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Everything posted by Warsign

  1. Yes population is fine. That is why WZ queues are so short. Everything is fine. Everything is perfect....group hug!
  2. Bounties, Bounty Hunters have nothing to hunt. Space, SUCKS. Needs a revamp. We need player owned housing and shops. A population. A real crafting system. Open world PVP and exploration. Fishing! I was really expecting this MMO to be amazing. Silly me.
  3. I have 4 lvl 50s so you can see how offering this after the fact is kind of lame.
  4. We do need X-fers. The population just continues to drop off. I dont see much in 1.2 that is going to bring ppl back by the thousands. Thinking ppl are going to quit wow and come play SWTOR is just silly. I know a bunch of ppl who have already gone BACK to WOW because the endgame is so lacking here. Low population servers will continue to lose subs. This is just the nature of MMOs. It needs to be fixed and in a hurry.
  5. Yup, watching TV and chatting on comms.
  6. The thing about SWTOR is, if I don't play for a week I just don't miss it at all. I just dont get that I HAVE TO PLAY IT TODAY feeling. I can't help but feel I am not the only one.
  7. Wish I knew where they were. Only 70-80 ppl on my fleet prime time. Even less on the republic side 40-50.
  8. So much QQ. If you want balance play BF3 or COD. MMOs will always have class balance issues. Some ppl should just not pvp. The cantina is a better place for some.
  9. Warsign


    I dont even bother going to Ilum anymore. Camping the Republics inside their base just blows. The node racing just blows. The lag blows. Wizard 101 is more exciting than Ilum.
  10. If you have completed NM 16 mans then you have won the game. Nothing else to do at that point but move on to the next game. I dont understand why you would need any better gear than what you have, or better than what drops in the NM16s.
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