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Where is our interrupt?


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It would seem everyone else gets some sort of interrupt, ability to close down abilities for a short while.


We get?



We need a mix up of abilities. More utilities as a support dps. Currently gunnery spec is grav round, grav round and then some more grav round intersperced with hib. Assault is a joke, it's just a way of doing tiny damage to lots of people and creating large numbers at the end tables.



Combat medic is the only interesting route.

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The Vanguard gets an interrupt (Riot Strike). The Commando does not. (On the other hand the Commando gets a 1 minute CC (Concusive Round) but the Vanguard gets none.)


Same with our mirror class the Bounty Hunter: Powertech gets an interrupt (Quell), Mercenary doesn't.

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i don't find what you say to be true at all, at least while questing. you didn't give much details in the situations you were talking about.


if you spam grav round that's your own fault.. there's plenty of skills we have that can be used effectively.


again, you didn't really give any detail on what you mean... do you mean in flashpoint group situations, do you mean in pvp, do you mean when solo questing... when fighting boss mobs, regular mobs.. i mean what exactly are you even referring to.


in general we have cryo grenade which freezes someone and you can still damage them while they're froze, then when skilled we have stockstrike which will knock the enemy back and interrupt casting, then we have that knockback ability which when skilled knocks people really far back.... using both of those abilities for instance is great to knock people off the bridge to their death in that one ship assault map. you can also use cryo grenade twice using the heroic abiliy.


i've never really had a problem with interrupts as gunnery.


as to the grav. spam... that's up to the player. i find we have a ton of useful abilities at our disposal.


yeah in pvp its pretty good to spam grav round just cuz it does such high damage, i slam people for 2k (pre-50 pvp) but even so i still find spamming the hammer shot to be even more effective... i mow people down on the move with hammer shot. i usually open up with 2 grav. rounds and then use the shot that goes with grav. round and then i'll use auto shot and charged shot and hammer shot and back to grav. round. as well as a few others.


if it's a strong monster or an elite i'll usually open up with 2-3 grav. rounds and then pretty much go through a rotation of 3-4 more abilities and come back to grav round if he still has a good amount of hp or i'll just finish em with other stuff.. i don't get the whole grav spam thing at all, i played a merc. bounty hunter and that was spam, using tracer missile.. it was spamtastic. completely opposite with troop.


coming from bounty hunter i was very pleased with how many useful skills i had at my disposal.


as for levelling up in solo quests, with normal mobs i can run through 2 packs of normal mobs with using mortal volley and then i'll use that area of efffect shot after to finish them off.... then when mortal volley is on cooldown i'll replace that with plasma grenade and use that same spray to finish them off with hammer shot on the tiny bit of hp remaining.


i've even found it effective to go healing and still dps very well. i was healing for awhile on balmora and it was extremely effective to just keep my droid up a little bit and then dps. was tearing through mobs (and i didnt even have grav, round), i'm thinking of maybe doing a hybrid heal/gunnery.


of course, if you're referring to something at 50 then ignore my comments as i'm only in my 30s so i wouldn't know about stuff at level 50. but i think i have a pretty good understanding of the general day to day goings of levelling up and pvp. (casual pvp).

Edited by teambff
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This is how your pvp rotation should go:


Grav round, grav round Grav round, high impact bolt, grav round, grav round, grav round, high impact bolt.....and so on.


Charged shot and full auto are poor damage in comparison.


The only time you ever use charge shot is when someone interrupt and blocks your grav round. Then you use grav round as soon as you can.


NEVER use hammershot as a gunnery spec. Only if you're on the move and have thrown off a grenade.


The only spec where you'll use hammershot is assault or medic.


For single target damage grav round then HiB is god. Everything else is just a waste of ammo.

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This is how your pvp rotation should go:


Grav round, grav round Grav round, high impact bolt, grav round, grav round, grav round, high impact bolt.....and so on.


Charged shot and full auto are poor damage in comparison.


The only time you ever use charge shot is when someone interrupt and blocks your grav round. Then you use grav round as soon as you can.


NEVER use hammershot as a gunnery spec. Only if you're on the move and have thrown off a grenade.


The only spec where you'll use hammershot is assault or medic.


For single target damage grav round then HiB is god. Everything else is just a waste of ammo.


it's ridiculous to say you have to do that, that's not the only way you must do things.


i do just fine without spamming grav shot in my casual pvp (i don't do hardcore stuff like guild stuff and trying to reach the top kills, etc). hammer shot spam is extremely effective as long as there is no healer.. i usually rip through people with it, mixed along with auto shots and charged bolts.


yes, grav shot is very effective for short bursts but can also leave you without any cells which is why i generally prefer a more stable approach and so i use 2 grav shots to get the burst damage and 4 stacks up and if i'm not seen and able to fire without much problem i'll go ahead and use it again and then i'll generally start with a stable stream of fire with hammer/auto/charged.


it seems to work well for me.


maybe you do better than me just spamming grav shot over and over which is fine, i don't have to be the absolute best... but i enjoy my playstyle and it's effective enough to where i'm happy.

Edited by teambff
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