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Darth Maul's Return


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Or maybe its the fact, fans whined and complained about his death that brought him back. Before TPM in 3d came out, Wrath of Maul did on Jan 1st. They seemed to be fine with Maul dying all this time, so why should they bring him back just because they are re-releasing the movie in 3d?


Because its the only movie with darth maul, what better way to get children to want to watch the movie than show this cool zabrak that has a history with obi-wan

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Yes, its just a lazy author making a blatant money grab, banking on people's willingness to swallow any tripe thats served up. Especially if it gives you what you want, in this case, Maul surviving.


He obviously did survive, its just contemptible that he did in this way.

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Not only did he get sliced in half though, but he also hit himself pretty hard against the pit walls I would imagine that could also cause some really bad trauma.


You would think Obi-wan would have been injured by the walkway Dooku dropped on him, but nope.

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Yes, its just a lazy author making a blatant money grab, banking on people's willingness to swallow any tripe thats served up. Especially if it gives you what you want, in this case, Maul surviving.


He obviously did survive, its just contemptible that he did in this way.


He really fell on a cloth sack filled with nice fluffy kittens.

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Visionaries was either S-canon or N-canon and Clone Wars in general is T-canon and given that Lucas wanted Maul back in TCW, with Katie Lucas writing the arc, his return in TCW is G-canon. Maul in his body at least has not returned in C-canon or higher until now.
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Visionaries was either S-canon or N-canon and Clone Wars in general is T-canon and given that Lucas wanted Maul back in TCW, with Katie Lucas writing the arc, his return in TCW is G-canon. Maul in his body at least has not returned in C-canon or higher until now.


When did Lucas say he wanted Maul back?

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Agreed, this is just poor writing trying to capitalize on a popular character.


In regard to the force mastery issue, Sidius is very clear that he did not teach Maul anything besides fighting jedi. He is similarly clear that he did not teach Maul any force powers or sith secrets.


So, again, what you're saying is that all the training from apprentice to master of the dark side is useless because all you have to really do is get mad and then you can do anything.


This is nothing but weak writing.


As for Anakin surviving, the jedi turned dark side dont instantly forget everything they've learned once they've turned dark. Also his wounds were severe, but less than Maul's. And his power in the force was unparalleled. Yet he still nearly died.


So, Anakin had better training, more power, lesser wounds, and he still nearly croaked.


You're argument though is that Maul got really, really mad. Like if Rush Limbaugh were refused service at IHOP mad.


Mad isnt enough is my argument. Anakin nearly died and he had all the benefits that Maul didnt.


Saying that he survived is nothing but a slap in the face to fans by an author out to make a buck.



Sidious did teach Maul Force powers(like being able to levitate objects) He had as much mastery over the Force as Anakin. In fact, both had the same Force abilities and on top of it, Maul had much better training. But in the end, it doesn't matter how much training Anakin and Maul had, what matters is the Force user's will. You don't need a "Sith secret" on how to survive a fatal injury. Anakin didn't need any "Sith secrets" to survive his duel on Mustafar; he survived through pure hate just like Darth Sion, Simus, and Maw survived through pure hate.


Again, I reiterate, there's no knowledge on how to survive a fatal injury. The reason why Anakin survived wasn't because he had more midi-chloriens or because he had better training, the reason was purely emotional. It was because he had a strong will and will is the main thing that counts when using the Force. The reason why Darth Vader never achieved his full potential was because he had a broken will and thus, never surpassed his master, Sidious.


And yes, for Sith, if you get mad enough, you can do incredible thing with the Force. You may think that's bad writing, but that's how it's always been in the EU.

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So it came out of his mouth? Not anyone else? Your positive, that it was him? Any source?


Dave Filoni says it was George's idea, I saw GL firsthand say Maul and Opress were brothers at CV, and he is involved heavily in story creation for every TCW. Episode. I'd find a source, but I am minus a computer and iPhone's aren't easy to work with.

