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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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maybe if they fix



make crafting have the best gear in the game and VERY hard to get



make PVP gear VERY HARD to get and not easy



class balance


world pvp into city's


server transfer so people don't have to reroll


make raiding HARD so it is VERY hard to get good gear


improve the guardian


Fix the economy so trading has a place!


get rid of orbital stations



help some classes who are hard to level*cough sentinel*


add a LFG tool


Fix there hero engine because my amd 6990 raddon and 3.2 GH processor with 8 GB ram does not like this game.


all I really need is to make good gear very hard to find and pvp gear very hard to get.so I will keep playing this game becuz it has great potential

Edited by iloveicarly
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Am I going to continue playing?






Because it's fun.




Seriously, all this hate/love speech is getting ridicolous. People like the game or they don't.

I like it. I play it. End of story.


It's a *********** game. Don't like it? Don't play it.

Edited by Farami
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Am I going to continue playing?






Because it's fun.




Seriously, all this hate/love speech is getting ridicolous. People like the game or they don't.

I like it. I play it. End of story.


It's a *********** game. Don't like it? Don't play it.


some people express there opinions why they don't want to play in hopes of it being acknowledged and so they can play this game it has good potential!

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I actually just re-subbed.


The reason i, and many other people, had stopped playing is because the holidays are over. So i'm not worried about the server pop going down. Now that i have time, i will be playing more.


I enjoy the story and the gameplay. I'm keen for the new content coming.


I only have one character, and am looking forward to going through the other 7 classes. So if each of those characters take up as much time as my first, i'm going to be here a long time :D

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Title is just plain weird to start off ... Should read Everyday question that pops up on Forum.


I love this game, Yes it is unpolished but look at WoW in it's first year.I have Multiple characters across both Factions that are keeping me entertained until the next Content update.


Seriously though why oh why must this question be asked so frequently? If you don't like the game STOP PLAYING IT. There are more then enough players who adore the game for all it's glory (Even if it has "Bugs")

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This game brought me to MMOs so I have never tried and cannot comment on SWG.


In spite of that, I still have fun when I log in but some things would really make me stay for the long haul:


- Player cities tied with open world PVP in which factions could create and defend their city.

- More RP elements.



Had you played SWG you would not ask for player cities. I was a mayor of one and it was fun for a large guild for a time to play house. But seeing the rest of the galaxy become an empty space because of it kills it for anyone outside of town.


Of course then you have the ghost town issue when a whole guild up and leaves, or the democracy issue where your russian friends on SS1 can move in, or set up camp next to your city limits, waiting for the chance to vote you out of office.


I could go on.



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Had you played SWG you would not ask for player cities. I was a mayor of one and it was fun for a large guild for a time to play house. But seeing the rest of the galaxy become an empty space because of it kills it for anyone outside of town.


Of course then you have the ghost town issue when a whole guild up and leaves, or the democracy issue where your russian friends on SS1 can move in, or set up camp next to your city limits, waiting for the chance to vote you out of office.


I could go on.




The changes made to cities as a result of inactivity improved the situation a lot, towards the end of the game's life, Unfortunately it wasn't applied to houses in the landscape and outside cities. If it had, then it would have been a perfect system.


Back on topic: I subbed for six months, I felt that that would give me a good idea if the game was going in the right direction for my playstyle. The next update will go someway to improving things that I feel are lacking. But it's still too early to say whether I will walk away enirely, or not.

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I play every day, and I've not capped a single toon yet. I skip nothing, take my time, and currently have 6 characters between 20 and 50.


Once I have completed ALL 8 class stories, have every profession maxed out on at least one

character, and then completed the endgame content, then I will think about quitting.


I don't understand people who quit the game without having seen so much content.

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I play every day, and I've not capped a single toon yet. I skip nothing, take my time, and currently have 6 characters between 20 and 50.


Once I have completed ALL 8 class stories, have every profession maxed out on at least one

character, and then completed the endgame content, then I will think about quitting.


I don't understand people who quit the game without having seen so much content.



Because clearly you are paying to play mostly single player content. And thats ok.



