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Admit it: EGA handled brilliantly.


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It was NOT a success, nor was it handled brilliantly.


The whole point of the staggering launch was a smooth launch, right?


Well, 2-4 hour queue times with random disconnects from the queue here and there making it more like a 10 hour queue.


Once you're in, you're fine. But while waiting to get in anything can happen and you don't get to cut before others in line if you get disconnected or get some ****** error (error 1003 & 1002).


Hail staggered launch... NOT.

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I don't think it was handled brilliantly but I do think the wave idea is smart. However they could have handled it better by stating from the start when you preorder earlier you get in earlier and letting those of us waiting know when we should be getting in ect. So it's a good idea but badly executed.
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QFE. Can't say as I agree with the staggered entry but, if they were determined to do that, they should have kept people better informed. Players shouldn't have to do that on an ad hoc basis in forums that are being thrashed by all the traffic.




Better communication and a worse case time-line would have been a much better system.


A "wait and see" policy is just daft.

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My issue is not with the EGA it is with the way the EGA order was determined.


By going off of the date that the code was redeemed this alienated people who had pre-ordered but had issues. Due to the huge number of issues with the pre-order codes (with problems related to everyone from Best Buy, to Gamestop, to Origin itself) people who pre-ordered on time, but did not recieve a code for whatever reason, are left out in cold.


While I may agree in principal, exactly how was Bioware to know that you pre-ordered the game from a local store? And not just that, but link you to your account? Through Origin? Sure, all gravy. But how would they know that Joe Customer, aka ProfessorWalsh on the forums, went in to Best Buy some sunny day in July and put down money to pre-order the game?


Having to enter a code is the only way it could work.

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I agree with the OP. I think BW did a fine job managing the EGA, the server load and etc... Seriously, did anyone expect a project of this scope to go off without a hitch and make everyone insanely happy?


EGA was handled as fairly as possible IMHO. And remember, this is FREE, EXTRA time. What we paid for does not even begin until the 20th.


To those who had to wait or are still waiting, I feel your pain. I know it has to be frustrating but do your best to be patient. The wait is worth it.


To BW -> Great Job guys!!

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So what I am hearing is all the whiners would have rather had a FFA launch and not even be able to get into ANY servers w/o a 2hr queue... Yup that sounds like a much better launch..


And you are right.. they should have done the EGA differently, by forum signup and not pre-order keys. Oh wait, all the whiners would still be left out because the majority of the complainers pre-ordered last minute just like registering for the forum last minute...




Get over it people, lets be honest.. The main reason people are mad is because they can't get the name they were planning on getting. Boo freaking hoo, come up with a new name. I will start you out with a suggestion.




There, that name commands Honor and Respect!


Entitlement ftw!!

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I agree it was handled excellently, all in line with what was stated ("up to 5 days") and some people even got 2 days earlier than promised so even better for them, this along with the grace period is just showing what a top developer Bioware actually is.


No complaints form me...and before anyone says that's because i got into the game early, it actually isn't, i preordered Dec 9th and still havn't been on the game yet, but then i'm a normal person who has realistic ideas about a product launch. Not a moron who doesn't read properly then proceeds to flame anyone or anything possible when they don't get something that they're getting as a bonus anyway. You're paying for a game which doesn't actually go live until the 20th, be happy you're playing it before then.


You people are the reason why gamers in general have a bad image.

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Leaving people out of the game for days should never be considered a success by any standard.


But wait, let me ask you a question.


Who's fault would it be for not getting in the entire 7 days early? Bioware's? Or the consumer's?




Aside from that, I totally agree, it was a brilliant way to launch. This kept people from QQ'ing in the forums about massive queue times. For the most part the queues were virtually non-existant with exception to a few very heavily loaded servers.


Sadly, by doing it this way Bioware opened the door to a whole new group of QQ'ers.. Those that chose to wait untill the last minute to pre-order. They didn't pull the trigger, and then they blamed Bioware. I am still laughing about this!

Edited by XOrionX
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To those who had to wait or are still waiting, I feel your pain. I know it has to be frustrating but do your best to be patient. The wait is worth it.



Why would a Sith be patient?




Vaguely decent communication would have reduce complaints by up to 100%.


"Wait and see" just breeds annoyance.

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Yes, it was handled brilliantly.


As a Decemberist I'm honoured to wait so that people who pre-ordered before me get to play sooner.


Ever since the Waves started and I understood how they worked, I knew I wasn't getting in till the weekend. Now it looks like I may get in today.


And I'm happy to see that people who ordered before me get their faith in the game rewarded with earlier access.


If I'd pre-ordered sooner, I'd be in now too, but I waited months longer than the people who pre-ordered in July. And I still only have to wait a few days longer than them for Early Access. How is that not awesome?

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Leaving people out of the game for days should never be considered a success by any standard.


Game launches on the 20th. Everyone will be in by then. What's your complaint?


The EGA was handled brilliantly. They got to test the servers and add people in controlled waves, and people got to play a few days early for FREE. What more could we ask for?

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Good fricken lord, could people cry and whine enough about not getting ingame until a few days after someone else?


Everyone KNEW this is how Pre-order was going to work. If you didn't you're either illiterate or a child. We've known for MONTHS now this is how it was gonna be.


But now we have this board FULL of cry babies who are complaining because they waited until the last damn minute to pre-order.


Grow the heck up and get over it.


What a buncha of whiners..

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Nope it wasnt. Because of EGA and my family and friends are in their 20's now and I dont get to experience early game content with them.


That's your own fault. If your family and friends wanted to play with you that badly, they could've waited. They weren't FORCED to play. They CHOSE to.

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Sorry, they handed this extremely poorly. For instance in the real world, when a company expects you wait in line for something they make it clear that a line will be formed. Everyone understands the concept of a line - first come, first served, no problem. If they made that clear in the first place we'd all be standing quietly in line.


However, Bioware gave no guidance at all. What they did was the equivalent of saying "Just show up before the 20th and you'll be let in. When the mob of people showed up expecting to be let in on the 15th it was THEN that they let the mob know how it would be handled and this is POOR. Now half the crowd is groaning because if they had known they would simply have showed up on the 20th and spared themselves the grief.


Bioware's marketspeak of "up to 5 days" is also misleading since most expected more or less 5 days EGA, and they are STILL encouraging pre-orders with the promise of early access!


SO, I'm not sure how people can say this was handled well at all.

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