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scoundrel dps for end game..viable?


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Scoundrels and Vanguards have no gap closer, no buff. Not desirable as melee DPS.


I am fortunate to be the raid leader, so I get to see all the end game content.


If you are a scoundrel, and want to see the end game, spec Sawbones. Get your commando buddy to spec Gunnery.


Dude, Vanguards have 2 gap closers. One by class default and the second if you spec for it (Harpoon and Storm). And they do have buffs like Shield other and the Fort buff, and the fact that they are tanky and can hold their agro most times.

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OK, there IS another option for scoundrels: dirty fighting.


You still have to be in melee range to get the upper hand proc, but it's pretty nice since the bulk of your DoT dps can tick away while you get tossed or otherwise are unable to dps.

Also, it's bleed damage, so (I believe) you don't need as much accuracy to get the job done.

Also, you don't have to worry about back blast positioning.


I'm pretty new to the spec and having energy problems, though... but still it's pretty viable.

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I did a DirtyBones spec last night. I am a little on the fence about it. I feel I did more DPS overall since the dots were ticking away while I was waiting on cooldowns (from normal scoundrel melee stuff).



The draw backs are obvious. I cannot heal while emergency stealthing, Backblast costs me 10 energy as opposed to 0 (soon to be 5 with 1.2) and Pungency does not heal me.


With all that, my energy is sucked up like a Cherry Limeaid from Sonic on a hot summer day.


I am still going with it, but I may go back to ScrapBones.

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I did a DirtyBones spec last night. I am a little on the fence about it. I feel I did more DPS overall since the dots were ticking away while I was waiting on cooldowns (from normal scoundrel melee stuff).



The draw backs are obvious. I cannot heal while emergency stealthing, Backblast costs me 10 energy as opposed to 0 (soon to be 5 with 1.2) and Pungency does not heal me.


With all that, my energy is sucked up like a Cherry Limeaid from Sonic on a hot summer day.


I am still going with it, but I may go back to ScrapBones.


Interesting, I was under the impression that raid groups don't want healer/dps hybrids at all. At least my guild, for 8-mans, has pretty segregated roles.


So in an 8-man would you be one of the 2 healers, or an additional one? Just wonderin'.

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The only thing you lose is kolto pack. That is pretty much it on the healing side. And your DPS gets up there. Since the only real metric we have is PvP, you can easily get 200k+ damage and 250k+ healing in the same match.


While that might sound underwhelming when some people are doing 600k damage or 600k healing, but when you put it all together, it still makes you valuable.


The "elitist" raids who do not see that, that is their problem. I dont have to deal with em.

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The only thing you lose is kolto pack. That is pretty much it on the healing side. And your DPS gets up there. Since the only real metric we have is PvP, you can easily get 200k+ damage and 250k+ healing in the same match.


While that might sound underwhelming when some people are doing 600k damage or 600k healing, but when you put it all together, it still makes you valuable.


The "elitist" raids who do not see that, that is their problem. I dont have to deal with em.


How do you figure this makes you valuable? You did half the job of what you could have done either way. Where I come we call that 'underperforming'. This isn't being elitist, as by your own admission you did less than adequate compared to people fully dedicated to either one role or the other.


Raids also do not want hybrid specced players. The only fight its even remotely useful is Nightmare Council, and no one with any brain cells will struggle to kill their mob on that fight regardless of spec.

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How do you figure this makes you valuable? You did half the job of what you could have done either way. Where I come we call that 'underperforming'. This isn't being elitist, as by your own admission you did less than adequate compared to people fully dedicated to either one role or the other.


Raids also do not want hybrid specced players. The only fight its even remotely useful is Nightmare Council, and no one with any brain cells will struggle to kill their mob on that fight regardless of spec.


Insulting me is not going to make you feel any better.


I said what I said, and that is how I see things.


My metric is based off of pvp scores... the heals and damage combination is great because when I roll I do heals, damage, move to cap points, position for the huttball etc. A lot of folks (not all) who can come close to the 600k mark are doing nothing but that activity for 15 minutes. Because if they break away from what they are doing, their score goes down.


Scoundrels in their own right are rough around the edges for end game raids anyhow. Most folks I know bring a smuggler along for the 5% crit bonus. I am curious how 1.2 will impact this requirement since everyone can have that buff if they meet the requirements.


The hybrid scoundrel can heal just as good as a fully spec'd sawbones with the only exception of the aoe heal. granted every little bit helps and with 1.2 that may change things as they plan on boosting the amount healed by a significant portion and making it last a shorter duration with an increased cooldown. Time will tell on how that balances out.

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