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Do you feel that there is just "something" that is missing?


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What TOR's missing is all this:



Invasions or any sort of randomness to make the game unpredictable. NOT go kill 10 rakghouls then speak to a pink bunny. TURN IN. Kill 10 more rakghouls and find the Republic Trooper Commando guy. Turn in. Enter this area and kill 15 rakghouls for a random prize from a red hat.


More open world pvp is needed too. It just feels so empty that now people are taking turns on killing the enemy players while camping.


Many beta features that were great were lost. This has potentially runed many rp stories of characters, such as Revan, Darth Eminok, and others. It just makes the armor feel weird.


Creativity and uniqueness - everything just feels the same... enemies seem so easy (I pull elites into a group of 4 strongs for a challenge.) There doesn't seem to be much of a feel of specialty either. (4 Champions of the Great Hunt in the same group makes me feel uncomfortable and conflicted with lore)


So, I'm not going to give you the long list I have, but leave you with this.

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Bounties, Bounty Hunters have nothing to hunt.


Space, SUCKS. Needs a revamp.


We need player owned housing and shops.


A population.


A real crafting system.


Open world PVP and exploration.




I was really expecting this MMO to be amazing. Silly me.:o

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Meaningful space combat. That's what is missing from TOR.


I believe this is the silent weapon! If they added space zones with mission, upgradable combat armor with visual changes to your ships and space PVP battle grounds. This game would have that evolutional change and add an extra tier to end gamming.


As it is right now for the standard end game there is only two tiers to follow.


1. PvP


2. PVE


3. Add a third for end game "Ship building" for PvP and PVE.


However i do like the game as is but i see a lot more they can do here.

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