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Help Needed with Darth Zash Dark Temple thing, please (Spolier)


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I am now an SI Assassin Lvl 33 (and 1/2), and still can't waste her. I get so close...she's maybe 5-10%, and then she still smokes me! :(


What do I have to do to kill my Master? I'm 0/0/23 (Madness) build, and I've tried so hard to take all of your advice about the pillars and interrupting Zash before she casts spells. Nothing seems to work...Khem dies, and then I do.


What am I doing wrong...is it the full madness build?


Please help!




I did this as an assassin at LVL 31. I'm FAR from a great player - this is my first MMO. Trust me, the things that worked for me are: a) gear Khem up (if this isn't done, good luck to ya!), b) get at WP stim (at lvl 33 there are better ones), c) interrupt (Jolt) her AoE as often as you can, d) use channel the force, e) grab a medpac (again at 33, there should be potent ones - maybe grab a blue/purple on GTN). There is no way those 5 things won't work for you, especially at Lvl 33 (take it from a very mediocre player). Report back.

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The battle is hard the first time you see it because nothing has prepared you for it. It's like no other encounter you have yet seen. If you do it a second time with a different character, it will be easy for you.


For the fight, it's a combination of hit, slow, and move. I interrupt heals and DDs while running from the AEs. Others do it differently. The key for me is to shut all Khem threat generation off and then hit whenever I can. Some encounters have made you use interrupts, but nothing has yet made you move.


As for leveling, several planets you just finished (Nar Shadaa for example) have bonus quest lines you don't get until after you leave. See about getting those for another level or two. I bet there are some quests in Tatooine also.

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I am now an SI Assassin Lvl 33 (and 1/2), and still can't waste her. I get so close...she's maybe 5-10%, and then she still smokes me! :(


What do I have to do to kill my Master? I'm 0/0/23 (Madness) build, and I've tried so hard to take all of your advice about the pillars and interrupting Zash before she casts spells. Nothing seems to work...Khem dies, and then I do.


What am I doing wrong...is it the full madness build?


Please help!




I killed her as a Deception Assassin at level 30. Close fight but still she went down.


Use Dark Charge for the added mitigation. LOS her casts, try to kite her around letting your dots do the work. Also equipping Khem helps, it's a really hard fight if he is undergeared.

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The one thing I haven't been able to do to my satisfaction has been to kit- up Khem. I suppose once I do that, I'll try again.


I appreciate all your advice. As I am new to online gaming and MMOs, this is quite the experience for me.


Raj :)

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The one thing I haven't been able to do to my satisfaction has been to kit- up Khem. I suppose once I do that, I'll try again.


I appreciate all your advice. As I am new to online gaming and MMOs, this is quite the experience for me.


Raj :)


Also, don't forget that you can interrupt her casts not only with Jolt, but also with your Stun, Whirlwind and Overload.

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If you think Zash is hard, good luck on the last boss ;)


I did this as deception assassin. don't remember the lvl exactly.. 30-32 or something.


make sure, when she gets the heal cast off, that she doesn't stand in the circle... use smash and everything to get her out.. or, as ppl say, LoS her, so she runs out.


I have to say, the SI boss fights are much easier than the Imperial Agent ones, that is for sure. only the final boss is harder than the agent one imo.

Edited by Fallerup
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Thanks to all for your advice and input. It took me over a week, but I finally smoked Darth Zash!!:D


The trick was to kit- up Khem as much as I could, have an advanced medpack, and have an "in your face" up close saber duel...too close for her to pull any of her aoe crap on me.


It was sweet!


Thanks to All who contributed!


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I was actually worried about this fight because I had so much trouble with that jedi commander on alderan. I just beat him with 1 hit point left no lying. I came in and stompt on her hard. The trick is to put klem on combat stance, i usually have him in shadow killer. I was also 33 when I did the fight so that could also be part of the ease.
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I was actually worried about this fight because I had so much trouble with that jedi commander on alderan. I just beat him with 1 hit point left no lying. I came in and stompt on her hard. The trick is to put klem on combat stance, i usually have him in shadow killer. I was also 33 when I did the fight so that could also be part of the ease.


I went through this the first time with a SI lightning spec and had the devil of a time with it at 30. It was a while back and my first character. Funny thing is, I had no problem with any other fight before or after. I just said screw it after a couple of tries and put on two more levels, geared myself and Khem up, and came back and burned her. I think this is really the first tough fight where you have to pay attention and make sure that you do have the med pacs, have Khem geared correctly, and be careful about interrupts and los. I approached it incorrectly and did not take it seriously at first.