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'Maul spent the first few years of his life in the care of droids in a secret location on Mustafar. A year after he was given over to the Sith, Sidious was granted permission from his own Master to train Maul as an apprentice. But in order to avoid breaking the Rule of Two, Sidious was only allowed to train the young Zabrak as a weapon; he was never trained to be a true Sith Lord in the same way as Plagueis and Sidious.[1] During his training, any show of fear was severely punished, and any hint of mercy rewarded with cruelty.'


1.↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Star Wars: Darth Plagueis'



Now I dont mind that your arguments seem to be based off of absolutely nothing, but now you're just making stuff up. Maul's training was superior to Anakin's? Where did you get this from?


If there is something out there that states Maul had extensive training in the force, then ok, lets hear it. I'll be happy to reconsider my viewpoint.


Otherwise, again, its your contention that all the training jedi and sith go through isnt necessary because they really just have to utilize their will. Or get angry. That flies in the face of all the training that Luke had to do, Anakin had to do, Sidious himself had to do, Plagueis had to do, etc, etc.


Usage of will is a key component, but no training makes the will useless. Its my will to be a cardiologist (I'm not one), now I just need to find someone to let me cut them open and fiddle with their ticker. Its going to end poorly, whatever my will is.

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'Maul spent the first few years of his life in the care of droids in a secret location on Mustafar. A year after he was given over to the Sith, Sidious was granted permission from his own Master to train Maul as an apprentice. But in order to avoid breaking the Rule of Two, Sidious was only allowed to train the young Zabrak as a weapon; he was never trained to be a true Sith Lord in the same way as Plagueis and Sidious.[1] During his training, any show of fear was severely punished, and any hint of mercy rewarded with cruelty.'


1.↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Star Wars: Darth Plagueis'



Now I dont mind that your arguments seem to be based off of absolutely nothing, but now you're just making stuff up. Maul's training was superior to Anakin's? Where did you get this from?


If there is something out there that states Maul had extensive training in the force, then ok, lets hear it. I'll be happy to reconsider my viewpoint.


Otherwise, again, its your contention that all the training jedi and sith go through isnt necessary because they really just have to utilize their will. Or get angry. That flies in the face of all the training that Luke had to do, Anakin had to do, Sidious himself had to do, Plagueis had to do, etc, etc.


Usage of will is a key component, but no training makes the will useless. Its my will to be a cardiologist (I'm not one), now I just need to find someone to let me cut them open and fiddle with their ticker. Its going to end poorly, whatever my will is.


I'm Failing to see where Maul didn't learn to use the Force, follow the Sith code, not use his pain and hatred to his advantage or in any way be restricted from becoming powerful enough to harness the dark side. Maul was at very least an acolyte/assassin, which doesn't make him any less dangerous, at most, Palpatine had already begun grooming his apprentice, fooling Plageius into thinking he was a mere assassin. Last time I checked, Bane and Zannah both saught out new apprentices without killing eachother first.

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If he survived, what did he do all the time then? He never appeared again..


Don't worry, before the Clone Wars series end he will once again be cut in half and hopefully this time end up being dead for good.

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I'm Failing to see where Maul didn't learn to use the Force, follow the Sith code, not use his pain and hatred to his advantage or in any way be restricted from becoming powerful enough to harness the dark side. Maul was at very least an acolyte/assassin, which doesn't make him any less dangerous, at most, Palpatine had already begun grooming his apprentice, fooling Plageius into thinking he was a mere assassin. Last time I checked, Bane and Zannah both saught out new apprentices without killing eachother first.


Jeebus, dude. Ignore my questions, ignore everything else I said. State that Maul's training was the same as Anakins or possibly superior, when called on it, you ignore that too. Then mention others who are completely irrelevant to Maul's training or lack thereof.


Okay, Darth Zannah trained for over a decade in being a force sorceress. She was initally trained in the force by Bane. She then had access to Freedon Nadd's holocron, teaching the intricacies of sith sorcery. Note the key word here, is train. Train, train, train. She didnt just open up a genie bottle and get her wishes granted.


