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Arsenal Merc and Bodyguard Merc have got to be THE boring class/spec in the game


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Just to let you know where I'm coming from, my main is a Jugg tank (immortal spec). I love my Jugg tank. Complex and fun class and I have to use literally all my abilities to be good at what I do in flashpoints and Ops. Now that my tank is in a mix of full Rakata/Columi, I've started paying more attention to my lvl 50 Merc alt.


Initially my merc was a heal spec PvP toon. Hit rank 50 valor and was pretty bored with PvP so I started using my alt more in PvE. I was a healer initially since those were always in demand for PvE groups, but that was extremely dull because all you do for the most part is spam your 3 heal scans + Kolto Missile and in between shoot teammates with Rapid Shots. I then switched to DPS (arsenal) and came to realize it required about the same degree of involvement as bodyguard. Spam a few tracer missiles to get your debuffs/buffs, fire off an unload, heatseeker missile, and rail shot, rinse and repeat. DPS requires even less attention and thinking than healing which makes the Arsenal spec feel even more dumbed-down than Bodyguard spec.


Sure you use a few more abilities on occasion, typically stuff on 1-2 min cds (like vent heat and thermal sensor override), but nothing near the complexity and challenge of my Jugg tank. Perhaps the Merc is supposed to be the "easy" to play class. I don't know. But to me it seems a shame that a class that could be more complex and more fun to play isn't.


In hindsight I really wish I had chosen to level my sniper instead of my merc. Anyway, here is to hoping Mercs get some tweaking in the future to hopefully make them more complex and enjoyable.

Edited by Godzillamax
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If a BG Merc had more abilities it would be overpowered. BG Merc isn't about using a zillion abilities to get the job done, it's about being very precise about how you manage your heat while maintaining survivability and progression through w/e event you're in.


Every class has a few core abilities with a variety of utility skills and cooldowns; Jugg is no exception. Some have more than others, but that doesn't make the latter any less complex. Nice try trolling our forums though. I especially enjoy how you completely neglect to mention anything outside Arsenal's DPS rotation and the fact that a Bodyguard is MUCH more than just 3 healing abilities and kolto missile.


...speaking of sniper alts...

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First: Bodyguard healing in PvP is much more than just spamming 3 moves. You need to manage heat by NOT spamming your big heals. You need to use your defensive/healing CD's at the right time to ensure you keep a door/turret/ball and finally, you have to do this for up to 7 other people in your group at the same time. Include LoSing the enemy, getting into position, using stuns/knockbacks, interrupting caps, etc. into the mix as you see that healing well as ANY class is challenging...especially when the other team hates your guts.


Second: Why does no-one on this forum realise that there are 3 Mercenary specs in this game...Pyrotech isn't just for Powertechs guys!

Edited by Phreakie
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Second: Why does no-one on this forum realise that there are 3 Mercenary specs in this game...Pyrotech isn't just for Powertechs guys!


i am looking forward to dual spec pyro for a bit when they put dual spec in, but honestly based on what i read and hear people saying, if you are pyro you need to be PT... PVE pyro merc's sit, pvp i dont have any issue wasting them point blank with missles.



granted i know how to click my cure button but really that is all i needed to add to my rotation to take out a pyro merc

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I find my 33 Bodyguard Merc much more fun than my 42 sniper or 50 Sorcerer. You can break any class you want down into well you just press blank and blank and blank. I don't have a Jug, but I do have a marauder. Wheee I charge, deadly saber, battering assault, rupture, annihilate. Keep dots up and hit annihilate. Still fun for me though Edited by maggito
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As full healer spec or hybrid heal/gun spec, I find that the game play is quite rich and interesting, between heal, dps, aoe dps, cc, defensives CDs, supercharge managment, heal managment etc...


I agree that (full) merc gunnery is quite boring however, thats why I don't play it. Pyro is actually a little better, but it is still a simple rotation. What makes heal/hybrid interesting is the choice you have to dps or to heal, and the synergy bewteen the two with supercharge.

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Just to let you know where I'm coming from, my main is a Jugg tank (immortal spec). I love my Jugg tank. Complex and fun class and I have to use literally all my abilities to be good at what I do in flashpoints and Ops. Now that my tank is in a mix of full Rakata/Columi, I've started paying more attention to my lvl 50 Merc alt.


Initially my merc was a heal spec PvP toon. Hit rank 50 valor and was pretty bored with PvP so I started using my alt more in PvE. I was a healer initially since those were always in demand for PvE groups, but that was extremely dull because all you do for the most part is spam your 3 heal scans + Kolto Missile and in between shoot teammates with Rapid Shots. I then switched to DPS (arsenal) and came to realize it required about the same degree of involvement as bodyguard. Spam a few tracer missiles to get your debuffs/buffs, fire off an unload, heatseeker missile, and rail shot, rinse and repeat. DPS requires even less attention and thinking than healing which makes the Arsenal spec feel even more dumbed-down than Bodyguard spec.


Sure you use a few more abilities on occasion, typically stuff on 1-2 min cds (like vent heat and thermal sensor override), but nothing near the complexity and challenge of my Jugg tank. Perhaps the Merc is supposed to be the "easy" to play class. I don't know. But to me it seems a shame that a class that could be more complex and more fun to play isn't.


In hindsight I really wish I had chosen to level my sniper instead of my merc. Anyway, here is to hoping Mercs get some tweaking in the future to hopefully make them more complex and enjoyable.



You must be really bad.


I have a 50 mercenary, arsenal, and a 50 juggernaut, immortal. Both are insanely easy to play.

