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Is Sage better then Shadow?


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It think that it may be. But I think that Shadow is probably pretty great.


What do you think?


PS I just want to know which has a better DPS. I do not wish to become a healer, that is just kind of boring.

Edited by JGames
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shadow will kill sage unless they are healing spec then you can pretty much pin them down. for killing others a shadow still wins 1v1 even 1v2 due to kinetic trees massive dps. The defense tree makes your light armor into heavy armor and mitigates all tech/force/range/meele as well as gives you 19% reduction on internal damage. O ps kinetic tree can heal itself 9% every 12-18 secs while amping up its telekintic throw that the sage uses by 75% and makes it uninteruptable.

Dont ask me what they were thinking when they made the kinetic shadow just make sure u stack dps and just keep a shield generator and I guarentee you, you will be mopping up non healing sages just fine

ps the others trees are great they just need some fine tunin

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I don't mean to hijack this thread, but I also have the same question. If I don't want to be a healer and PvP, is choosing a Sage class a waste? I just want to use the Force and range DPS in PvE. I'm level 9 and I'll be having to make this choice very soon. Edited by MaximusVen
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MaximusVen: No Sage is not a waste of time. I can deal good DPS, I just wanted to know which had better DPS.


And guys I just wanted to know which one is better at DPS. I do not want to be a healer what so ever.

Edited by JGames
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Both are fine with DPS. There are no stats out that definitively state that one is better then the other. Bio specifically said that all DPS specs should be withing 5% of each other.


So end result is, play the one you like. Personally, I like them both. Sage is a little more boring IMO....shield chuck rocks till dead. depending on your spec you'll have a few procs to manage. I find Shadow a bit more interesting. But I've always been more melee oriented.


Balance shadow is a nice mix of ranged style skills and melee skills if you want to do both. Plus they do make good tanks as well when specced appropriately

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MaximusVen: No Sage is not a waste of time. I can deal good DPS, I just wanted to know which had better DPS.


And guys I just wanted to know which one is better at DPS. I do not want to be a healer what so ever.



You want a definitive answer and there is none. If a Sage is amazing at what he does he will out-DPS most people. Same goes for Shadow, if you know what you're doing you will out-DPS most people. Pick which one is most interesting to you and just throw your all into it. Shadow is AMAZINGLY fun to play. But you have to know HOW to play the class. There is no perfect class that you will be able to dominate everyone. It just doesn't work like that. As people have said here, a DPS-Sage will do just fine if they know how to play their class, but more importantly understand how others play their classes. When I face a Sorceror in PVP, I fight completely different then if I was fighting an Assassin.


Just pick which class you find most interesting with your play style, then throw all you have into it. Typically in MMOs I play as a Mage class but wanted to try DPS this time around. It doesn't make one better then the other, I just wanted a change. I still love "Mage" type classes and will more then likely make a Sage to go along with my Shadow.


P.S. don't totally discount playing as a Healer. You'd be surprised how fun it is. There are advantages and disadvantages to every class. Healers will ALWAYS easily find a group.

Edited by Bewoulff
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shadow will kill sage unless they are healing spec then you can pretty much pin them down. for killing others a shadow still wins 1v1 even 1v2 due to kinetic trees massive dps. The defense tree makes your light armor into heavy armor and mitigates all tech/force/range/meele as well as gives you 19% reduction on internal damage. O ps kinetic tree can heal itself 9% every 12-18 secs while amping up its telekintic throw that the sage uses by 75% and makes it uninteruptable.

Dont ask me what they were thinking when they made the kinetic shadow just make sure u stack dps and just keep a shield generator and I guarentee you, you will be mopping up non healing sages just fine

ps the others trees are great they just need some fine tunin


Just wanted to query the description you give to the shadow self heal. I personally have not got to Harnessed Shadows yet, but surely now that Slow time also procs HS, it should only take 7-8 secs to build up 3 stacks? That is even if you dont get a PA proc...if PA procs, i would guess it could be nearer 5 secs (not sure including Global cooldowns tho).

Basically Project (6 sec cooldown), then Slow time, double strike, double strike, then Project again...


Also I thought the heal was 1 initial tick followed by 3 more ticks as in 12% heal, but maybe I am wrong.... usually am:P

Edited by malyen
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If you want to play DPS only and pvp, don't pick a shadow.


You will be forced to specc as a tank in pvp to stand a chance or reroll another class for melee dps.


Otherwise you will be so squishy, when people realize you're a Infiltration/Balance specced shadow, they will stop focusing your team's healers, and focus you down first, then kill your healers.


18-22 % damage reduction from armor is simply not enough when you're a melee fighter.

+50% defence bonus, when so few attacks are actually affected by it is laugable.


For a sage, it's fine because you can bubble, root, slow and blind your opponents and heal yourself. And you deal your damage from 30 m range while hiding behind a pillar.


At range also gives you an overview of the battle. In PvE as a melee you usually have a 20 m tall monster's rear to look at while the floor colapse from under your feet.



If you want a melee DPS, I suggest you play a Watchman Sentinel/Annihilation Marauder or Assault Specialist Vanguard/Pyrotech Powertech.


If you want a ranged DPS, I suggest sage/sorcerer.


If you like tanking, shadows aren't super bad.


Good luck.

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P.S. don't totally discount playing as a Healer. You'd be surprised how fun it is. There are advantages and disadvantages to every class. Healers will ALWAYS easily find a group.


Playing a Healer is really fun in Heroics (currently level 13) :D Not so much in my own missions. This is 180 degrees from all the classes I have created (Marauder, Commando, Bounty Hunter). I know I am doing something wrong.....

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Overall, I'm increasingly disappointed with my (Infiltration spec) Shadow.


It seems this build has one role, and one role ONLY in-game: to stalk and neutralize enemy squishies in PvP.


Other than that... they're pretty pointless. In raiding, they don't dish out enough damage to qualify as a decent DPS class. Stealth is also generally waste of effort in a raid. About the only time it comes in handy is running a certain 4-man daily heroic on Belsavis, where a good Infiltration-spec Shadow can sneak in and complete the objectives while the rest of your group hangs out at the entrance for the free quest completion.


In PvP, the definitive build is Kinetic, with enough points in Balance to get the Upheaval trait for the extra half-strength rock half the time on a Project. Which speaks volumes in my opinion on just how gimped Shadow DPS is, if they have to spend 18 points in one tree just to get one skill.


The sad part is, a common gear build is to go all-out for crit chance, so inevitably some nub will get ROFLCOPTERPWNT in a warzone by a lucky string of crits from a Shadow, then whine for a week about how OP'd Shadows are, all accompanied by a Greek chorus who just plain hates Shadows and piles on to keep them gimped.

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I don't know...

I dealt a lot of damage & critical hit in PVPs as Infiltration Spec.

Also, I think it depends upon the gears & level you're in PVPs.

Incap a lone enemy then few back stabs and then incap them again & repeat the process will usually take down 30%~50% of their health, assuming you know your rotations.

Edited by PAYMOTrig
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As a kinetic shadow in rakata+champion (tank set bonus but dps mods) gear I do pretty well in pvp.


Turrets go down fast. Melee can sometimes pose a problem if my CDs are down and they are really consistent at interrupting harnessed shadows. Elemental heavies are a real threat if they are competent or have all cd up. Healers aren't even going to be phased unless they are bad or under geared.


Personally I think the shadow is pretty amazing. I also have a 44 sage who absolutely destroys in pvp, but I really like being a melee tank.


Also that BM stalker/survivor gear is mad sexy.

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