This game is more than 1 patch away from being fixed. Do we wait another 3 months for the next big patch or can they pick up the pace?


My other big concern is the game engine. Was it a good choice for a game as ambitious as swtor and is it capable of delivering the features and performance the players demand?


I can accept a game launching with bugs, I have participated in a dozen or more game launches over the past 15 or so years, in 2012 though with StarWArs and EA/BW I expect more. I don't know if I am expecting too much or not but the bottom line is that this product in its current state does not meet my expectations.


One thing that scares me though looking at this patch is the legacy system and its focus on alts. Alts are fine but the way they are pushing it it suggest to me that this game is a long way off from keeping one character occupied long term. I think back to EQ and I played 1 toon from 1999 to 2005 with a few very low level alts mixed in. The point is EQ kept my main character engaged for 5+ years.


People will be complaining in 6 months because they have no more character slots and they wont want to switch servers because they will lose their legacy perks.

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I am so disappointed with the state of this game at launch i doubt a small novel would make me happy. I still have over a month paid but I will not be resubbing. This game needs more time to develop before i start paying for it again and I hope that days comes.


I will certainly take a look though. The thing that concerns me though is that this is the first major patch and it took 3 months. This game is more than 1 patch away from being fixed. Do we wait another 3 months for the next big patch or can they pick up the pace?


My other big concern is the game engine. Was it a good choice for a game as ambitious as swtor and is it capable of delivering the features and performance the players demand?


I can accept a game launching with bugs, I have participated in a dozen or more game launches over the past 15 or so years, in 2012 though with StarWArs and EA/BW I expect more. I don't know if I am expecting too much or not but the bottom line is that this product in its current state does not meet my expectations.


One thing that scares me though looking at this patch is the legacy system and its focus on alts. Alts are fine but the way they are pushing it it suggest to me that this game is a long way off from keeping one character occupied long term. I think back to EQ and I played 1 toon from 1999 to 2005 with a few very low level alts mixed in. The point is EQ kept my main character engaged for 5+ years.


People will be complaining in 6 months because they have no more character slots and they wont want to switch servers because they will lose their legacy perks.


Do you not consider 1.1 a major patch?

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The fact the notes are not out yet is not a good sign, maybe they're holding them back to keep people subbed for the May earnings report. Even worse is the fact many of the 1.2 improvements could have been rolled out weeks ago, yet another bad sign they are using the patch as leverage. Bioware is dead, the greed of EA shines through.


oh shutup..im so sick of people like you saying "this is dead...that is dead..that is dead" just stop...the game nor the company is goin nowhere

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1.1 aka the stuff they couldn't finish for launch? Counting the first "content" patch for any fresh mmo is foolish imo. It's either stuff that wasn't done when the game went gold or stuff they had preplanned and already most of the way done before the game launched.


A better indicator of what a company is capable of releasing is the 2nd content patch which has already been pushed back a month.


Also I'd be surprised if they posted the notes before the 23rd (the anniversary of the grace period ending).

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I agree with the guy above me, I played my warlock in WoW as my main and primary for almost 5 years, I had some alts but my time was devoted to one toon, here... sorry it just doesn't have that pull, the game is just 5 years too old, back then this would have been fantastic, but now the standards have changed, people expect more.


And can this engine even keep pace with this game? What happens in one year, or two? Will this game be constrained by it's own engine?


1.2 is what the game should have shipped with, sadly it's being promoted as an expansion, when in reality it's a massive set of fixes. PVP is horrible, PVE too easy, they followed the WoW model, but really who cares? They have one of if not the best IP's in history and this is it? I am disappointed.

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I'm excited. Somebody in my guild has been complaining that I haven't been wearing the Rakata sets (even though I've gutted att the mods and enhancements). With 1.2, they can suck my non-existent man parts (female player) because the leftover base stats are going to be removable.


Can't wait for the other suff either.



Edit: Honestly, I don't get why people are nitpicking. Ever written code for a game? I'm just starting (high school junior), and it took about 10 pages of code to get it to work (and my labels w/ the letter choices won't even come back when I reset it!). Honestly, just chill. Creating games is a work of art, if not of the conventional sort. Go kill some sims, like I do to pass the time! But this is just my two cents, so yeah :D

Edited by Kikilicious
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on topic, we've only gotten hints, but pretty huge is a good estimate. the last estimate on crafting changes alone was 5 pages. We also know several classes are getting changed enough to warrant free respecs given out, so I expect each class to be half a page themselves. I imagine the Legacy system will get several pages dedicated to it, several pages for pvp and pve...
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The only thing that will result from the whole "pushed back" talk is that BW will stop giving out

even tentative release days. It will be all "soon" and then all you will whine even harder.

The release window was end of march before, it's now early april.

"OH NOES THE SKY IS FALLING!!!" Please. *shakes head*


And the patch hasn't even hit the test server yet. So of course no patch notes either. :rolleyes:


edit: on topic:

It's a pretty complex patch, will result in pretty long patch notes.

Lot's of independant systems, with their own focus.

So yeah, will be quite the read. :D

Edited by Talahar
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Also, I've never seen a game just publish notes to the public early. they might go over general changes (Which we've gotten a lot of them through the Q&As, guild summit, and the blog posts). Otherwise the preliminary notes will go on the PTS forums for people testing, but those are not set in stone.
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on topic, we've only gotten hints, but pretty huge is a good estimate. the last estimate on crafting changes alone was 5 pages. We also know several classes are getting changed enough to warrant free respecs given out, so I expect each class to be half a page themselves. I imagine the Legacy system will get several pages dedicated to it, several pages for pvp and pve...


I wouldn't get your hopes up too much on that amount of class changes, some of them may well just be a case of feat points having been moved around in the tree to make the leveling process easier and get rid of some not coming into their own until the later levels. Even something that simple warrants a respec.

Edited by Kabaal
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Do you not consider 1.1 a major patch?


No. 1.1 was a series of fixes to issues that were reported in beta and never should have made it to launch. I am not rooting against the game I am just calling them like I see them based on my experience as a player. The game was pushed out the door with a ton of issues. Massive triage was exorcised just to get the game out the door. I sincerely hope this upcoming patch is the first of many great patches to come and swtor becomes a great game.

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