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HAHA mercs fun comes into it with managing your heat and outlaying as much dps as you can while still healing, Sorcs are a cakewalk healer that are easy.


Simply cause you find the class no fun is no reason to say its easy, try solo healing HM SoA when your other healer is dead & finding that mercs have no Battle rez yay

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Interestingly enough, apparently the devs agree with me:


Tracer Missile is a community favorite, and I can flat out state that if you pull the Tracer Missile stun on a skilled player, you are not going to live. It’s not working. Alright, if you know how to use interrupts, we see people stand there and they die. But that said, it is also dangerous to have people in a state where they can have a fairly decent DPS rotation with almost no effort. That isn’t good long term for them either. It is boring and it doesn’t add as much combat adrenaline as we want. So we did some changes there to rebalance that particular tree to move a bit out of the Tracer Missile, and require you to be more active in your combat style to achieve that kind of effect. You can call that a nerf. I call that housekeeping.



Edited by Godzillamax
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I dont find bodyguard boring in PvP. I do wish we had an interrupt however. Have you tried Pyrotech PvP? You can really burst people down. Its fkn fun.


I hit lvl 52 valor and cut my PvP way back. Mostly just PvEing now. Was Bodyguard/healer, but found that dull (if you don't, more power to you). Doing the Arsenal PvE spec now and find it dull also. The rotation is too simple for my tastes and too bound to the Tracer x 3, Unload, Tracer x 2, Heatseeker then Powershot rinse and repeat rotation. IMO that just isn't very challenging (apparently to others responding to this thread it is). It would be nice if other attacks were worth using once you factor in damage/power/distance considerations. I get that Arsenal hinges around Tracer Missile and the debufs/buffs. Just detracts from what Arsenal could be IMO and ends up making it dull.

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I dont find bodyguard boring in PvP. I do wish we had an interrupt however. Have you tried Pyrotech PvP? You can really burst people down. Its fkn fun.


What he said. ^^


With no escapes and no interrupts playing in the post level 50 bracket where many players actually have a clue, playing a full spec Merc healer can be 15 mins of pure crazy.


Between your lack of mobility, no escapes, the constant target for CC, and interrupts I find that I spend more time simply focused on keeping myself and others alive. I am not sure I even have time to blink in most matches.


It helps to be in a premade with vent. But pug a match with 7 other team mates and your survivability and effectiveness drops like a rock.

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I hit lvl 52 valor and cut my PvP way back. Mostly just PvEing now. Was Bodyguard/healer, but found that dull (if you don't, more power to you). Doing the Arsenal PvE spec now and find it dull also. The rotation is too simple for my tastes and too bound to the Tracer x 3, Unload, Tracer x 2, Heatseeker then Powershot rinse and repeat rotation. IMO that just isn't very challenging (apparently to others responding to this thread it is). It would be nice if other attacks were worth using once you factor in damage/power/distance considerations. I get that Arsenal hinges around Tracer Missile and the debufs/buffs. Just detracts from what Arsenal could be IMO and ends up making it dull.


I stopped playing a Arsenal Merc once I hit 50 because it felt dull. Back then Huttball hit almost every single time and being the guy whose job was to be an immoble turret killing people who tried to get the ball in the middle just wasn't satisfying. With no burst run, leap or grapple, it felt like my potential contribution to the team was limited. If a ball handler got out of my range, odds were I wasn't going to catch him / her. And even if I did, they would simply pass the ball to someone else. But pointlessly chasing somebody across a huttball field was not my strength. The Merc class strength is in control. And in the case of Huttball, control equals managing the cener area.


But that goes back to what I said earlier. simply killing people in the center got old. Some people may enjoy this. I did too for the first hundred times. But after playing as many matches as I have doing the same thing over and over again. It got old quick.

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Boring? Sure they can be boring. That's a matter of opinion.


But as far as them being easy.... Is there a class that's HARD to play? I mean, it's a video game. I don't care how many abilities you have available. Nothing is really hard to play.


Maybe its hard to grasp the most effective strategy of certain classes. But hard to play a MMO? Come on now...

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Boring? Sure they can be boring. That's a matter of opinion.


But as far as them being easy.... Is there a class that's HARD to play? I mean, it's a video game. I don't care how many abilities you have available. Nothing is really hard to play.


Maybe its hard to grasp the most effective strategy of certain classes. But hard to play a MMO? Come on now...


Roll a maurader...

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Are you saying Marauders are difficult to play?


Nope. What i am saying is they are by far more difficult then anything bounty hunter though...


I'm talking from a pvp perspective btw...it's all I know

Edited by Irishbrewed
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Arsenal PvP is pretty friggin boring. I won't argue with you there.


As a bodyguard its anything but though. I love having 3+ dps on me and after 10 seconds still be at full health.


Also, I use pretty much every ability I have while PvPing as a healer. Shoulder slam and the one that requires a companion are the only two I don't (for obvious reasons).

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Nope. What i am saying is they are by far more difficult then anything bounty hunter though...


I'm talking from a pvp perspective btw...it's all I know


If anything, Mercenaries are harder to play due to the lack of mobility/stealth/interrupt etc.


Marauders have the cloak/interrupts/leaps....much easier to play when you have more tools available.


Just because you have more attacks to choose from doesn't make an RPG "hard".

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If anything, Mercenaries are harder to play due to the lack of mobility/stealth/interrupt etc.


Marauders have the cloak/interrupts/leaps....much easier to play when you have more tools available.


Just because you have more attacks to choose from doesn't make an RPG "hard".


Indeed. Troopers are all about positioning. Marauders just faceroll people and claim not to be easy because all of their 4 buttons do something.

Edited by sensiblepoast
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