I'm sure Maul was trained to fight and master his pain and use his anger. All classic parts of being a sith warrior, which it is explicit that was all he was intended to be. Sidious does not teach him anything else.


Managing the PH levels in your blood would probably not be a warrior's training.


Forget it, I'm done here.

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He simply was saved by his desire to recapture his Precious that the filthy Obi-Wanses had stolen from him...


Or am I the only one that thought Maul on Clown Wars was a total Gollum rip off?


All that aside it is pretty simple like most things in Star Wars these days... there is money to be made on new action figures and books and Lucas wants that money, so any half-sentient moron with an idea no matter how poor or far fetched can get it put into the Official Star Wars Bankrolls as long as the poor saps out there keep paying for it.

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When did Lucas say he wanted Maul back?


When he wanted to use him in TCW.


So it came out of his mouth? Not anyone else? Your positive, that it was him? Any source?

From what I remember...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3 dvd extra.

*Head director for the show says GL gives them concepts for the show and the writers write it and give it to GL to approve.

*One of the concepts GL tells them is Darth Maul is alive and put him in the show.

*GL's daughter, Katie Lucas, is given the task to write out the episodes involving Darth Maul.

Edited by Quiet
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Imo the clone wars series is an abomination of star wars and pretty much messes up all established lore...it's a kid's show, I get it, but do they really need to come up with all this crap? I haven't watched the show in ages, but I remember seeing zombies, angels and godly entities as well as the demon counterparst and more, plus now they are ruining Darth Maul by making him survive an enormous fall, having been cut in half. I'll never consider it canon. Edited by Atarufighter
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Just cashcow reasons, lets bring Mr Maul back to the crappy Clone Wars, it will make kiddies buy even more Star Wars TM toys , to hell with quality and good story telling, bring the cash!


At least the original trilogy had ok merchandise but SW quality went to hell with the Special Editions, EU comics and Episode 1....

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Okay, directly from Wookiepedia,



Maul displayed a reasonable amount of competence in telekinesis, utilizing Force grip and Force choke while interrogating Hath Monchar, and being able to activate a set of door controls behind him with a flung piece of wreckage. While dueling Obi-Wan Kenobi, Maul used both Force push and Force lightning against the Jedi.

Maul also demonstrated a resistance to Force lightning, shrugging off a barrage unleashed by the Nightsister Mighella while hunting for Alexi Garyn.


(And Just to add in a little more somewhat useless info)


Darth Maul was skilled in combining Force talents with mechanics. Sidious gave Maul the funds and schematics he needed, and provided his apprentice with a secret facility on Coruscant in which to work. There Maul constructed his signature speeder bike Bloodfin and the Dark Eye seeker droids. Using the Force mechanical skill mechu-deru, Maul modified the protocol droid C-3PX into an assassin droid to guard his ship.

Other talents

Due to his Zabrak heritage and his intense training at the hands of Darth Sidious, Maul was able to withstand immense amounts of physical pain.

When crippling the Black Sun Syndicate, Maul came across an Iktotchi Guard who in turn attempted to read his mind in order to find who sent him and who he was hunting. Maul let him but the Iktotchi was soon incapacitated because of the darkness of his mind. Maul then neutralized the guard.


Maul had also mastered the use of the lanvarok.


Sidious also gave Maul a powerful Sith Infiltrator called Scimitar which contained a cloaking shield generator. This vehicle was developed by Raith Sienar, the man whose company would later develop the TIE/ln starfighter for the Empire.


That should be enough to justify at least some backstory.


In addition, sheer hatred and anger can keep Sith alive for a very long time, for example, Darth Sion, beyond being mortally injured. He could have cobbled together working mechanical legs because of his skill with combining his force powers and mechanical skill.


Also, one of the reasons why Darth Sidious chose him, albeit reluctantly, because of his strong connection to the Force.

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I personally really enjoy the animated clone wars series. It isn't really childish just because its more cartoony in animation. If you watch it, there is a lot of deep emotion, murder, etc... not hugging ewoks and singing to umizoomi for kids.
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