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Everything posted by SwiftArmor

  1. Personally, I couldn't care less how many players are on a particular server. I prefer to play solo anyway, and follow the story line. Other players are usually just anoying me with duel requests or want me to join their quest's/guilds. Do I think duels and joint quests are fine? Sure I do, and they bring a lot to the game, but for me, and I'm sure for many others, I would have no problem playing on a server where I was the only person.
  2. Every other MMO has their "free weekend" promotion incentives for new players, and SWTOR is no different. For those who think SWTOR is "bleeding" players, I beg to differ. Every new MMO goes thorough this period of people signing up, trying a new game, and then deciding they like their "old" established game better. Seriously, this game has only been available to the gerenal public for three months now, give it some time, and let them correct the issues. I've been playing MMO's for over five years now, and SWTOR definetly has the most potential ahead of it. It's not going to be a perfect game for everyone, and there are lot's of improvments that still need to be made, but when all that comes together, this game will be head and shoulders above all the other MMO's out there. I can just imagine the future expansions with additional planets, additional races/classes to play, higher level caps, expanded story lines/chapters for exisiting characters, etc. I can go on and on with potential for this game. If you insist on moving on, fine, this game probably wasn't for you to begin with, but I love Star Wars, and will be playing SWTOR for a long time to come.
  3. Ha, thats a good one. I thought I was the only one who found that driod extremely annoying.
  4. 1) Tauntaun mounts 2) Jump skill (lets you take a giant force leap out of combat, or jet pack that has a cool down of 20 min so it can't be abused so you can get to those hard to reach places) 3) More worlds to visit and explore.
  5. Even with all it's flaws (as are to be expected with any new launch), I still think SWTOR is a GREAT game and lots of fun. I've been playing since launch, have two level 50 characters, several others that are 20 + and still haven't tried all the classes or stories yet. I also have not joined a guild or done PVP or group play yet. I enjoy going solo and following the story. While there is much that can and will be improved upon, I'm sure, I look forward to playing SWTOR for many years to come.
  6. One suggestion that comes to the top of my mind, is the ability to easily differentiate between regular missions and HEROIC missions (before) you begin monologue. Maybe change the color of the icon above the NPC's head or change the shape of the Icon altogether. I hate sitting through the monologue only to find out it's a HEROIC mission afterward. I usually end up abandoning the mission and wasting time due to this.
  7. I'm 44, and not some kid who just started working at night, been doing it for 25+ years so I know the routine, probably more so than you. Because I do have a life, and a family, I can only play at certain times (the same time the servers are down). Now while that may indeed be my problem, I may choose to go back to "lord of the rings" where the down time is limited to once a week (at worst). Since I am a paying customer, it's my right to bring this issue to their attention.
  8. When the down time is the ONLY time you are able to play, then it becomes an issue. Those of us who sleep during the day, and work at night, who are trying to play that one or two nights a week when we are off work, gets very frustrating. Not everyone falls into your "need to look at your issues" category. Some of us do have lives, but when we want to play, and that play time is not available, we start to look at other MMO's without so much downtime.
  9. I guess you don't realize that some of us sleep during the day (work at night) and when we want to play becasue were off work, and awake at night, the servers seem to be down every other day. Very frustrating.
  10. I have to agree, these fixes should be dealt with once a week unless it is a critical fix. Just because you found one or two minor bugs does not mean the servers should be taken down for hours at a time. Most of these fixes have dealt with content I don't even use. I have found numerous instances where the graphics skip, or characters in coversation appear as all black figures, and I keep thinking that with all these fixes, this issue will be corrected. But no, every down time comes and goes, and the graphics issue remains. If I can deal with that, I think most people would be willing to wait once a week for you to deal with other minor issues.
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