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What Gear is recommended for Hard Mode/Nightmare Ops?

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Not sure if there is a post for this topic yet or not. I haven't seen one myself, but I may not be going back far enough.



That said; What gear is recommended for Hard Mode/Nightmare Operations?



My guild has cleared both EV and KP on normal with only the Heavy Fabricator boss providing any real trouble.


But what should we all be wearing? All Columi, no questions asked? Will some in Tionese and some in Columi matter?


My assumption is that our tanks and healers should be in full Columi or higher, and dps Tionese and higher.


Any advice/opinions would be welcome.



Edited by DarthDackDaniels
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Enrage timers matter, so, no, DPS doesn't get to slack.


How geared you need to be though depends on your class mix and how good your players are. If you've got some subpar dps, you're going to need better gear to make up for it. If your DPS is optimally played, you can get away with worse gear.


I'd say just try EV on hard, see how it goes.

Edited by Battilea
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You can faceroll the first 4 EV HM bosses. Soa will kick your *** regardless of gear if each player doesn't have the tactics down solid.


For the first 4 EV HM bosses, only the first one is "hard". The trash mobs between 1st/2nd bosses can also cause deaths. But beyond that, the 2nd 3rd and 4th bosses are cake.


For 1st boss you might need better gear, but for the others I'd say they are doable in tionese.

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The first boss of EV HM is a gear check really if you can get past him then you should be good up to SOA. The tricky part is beating the enrage timers. No one can slack


When my guilds core went in we where mostly all columi


The best bet is to go in and try for your self.

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The first boss as others have said can be tough with enrage and healing. With champion/tionese you can do it just by working a strat which keeps people alive while max damage on boss at all times.


The next bosses up to SOA are a joke in champ gear.


When you hit pylons, try to solve both sides at the same time for each sequence though different stuff works for different groups fighting the bug.


The duel boss is a joke, on hard/NM they do not use ANY abilities on our server making them easier than normal mode with extra HP.


SOA is a douche. Bad RNG and you lose.


** Having a marauder/sent for the AOE buff helps a LOT. Having a Sniper/?? for bubble shield helps a lot.

Edited by Zidaen
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Hey thanks all!


We just ran Hard Mode EV last night. We were able to clear our way to the Council part and then had to stop for the night.


You guys were right, the first boss was our gear check. It took us a couple tries, but we downed him on the third attempt. Same with the lava boss. Though we were able to beat the enrage timers. Pylon was a cake walk when it didn't bug.


All in all it was a successful run. Our DPS got some major upgrades and it was a good learning experience. Can't wait to finish it up over the weekend.



Thanks again for the advice!

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