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Admit it: EGA handled brilliantly.


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other than the occasionally full server when accessing (to be expected).




Every EU server has a reported queue of 40 minutes or more, HOWEVER that is hopelessly optimistic.

Unlike in the BETA 3 weeks ago (where the figures were very pessimistic) if the server says 40 minutes, it's typically 2 hours plus.


Around 66% are reporting 1 hour plus, which is effectively 3 hours.


This is NOT to be expected at all.


I've been in maybe 35-40 MMO's most since launch (since Graphical MUD in 1988), and these are the longest queues I've come across since Everquest 1


20-30 minutes is the average for a new MMO pre launch or around launch

2 hours?..that hasn't happened for years, and this is on most servers not just the odd one.


And this is after Bio exorcised minute micro level control of the invites based on a predefined list and a rigourous schedule of player entry permissions


What's it going to be like on the 20th? Massive server meltdown?

Bio had good ideas (though most were prompted by the community rather than from themselves) but in execution they fail..and fail BIG

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If you don't want to wait in a queue, move to a lower pop server.


112 of us were put there by Bioware guild program.


Tonight every single server we tried to log into was reporting 40 minutes plus but the REALITY was the timer was updating at much less than half that speed


So starting at 40 minutes, the 20 minutes later it would say 30 minutes or even still say 40.


Now YOU may have the patience of a saint and have a lifestyle that allows you to spend 2-3 hours staring at a timer on a Friday night.


Maybe that seems like a good investment of your time


woe betide you leave your screen - cause when your time comes up you have a couple of minutes to log in or your booted out again..to start at the back of the queue


Or perhaps you are not in a guild all on the same server...

Or maybe fun for you is continuing to get alts to level 5 and then never visiting that server again.


You are of course entitled to find pleasure in playing that way. Good on you


I'm not sure many share those feelings though


And no - this IS NOT normal for an MMO launch. 30 minute queues are sometimes encountered, but of the many MMO's I've been involved with on launch day or EGA, the last one to be this bad was EQ almost a decade ago.


Even WoW was a lot better than this (it wasn't good - but it was better than this)

I'm a life member of LOTRO (joined before it launched) and the longest I ever waited was about 20 minutes. EvE has waits somedays. Server restarts (it had one last week when I was mining Ice) FFXIV was a mess of a launch (it's still a bad game now) but I never waited more than 10 minutes. Conan - no wait, Aion - no wait, WAR, server restarts and a day of downtime early on, but never more than 45 minute wait.


Hell Lineage 2 was PACKED last week.

It went F2P and the starting areas were jammed with new characters.

I paid not one penny for the game..and waited not one second to play.



TOday on SWTOR every server had a wait that (although not correctly reported by the counter) was in fact greater than 1 hour.


That's not acceptable.

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