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The top 3 things you want added in this game


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1. Improved Auction House

2. Animal Mounts

3. Optional/findable/earnable companions in addition to the 5 we already have.


To elaborate :


1. The auction house currently has terrible search functionality. I hate to be comparing anything in this game to WoW, because I know people hate it when that happens, but here I think it is appropriate. The WoW AH has some of the best overall functionality in any MMO. The ability to do a straight-up name search without having to open the proper category first. The ability to search for armor, not only by type, but by location. The ability to search not just for heavy armor, but to search by head slot, leg slot, body slot, etc. The ability to shift+click to place the name of something in the search bar, hit enter/return, and find that item directly. WoW has the best AH in the business, and there is no shame in copying it as much as legally possible. If it works, it works, and theirs works. SWTOR's does not work nearly as well. It needs some love asap.


2. Speaks for itself. They could be purchased, captured, or tamed. Certain mounts may only be available on certain planets, but should be useable on any planet. They would work just like speeders so the mechanics need not change, unless you make the method of obtaining them to be something other than buying them from a vendor. I have heard rumblings from various sources that the version of the hero engine used for this game does not allow for this sort of thing. I call BS on that. It might take a lot of effort to make it happen, but I will never believe that is cannot be done. The devs can say that they WON'T do it, but I refuse to accept that they CAN'T.


3. Over the course of the class storylines, you occasionally meet characters that are unique to that storyline. They aren't part of the publicly available planetary storylines, they are exclusive to the class stories. I have found such characters in the SI, BH, and Smuggler stories. It would be really great if those people were available as companions, but not ones that are given to you automatically. They can be set up so that they only join you if you make the correct conversation choices in the right order. If you do it wrong, they refuse to join you and you have lost the opportunity forever. This would add a few new elements to the game. I have no problem with the 6 companions that you are given automatically and would not want them to change in any way, other than to maybe fix the stories so that their joining makes a little more sense in some cases. These would be in ADDITION to the automatic companions. I don't know how many would be made available. I would say no more than 3 recruitable companions for each storyline, and those companions would be exclusive to that story. You could even add a few universally recruitable ones, like Thana Vesh for instance, who can be obtained and used by anyone. This would allow for some more variety in companions, and would provide an element of strategy. Figuring out which ones are obtainable in a story for a class you have never played before can present a unique challenge that you don't currently find in many other games. It would also provide each player's crew with an ever greater diversity of races/alien species than they already have, and additional variety is never a bad thing in my book. It would also give the devs a chance to play around with armoring races that aren't currently useable for possible inclusion as PC races in future expansions.



These are my top 3. I hope the devs read this and like what they see. I think these things can only improve what is already a pretty darn good game.


My two cents. Enjoy.

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1. 2 person Speeders (yourself and a grouped friend)

2. Modifiable recipes actually showing up when selecting the 'Modifiable' tab in the Crew Skill menu

3. Augmentation Device crafted consumables (craft an augment slot onto existing Custom gear)

Edited by Danakar
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again this is not about criticing others just what you would like to see in the game


Ok... then I will take this seriously and not critique your choices.


1. Less people who want flying mounts.

2. People to understand why we shouldn't have flying mounts.

3. More cowbell?

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again this is not about criticing others just what you would like to see in the game


Not trying to hijack your thread, but people can't get anywhere without criticism. Flying mounts are a bad idea.


My three would be;


1. Togrutas

2. Changing Force Slow (Shadow skill) and the Imperial equivalent , to a DoT spread across the slow duration; Balance tree relies heavily on DoTs and is in desperate need of more.

3. Highly custom sabers.

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I will agree with the thought that flying mounts are a bad idea. They would completely invalidate and devalue the current implementation of datacrons and remove any sense of achievement gained from finding them. Do I wish they were easier to get to? Absolutely. Do I hate the Super Mario style gameplay necessary to get at them? Definitely. As such, I don't usually bother with them and leave them to those willing to take the time necessary to figure out how to get them. Flying mounts would make them trivial, and make them relatively pointless.


They would also make it possible to completely bypass areas designed to be fought through. This would reduce the xps gained from traveling and would force the devs to completely re-write entire areas to compensate for the flying mounts. That's a lot of work for something that would be totally counter-productive to the current design of the game.


Basically, flying mounts, really bad idea.