But most people are not looking for that, they are looking for a good MMORPG experience.

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


You skipped all the content to level to 50 in one week and are now disparaging that content that you have not even experienced? What are you arguing here? You are making conjectural assessments (this is another wow) that are not supported and make very little sense.


Right now this sounds like you bought a touring bike and tried to off-road with it and are now attacking the retailer because you whacked your head on a tree.


The entire thing is written on a 7th grade level, disorganized, felonious in its accusations, and totally misrepresents the subject matter that it is supposedly reviewing. Please clean it up, back up your facts, state your argument clearly and concisely, give rational comparisons and I'd be happy to respond with and opposing opinion. ;p

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Because clearly you are paying to play mostly single player content. And thats ok.



But most people are not looking for that, they are looking for a good MMORPG experience.


Most people?


Took a poll did you? Care to link to it? ;)


This is a good MMO experience. Has all the trimmings and is fun. If it's not fun for you or someone else, that's a real shame but that doesn't suddenly re-define the genre the game is in.

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Because clearly you are paying to play mostly single player content. And thats ok.



But most people are not looking for that, they are looking for a good MMORPG experience.



That is not what he said at all. You are arguing both sides in order to support your claim.


The contention that "most People" support your argument is conjecture as all quantifiable indicators are demonstrating that "most people" are still very much enjoying the game. If you are not, you are part of a very vocal minority.


Further, attempting to convince others to believe differently, by providing inaccurate information, hyperbole and conjecture, coupled with the fact that you are posting on a message board of a game that you are not interested in playing would suggest some deeper agenda is at play here.

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Fence sitting. Leaning towards not.


The why is a combination. Yes I see issues such as the shallow depth of end-game content, the lack of key features like a functing LFG that should already be in place, and the performance issues, among other things.


However I'm mostly having fun and enjoying the game for what it is today, and what it has the potential to be if Bioware takes progressing the game seriously.




My primary server has seen a sharp fall-off in active players. Several close friends of mine, including the one who convinced me to play the game, have quit. Finding groups and keeping a healthy guild going is becoming more and more difficult.


I have checked out a few other servers and there are some that feel very much alive. However, I've played two of the class stories Empire side to 50, played the others to at least chapter 1, played a few Rep stories as well, geared out one 50, amassed lots of crafting schematics across several professions, amassed a lot of credits, and have my legacy well established.


As such, I just have little to no desire to play the 'just reroll' card and have to start all over and abandon my established characters.


Since 1.2 doesn't seem to include a cross-server grouping tool nor an ability to transfer characters, I'm probably going to say goodbye for now. And that makes me sad.

Edited by DawnAskham
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As such, I just have little to no desire to play the 'just reroll' card and have to start all over and abandon my established characters.


Since 1.2 doesn't seem to include a cross-server grouping tool nor an ability to transfer characters, I'm probably going to say goodbye for now. And that makes me sad.


I'm not sure whether to ask what drug you are on, or just be thankful that I have the chance to read some constructive criticism that does not begin and end with whining.


I love this game. I'm having a ball, as is my entire guild, but I have to agree with you here.


I do not agree with a cross server grouping tool at all as I've experienced its failure, and how quickly it can ruin a game with Wow.


However. I absolutely expect that they should prioritize server transfers for low level servers. This was a move that enhanced such games as wow over the long run. On the surface, yes, it will grant the whiners some ammunition in their ftp nonsense arguments, but in the long run will tend to strengthen the game both in community opinion and in maintaining the type of player that will be an asset to that community.


Very well written argument.

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Definitely gonna continue playing this game. I am having a blast being part of this new community, and am excited to see how this game evolves. I was there since the beginning with WoW and saw that game really blow up. But that got boring after being there so many years. I was also happy that this game redeemed SW in an MMO after the flop that was SWG. I do agree that servers are empty. I picked a low pop server due to the fact that i was too damn impatient to wait in queue for the more populated servers when this began.Unfortunately alot of people don't share my optimism for the future of this game.


For those who are hating on the game in its infancy, instead of bashing this game and possibly discouraging others.....Make suggestions and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. that's the only way that this game will evolve and become better.

