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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Closed my account today. Might open it again after 1.2... tho I have no hype for that patch. Most of what it comes with should have been there from start and even after 1.2 the game need more work.


Going back to my PS3.

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What was wrong with it? In that game you could still customize your equipment, but you weren't having to customize it around appearance. The two would be separate. Same as would be the case here in TOR.


I never liked the idea of wearing gear on top of gear. Always felt "clunky". And that's not active CUSTOMIZATION. It's a UI overlay. Lazy.


This way, I actually get to actively CUSTOMIZE, not only my stats, but to make that piece I like more powerful.


It's always been my opinion, and always will be. The present system exceeds the quality of a simple UI overlay in so many ways, I cannot possibly list them all.


There's a reason an a-tab has always been called "lazy design"...

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REAL appearance customization is finally coming in 1.2. Finally any appearance you want in game with no stat hit. That has me stoked!


I'm stoked too. I tend to hide it behind this veneer of hate, but I'll take what BioWare is giving if it's all they are capable of doing to the best of their ability. I've tested color match on the PTS & it's amazing, better than it was in beta even.

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Because the game is great and on top of that it's Star Wars we are talking about here, competition with it's generic fantasy crap cannot top SW as far as i am concerned.


Yep, that's a big reason why no other game even remotely interests me. The entire Tolkien-like fantasy genre as a whole has been worn paper-thin, and then some.


So much so, I couldn't even get into Skyrim.

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Because the game is great and on top of that it's Star Wars we are talking about here, competition with it's generic fantasy crap cannot top SW as far as i am concerned.


In another year SWTOR might have some real sci-fi MMO competition with Blizzard's TITAN & WH40K Dark Millenium Online, if those MMO's ever come out.

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I just started playing, and after a 7 day trial, was literally exploding to get this game upgraded (had to wait for Amazon.co.uk to deliver). I have been playing it solidly since I installed it, and enjoying each aspect as it comes, but there are alot of fundamentals that need adding or fixing, like falling through any kind of see-through floor when I Force Leap...


The game has a long way to go, and as with all new games, needs time to find it's feet, and for £8.99 a month, meh, ill keep playing till im no longer considering logging in.


In short, it's better paying £8.99 than £50 a month on new games.

Edited by Vahzl
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I will maintain my subscription. I didn't blow everything and chew through all the content in two months because I'm a smart bear. I still have stuff to do. I enjoy forming up new raid teams and gearing up people. I enjoy the guild, the team building and the comraderie. I enjoy PvP'ing against Imperial pre-mades which only forces me to learn and get better. So, you know, I'll be subbed for awhile.
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Canceled today.

- No F-P finder

- No Mmo.

- Sith-Lord in a PINK Chest-Armor waving at a friggin Shuttle

- GTM is abysmal


Guess i will come back in about 5 months when it will be f2p.


Wanted to comment that in 5 months Bioware will more than likely say, "F2P is coming soon, we are working on it, its on our todo list, but not priority". Unfortunately, they will probably drop the ball on that too.

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Wanted to comment that in 5 months Bioware will more than likely say, "F2P is coming soon, we are working on it, its on our todo list, but not priority". Unfortunately, they will probably drop the ball on that too.


*sees the jiggling hook and recognizes this for what it is, then walks slowly away*

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Too much empahsis on tryng to fix pvp. I would like to do some rp that does not mean standing around and typing everything. I can do that in Yahoo for free. How about being able to sit in a chair? Even that would have helped, or ...*gasp* being able to put my hood down. The list goes on and on. Maybe I should feel lucky they have not spent much time on rp things seeing what a wonderful job they did on pvp :p


And no the single player game does not count as rp for me.


24 days left...I'd rather they gave me $10.00 back...hehe


Have fun everyone that is staying

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No sub since 3 days, I dont even know if I wanna resub for patch 1.2. There is no idication that there will be anything "to do", because as of now there is absolutely nothing to do, and so is for my guild. Suddenly 20+ people canceled subs because we were done with raids and wz (full rakata, battlemasters etc.). And I was basicly the last one to unsub. Such a shame, really liked that game...
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I haven't rushed to 50 and am still enjoying the game. I tend to slow level and it tends to pay off :)


Rushed? The game came out over 3 months ago now. :rolleyes:


I'm very slow at leveling and even I got to 50 a month or so ago, at that point it wasn't long before I realised how uninspired the endgame content is and have since cancelled by sub.


If folk enjoy the game still, that's great and it's good to hear. It's just not for me I'm afraid.

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Yep, staying. This game is great and will only get better. The folks that are leaving now for similar reasons as the OP are unable to be pleased by any game and will continue to 'content locust' their way through games and whine on forums.

The rest of us will be here having a blast! :D


I agree, I burned out on EQ, then burned out on WoW, I'm sure I will eventually burn out on this game too, but until then, I will stay subscribed. :cool:

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I hit 50 a couple weeks, have started to grind out warzones for pvp gear. Haven't touched any operations yet and don't plan on it.


1.2 sounds like it will keep me busy for a little while but I will most likely tire of the same 4 warzones over and over and take a break to wait for a more substantial pvp patch.

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My next time card is up in less than 60 but more than 30.. With the garbage coming out in 1.2 probably not quite honestly. The artwork for the new armor is less than lack luster.. I've never seen a Jedi running around with a horned helmet for christ sake. The issues with the lower armor and my avatars rear is still a significant issue.


As far as game play goes, I heal.. Not really liking the nerfs and even less with their 'reasoning' for it. Not a fan of them not answering the hard questions that they should be answering in the Q&A's and making the fluff of the game seem like it is more than it really is.. If the game is going to be for those that RP moreso than those that PVE and PVP the game will have a very short lifespan.


As far as the legacy stuff goes.. meh.. there is absolutely nothing in there that will make me buy another time card. All that is.. is a way to force people into leveling more story lines whether they interest you or not. I seriously shudder at the amount of development time went into that stuff.


They still haven't fixed bugs that really are a lot to do with quality of life within the game, have not made any mention of fixing those things, and with their track record of more bugs than playability..


I've given it a go, enjoyed it while I was here.. Going to go play some single player stuff for a while..

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Have a 50, 46, 42 & a 25


I have played this game practically every night since I got it at launch, my 50 has valour 60 grinded through the warzones and all crafting at 400.


Sadly I have not been interested in playing for the past 3 days and since I only have today left on my timecard I won't be playing again.


I had big hopes that this game would fill the MMO void for me but it just failed to deliver in key areas. I must admit that since launch I have spent 90% of my time soloing as all the people on my first server left, then the guild on my second server left, pretty much everyone is leaving. The game is deserted on practically every planet but I have listed the main reasons I am leaving below.


  • Clunky interface
  • Still an ability delay on my powers
  • 1.2 Valour changes are a slap in the face
  • Crafting pointless
  • No world pvp, it's carebear land with impassable obsticles keeping us apart
  • 8 v 8 warzones, WOW has 40 v 40 ffs
  • Empty servers, everyone left
  • Crazy Bounty Hunter nerfs, far too severe
  • The game is not an MMo it's an RPG


I got 3 free days in Rift for updating my security and boy when I went back into that game after 3 months in SWTRO it made me realise just how terrible SWTOR actually is compared to a proper MMO. The combat was so fluid, the animations so smooth and the graphics were awesome. Sorry but SWTOR is just a bad MMO, I very much doubt if I will be back.


Oh and the Moderators played a big part in my decision to leave this game, truly terrible they are.

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