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Best Watchman pvp spec


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Check my sig. Any questions you have about it ask and i will help explain.


Thanks mate !

What skills should i use most as a watchman and how's the playstyle as a watchman ?

Again Thanks you !!!

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overload saber, slash, merc slash, cauterize, this is as far as focus dumps go. Of course you'll be using strike, zealous strike, and charge.



The play style... it plays like a warrior but a little more squishy somewhat, we've got great survivability via cool downs but when those are down we're pretty dead.

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Thanks mate !

What skills should i use most as a watchman and how's the playstyle as a watchman ?

Again Thanks you !!!


In pvp I start with force leap most of the time (well not against sorcs or powertechs... let them knockback you and just charge at their face!) followed by overload saber and zealous slash. Then I use merc slash and because I specced that merc slash gives me 1 focus back I have 2 focus left for cauterize ---> 3 stacks of overload saber + cauterize and nice dmg from merc slash in a really short time

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overload saber, slash, merc slash, cauterize, this is as far as focus dumps go. Of course you'll be using strike, zealous strike, and charge.



The play style... it plays like a warrior but a little more squishy somewhat, we've got great survivability via cool downs but when those are down we're pretty dead.


why would you use merc slash then cauterize? I cauterize then merc slash bc of the 66% chance to instant cool cauterize, then you can double stack them with cauterize. I then slash to try for a 3rd insta cool down on cauterize for the triple stack.

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Check my sig. Any questions you have about it ask and i will help explain.


I play with almost the identical build. However, I have no points in Malice (Insight for Sentinels) or Defensive Roll atm and instead have those three points in Steadfast (Narrowed Hatred for Marauders). This is largely do to the BM armor I have atm which had my Accuracy below 105%, which is the minimum of where you want it. Though, trade off Accuracy if it goes above 110% (or so the rumors go).


As for a rotation, try this. Your "current Focus" is listed in the brackets after every move. They assume that you're using the spec listed above so that, for instance, you have a 100% chance of Force Leap returning 1 additional Focus when used.



Force Leap (unless it's someone with a knockback) [4] ---> Overload Saber (while in the air) [1]---> Zealous Strike [7]---> (Leg Slash here if you need to slow the target) [7(5)]---> Cauterize [5(3)]---> (Strike here if you used Leg Slash earlier) [5] ---> Merciless Strike [0].



Remember to pop Zen the second you have a three stack of Overload Saber on someone. This is after Cauterize in the system above if you used Leg Slash, or after Merciless Strike if you didn't.


After this, hopefully you have Cauterize back from using Merciless Strike and enough Focus to use it (from your CD on Force Leap or Zealous Strike being complete or from using Strikes to build it up). However, if you don't, you can always try to use Master Strike if you have no Focus at all.


There is Blade Storm and Dispatch, but I NEVER use either of those. I continue to use Cauterize and Overload Saber as much as I can. I'll resort to using Slash instead of BS or Dispatch usually.


See, Sentinel is SUCH an easy class to play! ;)

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why would you use merc slash then cauterize? I cauterize then merc slash bc of the 66% chance to instant cool cauterize, then you can double stack them with cauterize. I then slash to try for a 3rd insta cool down on cauterize for the triple stack.


it wasn't a rotation, he ask what abilities to use.

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Check my sig. Any questions you have about it ask and i will help explain.




I like this guy, so I want to say that putting just a single point in your Cloak of Pain rage builder is awesome.


The rest of you, don't read.

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I like Phantom, not sure why you didnt take it, basically if a jugg/guard huge aoe build jumps in and force choke/stasis, you wait till you drop then force cloak and they will waste their nuke on your and you take no damage. I also use it against Dot Classes who hit me with dots from the get go, I apply my Dots then disappear and take none of their damage. then when duration is up i go back in.
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why would you use merc slash then cauterize? I cauterize then merc slash bc of the 66% chance to instant cool cauterize, then you can double stack them with cauterize. I then slash to try for a 3rd insta cool down on cauterize for the triple stack.


Does Cauterize really stack? If so that's awesome, I had no idea.

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Cautarize doesn't stack. Although having the cooldown refreshed is good so that you can reapply after the 6s dot expires, especially if you use imflammation.


