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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Awe, did one of those mean Jedi beat you up?




More than likely it was a Sorcerer.


But hey, Bioware is so fail they don't even get the basic concepts of modeling right.

I do game design for a living making assets like shirts, characters and vehicles. One of the things we have to deal with is that you can only ever see one side of any part of an object (Called a Face) so every thing in the game is made up of Faces which depending on how they are facing (hence the term) you can or can not see them. You know how some times if you see a crack in the ground and you look through it you can see to infinity? That's because the game engine doesn't render the back faces of the ground.


It's a REALLY basic concept that all games have to follow. Now, since the "Face" has two sides, one you can see and one you can't, we mark it with "Normals" when the normal is facing the camera you can see the texture, when the normal is facing away from the camera you get invisible crap or things which you can only see the borders of.


When designing -anything- in 3d you have to make sure you keep the normals facing outward. It's actually REALLY hard to get normals ALL completely reversed by accident but bioware seems to have found a way. I just walked off the shuttle to Voss and found a NPC who is wearing a inside-out-shirt that makes her look like she is running around in a sports bra.




See how you can see her body through the shirt but you can see the texture of the shirt floating around her arms? That's some pretty epic fail. I mean that is first month of ever opening a modeling program level of fail. It's really impressive they could mess up -that- completely and still call themselves "Professionals"

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Already unsubbed.


Why bother playing a game that BW makes progressively easier each patch? Pretty soon there will just be a "play it for me" button. And on top of that, the completely unnecessary nerfs, lack of retuning things that the community has been asking for, ridiculous looking new gear sets.... whatever, no point in going on.


Casuals and fanbois will stay. The rest of us will move on.

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Yeah I cancelled. Funny thing is after reading the 1.2 patch notes I actually felt good about unsubbing. I think the timing is right, and I have no regrets because the latest update were just so bad; and in the mmo habitat swtor is slowly following in the footsteps of....well everyone else.


Overall I think SWTOR was a good game with a real potential to be better, which could still happen. Maybe I'll regret unsubbing. Maybe Georg will play the game and actively explore the changes himself.


Maybe I'll just buy Diablo 3 and forget all about SWTOR.

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Can we just go ahead and implement an auto-ban for any forum user who posts a "Will you keep your subscription?" thread?


What gives with you people?


Will you keep breathing? Are you sure? Have you really thought this through? Why or why not? Discuss.



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Read the 1.2 changes.


I can say as a Merc healer, who has been feeling lackluster as it is, a one target increase to one skill, while nerfing me across the board ensured I do not re-up at my 6 month mark. I was on the fence, but to be honest, this does it.


I am glad to see so many positive changes to other areas of the game, but as a Tester who has consistently provided feedback on Merc healing since November '11 and who tested EVERY phase from that point on. And one who feels (rightfully or not) that the changes to my class are excessive and in the opposite direction of what makes me comfortable I am, for now, not planning on resubbing once my current time runs out.


I will stick around and see what the final version of the changes ends up as, but for now, I am baffled by increasing Merc heat generation while healing, decreasing a number of their heals and then tossing them a Quality of Life 1 extra target to Kolto Missile. It just does not compute.


I will check back in on the forum next month. This just gives me time to begin sorting my life now that my mum has passed, and allows me to figure out if I can even stay in the States.


Here is to hope.






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Casuals and fanbois will stay. The rest of us will move on.


To where? Another game that will not meet the requirements of 'the rest of us' and then move again? And again? And again?


I suppose is best to quote '' Its not the destination that matter its the journey'' and for the 'the rest of us' is indeed one of a kind journey.


The game it is boring I give you that but I kinda got tired of this journey. If i will resub? Most likely yes

Edited by Phenyr
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Sadly, SWTOR was waay to easy at launch, and it dont stop there :( - anyway yes i am keeping my subscription up for a while longer just becuase i still have fun. but i am afraid i will jump on the next bandwaggon that comes along and hope it aint to easy - easy makes it boring real fast, you should know this BW.
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Honestly from reading your statement I'd be willing to bet you never once played wow.


So, why would you think that?


Vanilla wow was awful since the endgame content at launch was UBRS and the game overall was pretty close to maddening as the result of disconnections and ofcourse the famous loot-iceskater bug.

And how i joyfully remember wiping among C'thun over and over and spending endless nights discussing tactics. Just to find out (through a "blue" post) that the encounter was going to be fixed since they found out that in the launch state C'thun was not possible to defeat no matter how maxed out or what tactics you used.

And no matter how i think about it, crashing servers during raidtime, during raidencounters which by the way lagged pretty hard anyway, for several hours... was no laughing matter. And thats just what i experienced in vanilla.


Further on i have to say the time between released content was really painful and often resulted in me just standing around in org/dalaran/IF and SW flipping stuff on AH just because there was nothing to do, for a long time. I ended up giving away more than 300k gold to friends before cataclysm and 1.2 Million after Cata release. I had roughly 700k when i unsubbed 4 months into Cataclysm, and all of this because the lack of endgame content forced me to try other not-so-fun aspects of the game, like goldfarming with several diffrent addons (auctionmaster,auctionprofitmaster, auctionator etc).