Second time around is coming. I am leveling a SI healing spec now and have been playing as a team with my wife who is a SW. Unlike the first time through, Khem is geared out the wahzoo as am I. I think that at 27 now I have almost as much HP and willpower as I did at 30 the first time. We are steamrolling the heroics together and my wife is leveling Synthweaving and making some great gear. So our gear is about as good as you can get at our level. I chose bio as a crew skill and have stims and med pacs bulging in my bags. I am now 27 and Zash is coming in a few levels. My wife will accompany me on this quest, but I think that I will tell her to hold back and to see how I fair against the old gal this time through. LOL, my wife can always save my butt if needed.

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Do people not interrupt her casts ?


I came in as an undergeared 31-32 Madness Sin (i forgot what level exactly) but I had somewhere around 5.6k hp, and my khem was undergeared (all green gear save for an orange weapon).


I literally just stood in front of her interrupting her when I can. I never bothered with going LoS as people suggested and came out with 3/4 of my hp, and khem at 1/2 hp. Never needed to use my medpack nor did I needed to use my Heroic moment either.

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depending on what she will cast in what order does have alot to do with it i had several times she would try to heal back to back to back and really i always tried to keep jolt or overload ready for an AOE that i couldnt move KHEM from i tried this fight 3 different times all the same way i just got lucky on casts and she tried to heal herself most of the time
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am totally frustrated with this boss. I am level 34 now and still I cannot defeat her. Interrupting her is not always possible (cooldown!), and once she gets just one of her overpowered lightning armageddon casts through, I fall back that much that I cannot catch up again.


I am a very casual MMORPG gamer, and I would be fine with the fact that this game was just too hard for someone like me. But I cannot comprehend why all other fights (even the ones on Taris with higher level encounters) are no problem for me, and yet, I am unable to continue my class storyline just because they overpowered Zash. I am trying hard not to whine ( :) ), but this feels f-ing unsatisfying.

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Not sure what level I was at but I beat her alone, just me and Khem(he died early). I'm an assassin and I like to rush through to get class quests done and then go back and do other quests. It was pretty hard and took multiple tries. I used whirlwind a lot and it was a long battle involving medpacks. It'll be different for you if you are sorc. Maybe grab one friend to help heal.
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  • 1 month later...

I am Level 36 now, and still I got huge problems with her. Yes, I play very casual, yes, I am not too skilled, but **** that, this is just insane. I can slay Level 36 Elite bosses on Quesh, but I cannot beat this Level 32 auntie. Whoever designed this mission, obviously never thought about balance.


I will probably succeed after three gazillion tries, but nevertheless, this is BS.

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This may seem like a silly question, but: Everyone that has major trouble with her even when you outlevel her, have you trained all your abilities at your trainer? BOTH tabs, your advanced class and Inquisitor abilities? (I ask because it took me a while to realize they were both there! Haha.)
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Also, it's not the only Zash fight in the game.



I was a Lvl 32 Sith Assassin when I beat her. I had been doing ship missions too and other stuff along the way. My first fight was at Lvl 31 and I got whooped really bad. I am also an extremely casual gamer and don't always spend that much time focusing on my abilities and how I can effectively use them. This made me try and understand some of my abilities a bit more and when I needed to use them rather than just using them because they were available to use.


I didn't even realise Khem had multiple stances until I read this thread just now.


I think it was my fourth attempt that I finally beat her. At first I didn't know what to expect and was definitely surprised. I tried again and things repeated themselves. I thought it was tough and wasn't sure I could win. I found some advice online about the fact that interrupts, adjusting distance, putting Khem on passive when the AoE attacks came. My third attempt I faired better but I was taking more time to watch Zash and her abilities in action. Fourth time I got lucky by trying to control Khem, utilise my abilities and interrupt Zash as much as I could do while running around the place at times while Zash followed making herself vulnerable to Khem while she wasn't using her more powerful abilities as well as controlling my position to her so that she had some issues with LoS. I'll admit that I still had some trouble but with a mix of trying to work my abilities and Khem as best as I could while moving about when needed and attacking when needed it all played out in my favour at the end because Khem and I were still both standing.


I was also using Willpower stims and Medpacks.

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I finally beat her on level 36 after a dozen tries. I still feel that this encounter is - compared to the others - ridiculously overpowered and concerning the (random?) choice of the opponent's spells very luck-based. I guess you could also beat her on 31 if you just give it a million tries until she accidently forgot to cast her lightning thingy spell at all. Oh my God, this battle cost me ten years of my life. Please consider redesigning it! Edited by _Carsten_
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Not sure if one or more posters here are trolling but I didn't have any issues with Zash at lvl 30 as deception spec in quest/commendation gear. I went in expecting an epic fight and all of a sudden she dropped. I was a bit disappointed. I don't consider myself a particularly skilled player. Interrupts seemed to be the key to this fight.
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  • 5 years later...
I particularly liked the one about Taris and levelling there. I didn't realize that the SI would go there at all! Is that the next stop after this Boss fight?



Raj :)


I particularly liked the casual non-descript mention of Malak as a "Lunatic Darth" without so much as even a mention of his name.

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