To the person not using dispatch: Fail fail fail... It can and will hit almost as hard as merc. And it has a 10m range, or 15m range with pvp gear and only costs a total of 2 focus. Truly sick skill, and I really hope you have your names mixed up!

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Cautarize doesn't stack. Although having the cooldown refreshed is good so that you can reapply after the 6s dot expires, especially if you use imflammation.


To the person not using dispatch: Fail fail fail... It can and will hit almost as hard as merc. And it has a 10m range, or 15m range with pvp gear and only costs a total of 2 focus. Truly sick skill, and I really hope you have your names mixed up!


Thanks, I didn't think it stacked.


And yes dispatch is amazing, not using it is pretty much gimping yourself.

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Dual Wield Mastery? Is it really worth the talent points?


I played almost every single variant of spec thru many wz, and I think it does. Combats logs in 1.2 and some data analyze will help to say for sure, but till then we can only guess.


I personally find this setup close to optimal for pvp.




It is probably a question of style after all, probably it is not a single "best" setup, but few suitable for styles of playing.

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I'll have to try it out. I always figured offhand damage was gimp and adding 1/3 to gimp damage was a waste. I'm running two Sents right now because I can't decide between Watchman and Combat. Neither have DW Mastery, but maybe I'll give it a shot with my next respec. Thanks.
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All the specs listed so far have the basic "good" spec, and then there are 6 or so talent points which are more or less optional. There is no right or wrong place to put them, except what you happen to prefer.

Imflammation, focused leap, defensive roll, insight, jedi crusader (1 point), focused persuit, force fade or the one or two points into close quarters.

People can and will argue all day long as to what is the best, but honestly it mainly comes down to how you like to roll it.

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I'll have to try it out. I always figured offhand damage was gimp and adding 1/3 to gimp damage was a waste. I'm running two Sents right now because I can't decide between Watchman and Combat. Neither have DW Mastery, but maybe I'll give it a shot with my next respec. Thanks.

If you are running combat then there is no doubt about it. DW is a must imo. Aside from the increased damage, where else will the points go? Going 2 points into jedi crusader is a waste so you will have to drop at least 2 points into DW mastery anyway. And if you go into it at all, you might as well go the whole way.

But even for watch, I find DW mastery is worth the points. It flat out increases your baseline damage.

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If you spec Cauterize to slow and slash/merc slash for the instant cool down chance, do you take Leg Slash off your bar? Or do you not risk the difference between the 6s duration on Cauterize and it's 12s cool down?


What if you include the min-range and cool down decreases on Leap?


I have a love/hate relationship with Watchman. So many different things to try, hard to get in a rhythm when you keep switching to try them.

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All the specs listed so far have the basic "good" spec, and then there are 6 or so talent points which are more or less optional. There is no right or wrong place to put them, except what you happen to prefer.

Imflammation, focused leap, defensive roll, insight, jedi crusader (1 point), focused persuit, force fade or the one or two points into close quarters.

People can and will argue all day long as to what is the best, but honestly it mainly comes down to how you like to roll it.


Agree with this.


There's a basic "should have" build then there's some nice optional points that can be put in several places, none of these places are bad just depends on what you like.

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If you spec Cauterize to slow and slash/merc slash for the instant cool down chance, do you take Leg Slash off your bar? Or do you not risk the difference between the 6s duration on Cauterize and it's 12s cool down?


What if you include the min-range and cool down decreases on Leap?


I have a love/hate relationship with Watchman. So many different things to try, hard to get in a rhythm when you keep switching to try them.

No. In my opinion you do not take any ability off your bar. Every single ability a sentinel has can be useful in the right situation.

Speaking personally I like imflammation, as it usually does the job just fine. However there are times when leg slash is needed. Mainly if you do not get a reset, or someone else drops a 50% slow on you. Doesn't happen very often, but you need to be ready for it if it does.


You should definately take the reduced CD on leap. As for close quarters you should take at least one point into it. Speaking personally I prefer two points as I often use it as a zero range interrupt or focus builder. It's an extremely versatile skill.


As for getting used to it, I would recommend just practising with it for a week or two. Once you are used to it, it's arguably easier to use than combat, as the "rotation" or priority sequence if more or less the same in any situation. Whereas combat is more like if X is true do Y, otherwise do Z.

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