And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

So yeah, i Have played wow a bit, and thats my version of it.

Edited by janne_josefsson
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look i love Star Wars and I'm a fanboy but this Bioware game is failing and that's just a fact.


You can hate on me if you want I wish the game would succeed just as much as you do but some of us have been around long enough to see and know the signs..


sad I know...


Free swtor weekend is rocking the pop:



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After seeing the 1.2 patch notes, they confirmed what I thought: 1.2 is essentially doing a lot of "housekeeping", fixing a myriad of little things, whilst also throwing in a flashpoint, operation and warzone to at least give people some measure of new content.


It's a step in the right direction, but not necessarily a big one in terms of "fleshing out" this MMO.


So, to come back to the OP's question, I'm not sure myself. I may subscribe for a month or so after 1.2, maybe long enough to do the new flashpoint a few times. After that, we're heading into May, when we start seeing new games being released.


And when that time comes, well.....Diablo 3 and Tera arrive, with TSW coming the month after.


And whilst Diablo 3 isn't an MMO, it's a well known brand that MAY take up some peoples time after it releases. And people can't play two games at the exact same time.

Edited by Tarka
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After seeing the 1.2 patch notes, they confirmed what I thought: 1.2 is essentially doing a lot of "housekeeping", fixing a myriad of little things, whilst also throwing in a flashpoint, operation and warzone to at least give people some measure of new content.


It's a step in the right direction, but not necessarily a big one in terms of "fleshing out" this MMO.


So, to come back to the OP's question, I'm not sure myself. I may subscribe for a month or so after 1.2, maybe long enough to do the new flashpoint a few times. After that, we're heading into May, when we start seeing new games being released.


And when that time comes, well.....Diablo 3 and Tera arrive, with TSW coming the month after.


And whilst Diablo 3 isn't an MMO, it's a well known brand that MAY take up some peoples time after it releases. And people can't play two games at the exact same time.


I wouldn't put much stock in Tera. It really looks like a horrible grind fest Korean style.

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nope already have gone back to wow. still got like 15 days left (would've cancelled already but they charged my card when I was sure i had unsubbed) still don't see myself playing much if at all. I'll be keeping an eye on it however and I might come back when they make more improvements to the game as a whole. Had fun for the first month though!
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i have 37 days left on my account, i unsubbed this morning, i cant quite put my finger on it but for the first 6 weeks or so i couldnt get enough of TOR, but now i just dont wanna log on, the hook that got me has gone.

im bitterly disapointed cos i thought that this would be the one that kept me going for months.

now im eagerly waiting for tera, in the offchance that will be the one but we shall see.


it pains me to say this but much as i hate wow (now) that is the only mmorpg that has had me subbed for more than 6 months.


i may still return to TOR if it becomes fun and not so repetative, im saddened cos it really is a good game, albiet for a short while.


Tera is just another Rift (WoW "clone" if you wish).


GW2 my last attempt at MMOs until Titan. Although iv subbed to TOR and having a decent time right now, waiting for 1.2 as well...

Edited by Cyphen
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I wouldn't put much stock in Tera. It really looks like a horrible grind fest Korean style.


Maybe, but my point was that collectively these new titles may noticably affect SWTOR's popularity in the coming months.

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It's a step in the right direction, but not necessarily a big one in terms of "fleshing out" this MMO.



It's too little, too late, and they are fixing all the things that NO ONE CARES ABOUT.


People have been complaining about crafting and the HORRIBLE way they took PVP from being a fun, viable method of leveling and made it into a massive waste of time. How they went back on EVERY SINGLE promise ever made to PVP players. How they purposefully make certain materials almost impossible to get so you can only level your crafting skills after spending a month gathering or farming credits to dump into it.


There is a fine line between "Challenging" and "Frustrating as hell."

Bioware sprinted over that line like an Olympic runner being chased by a roaming rabid racoon and never even looked back.


Patch 1.2 is World of Starwars. WoW all over again but with glow sticks.

Edited by Coyotecalls
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It's too little, too late, and they are fixing all the things that NO ONE CARES ABOUT.


People have been complaining about crafting and the HORRIBLE way they took PVP from being a fun, viable method of leveling and made it into a massive waste of time. How they went back on EVERY SINGLE promise ever made to PVP players. How they purposefully make certain materials almost impossible to get so you can only level your crafting skills after spending a month gathering or farming credits to dump into it.


There is a fine line between "Challenging" and "Frustrating as hell."

Bioware sprinted over that line like an Olympic runner being chased by a roaming rabid racoon and never even looked back.


Patch 1.2 is World of Starwars. WoW all over again but with glow sticks.


Yup, Blizzard lied multiple times to the community.


At least BW is addressing the PvP community and adding a ton of new content for everyone...unlike Blizzard.



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