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Unlikely. Server pops are dropping but that's not the biggest thing for me. Guild is dying and friends have stopped playing completely. They aren't jumping ship to another guild either. They're completely getting off the boat and play other games. I log in and immediately log out because I have 0 friends online and I'm one of 2 guild members on. I don't think TOR will die but it won't have nearly the amount of success that WoW had. I wouldn't be surprised if WoWs sub numbers leveled off or had a slight resurgeance. :(
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I'm going to stay subbed, but i downgraded to monthly a long time ago.


A combination of boredom with content and irritation with bugs is really setting in.


I'm going to give 1.2 a fair shake, but its the make or break patch imho.

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yep, why not ? there is no other game out there for me, go back to some tired game thats 7 years old, plus I rarely go back to games I leave, I left them for a reason.. I happy here, I know the game will grow and expand, I am not part of the instant gratifiation generation, I understand mmo's take time to grow and expand they all do, heck in the 14 plus years I have been playing them, I have never seen one that fixed or expaned instantly, just does not happen..LOL Plus I am so sick of elves and orcs if I see another one anytime soon I am gona hurl..:)
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I play every day, and I've not capped a single toon yet. I skip nothing, take my time, and currently have 6 characters between 20 and 50.


Once I have completed ALL 8 class stories, have every profession maxed out on at least one

character, and then completed the endgame content, then I will think about quitting.


I don't understand people who quit the game without having seen so much content.


I completely agree. I think it's a fantastic game. I enjoy a bit of RP too - what stunning enviroments to create stories for our characters. I really do enjoy the game. Pretty much all the elements and lore from the film are in there and the different storylines for each class are superb.

This is the first I've visited the forum since I was looking to join a guild. When I was last here, I was astounded at the amount of whinging. It seems people would rather whinge than play. If you aren't going to re-sub then just leave quietly and take your negativity with you - there are plenty of other players who are happy and greatful enough to have this game.

Sure there could be some improvements but they are few and I'd be happy to tell the devs where I think those changes could be made to make the game truely standout. But as it is,I'm loving it. Time to login and get my fix haha :)

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I'm not sure whether to ask what drug you are on, or just be thankful that I have the chance to read some constructive criticism that does not begin and end with whining.


I love this game. I'm having a ball, as is my entire guild, but I have to agree with you here.


I do not agree with a cross server grouping tool at all as I've experienced its failure, and how quickly it can ruin a game with Wow.


However. I absolutely expect that they should prioritize server transfers for low level servers. This was a move that enhanced such games as wow over the long run. On the surface, yes, it will grant the whiners some ammunition in their ftp nonsense arguments, but in the long run will tend to strengthen the game both in community opinion and in maintaining the type of player that will be an asset to that community.


Very well written argument.


In the video from the Guilds meeting, the guy from Bioware says that it IS on the card but it's a big job which is why it's not in this time (1.2) :)

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In the video from the Guilds meeting, the guy from Bioware says that it IS on the card but it's a big job which is why it's not in this time (1.2) :)


I suspected as much, but did not want to just start blathering conjecture without knowing..


Thanks for the update. ;p

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In the video from the Guilds meeting, the guy from Bioware says that it IS on the card but it's a big job which is why it's not in this time (1.2) :)


Unfortunately, this is just one several large dropped balls on Bioware's part. The same excuse comes up with regard to providing character copies / premades on the PTS so that a meaningful number of max level players test encounters before release.


It is highly telling that they could budget the money to market this game everywhere, including getting it into a prime-time TV show, yet somehow couldn't find the budget to include basics like a functioning grouping tool or a server transfer function.


I really like Bioware RPGs, and I like SWTOR. I'm even willing to let a few things slide and give them time to address the inevitable bugs in a development project of this size.


But I'm reaching a frustration point given this is an MMO, which is supposed to be played with others, and yet many things are missing that would go a long way towards keeping players playing, and playing together.


And this is just inexcusable in a 2012 MMO with a budget in the hundreds of millions of dollars produced by a major gaming studio.

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