I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin".

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I will agree with the thought that flying mounts are a bad idea. They would completely invalidate and devalue the current implementation of datacrons and remove any sense of achievement gained from finding them. Do I wish they were easier to get to? Absolutely. Do I hate the Super Mario style gameplay necessary to get at them? Definitely. As such, I don't usually bother with them and leave them to those willing to take the time necessary to figure out how to get them. Flying mounts would make them trivial, and make them relatively pointless.


They would also make it possible to completely bypass areas designed to be fought through. This would reduce the xps gained from traveling and would force the devs to completely re-write entire areas to compensate for the flying mounts. That's a lot of work for something that would be totally counter-productive to the current design of the game.


Basically, flying mounts, really bad idea.


I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin".


Well they could do just like WoW did and only allow flying mounts in the expansion areas that were already designed with flying mounts in mind.

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2. Being able to switch off the voice of that damn droid on my ship.


It would be much easier for them to move the droid to a compartment that you rarely go into instead of being near the exit. No coding involved at all.

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Well they could do just like WoW did and only allow flying mounts in the expansion areas that were already designed with flying mounts in mind.


Now that might work. As long as they don't do what WoW also did, and go back and allow flying everywhere.

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1. Cross-server LFG for flashpoints and same-server for dailies and heroics if cross-server isn't viable (seem to be an awful lot of servers for the number of players though). This would have to be the single biggest issues as the others pertain to what happens once you can actually get in, the lack of this feature makes the other too not worthwhile unless you've got a system which allows you to play the game instead of standing around in Fleet all day every day and even worse spamming. And no, I didn't roll on a low-pop server. Apparently mine is high-pop. Just hard to tell by the numbers but compared to what low-pop server numbers people are posting I can see why it would be considered high-pop


2. Addons. If I want a KG-panel type addon where I design all the art and have various sounds for different events that's my perogative and won't affect anyone else. If I want my action bars to be made up of small round circles instead of squares that should be my choice, and however many of few I have and where they are should also be my choice. If I want to be able to play with a mouse instead of a keyboard instead of having the mouse there only for moving that should be my choice without having to buy official Razer products. If I want a notes system where if an alt needs gear and another character is buying/making it, being able to look at a sticky note I wrote up about what gear for character and companion is needed instead of pen and paper irl should be my choice. If I want to be able to know more clearly who needs to be dispelled and who I actually can by looking at my UI instead of simply having done the run over and over again to have learnt which tiny little square I'm looking for to be cleansing that should be my choice (knowing what to purge doesn't mean you're more skilled - it just means you've done the run more often and have learnt the run so can do it from muscle memory). If I'm doing something where clickable nameplates are useful I want to be able to use them. If I want to be able to make some information in the UI more visible and noticable, while minimizing others that should be my choice. If I want information about the game, I should be able to have an addon and be able to browse loot tables etc in-game instead of tabbing out and going to sites. I've already had a blocked attack from simply looking at images on torhead.com when I was trying to find out how to get the schematic for a robe. Please look after our security a bit better than this :mad: All the secret questions mean nothing if there's a keylogger on your system and we don't all live in a country where you have access to a security key. FYI most people only use DBM in wow because the default warnings are missing. That **** that screams at you if you're standing in something? If you've been told to get it then, well, there's most likely a reason why and that would be - you've been told you need help. Addons that play for you? They're BOTS. Not addons. That healbot which was in-game in BC that "healed for you"? Lasted all of a couple of months before Blizzard broke it. And it didn't heal for you. It suggested which spell would be best for a person. It wasn't a bot. And in all fairness that was in the days when spell ranks were heavily used so you actually had about 50 heals to choose from. So that's no excuse to block the use of addons in swtor.


3. Same-sex romance options. To level Ashara's affection when you can't romance her is not something I would wish on anyone. I'm just not that nasty. Also, watching my character with the male I can romance isn't pretty (he's not my type). I'd rather see my character do that with the female character with the romance option.


Also, as a side-note, this isn't something that needs to be added, but something that needs to be improved. I've heard a lot of negativity about Operatives. I don't want to have to level a character only to find "omg everything they said was all true - this is a broken/unplayable character". I'm not asking for people to stop complaining about Operatives being so underpowered as healers they can't handle the content, I'm asking for the class to be balanced/buffed/fixed.

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