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The Reason why only 4 Waves Today


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They want things to be smooth for us, and are inviting people in order as you all know. If they invited every pre-order for an entire month right now those people would all be in the same boat as they are right now, unable to login because the servers have crashed trying to process too many log in requests. People would be fighting tooth and nail over quests like they already are and it wouldn't be fun in the slightest, and then people would just have more reasons to complain. Trust me, BioWare is doing you a favor right now.


So why are there only 4 waves today? Because a good portion of those people invited today are still at work, and the servers are already showing some balancing issues, yet still running smoothly. Come 3/4/5/6pm every time zone, the servers are going to get slam dunked by people getting home from work. They obviously feel they cannot safely invite more than 4 waves before that happens until they know the results.

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They want things to be smooth for us, and are inviting people in order as you all know. If they invited every pre-order for an entire month right now those people would all be in the same boat as they are right now, unable to login because the servers have crashed trying to process too many log in requests. People would be fighting tooth and nail over quests like they already are and it wouldn't be fun in the slightest, and then people would just have more reasons to complain. Trust me, BioWare is doing you a favor right now.


So why are there only 4 waves today? Because a good portion of those people invited today are still at work, and the servers are already showing some balancing issues, yet still running smoothly. Come 3/4/5/6pm every time zone, the servers are going to get slam dunked by people getting home from work. They obviously feel they cannot safely invite more than 4 waves before that happens until they know the results.


Oh, Stop it... Just stop it.


How dare you be the voice of reason on these forums?



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Thats what launching an MMO is all about. Every other MMO has had to deal with the opening day, some did well and some dropped the ball, but thats all part of doing business. Do you really think anyone but fanboys will praise SWOTOR for having a smooth launch?

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tbh thats fine


but people are simply more pissed by:


How hard would it have been to put up today If you signed up late july post28th(example) and past that you will not be getting today's access


its so freaking annoying with something that should have been so easily communicated instead of leaving 1000s of frustrated annoyed customers who needn't have been

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Actually, making sure the servers were smooth and stable for us is what the STRESS TEST was for. Hence the name. You know, where bioware let almost a million people play at once to make sure the servers could handle it? You remember?


This is just a big flip of the bird to those of us who couldnt pre-order it the second it came out. My brother had just had a baby, my other friend laid off, I had brain surgery, screw us tho, right?

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I think the thing that is annoying most of us isn't the staggering... rather, the not knowing.

They said time and time again "We don't know when you'll be getting in. Just hold tight." What they SHOULD have told us is that they only had four waves planned. Based off of the numbers of the first two waves, I, like many others, could have safely guessed that I wouldn't be getting in at all today.

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The problem is, with such a small wave, how can they expect to allow enough people in before the 20th?


Most people who preordered back when the game was first offered are still not in and they are on their 3rd wave. I get there is a huge number for the first few months but they should be able to get past the first 3 weeks of preorders by today--if not the entire month.


I preordered with the expectation I'd be able to play before launch. I know I am not going to get in today, but I had hoped (given the extended EGA date) I would get to play by the 16th. Now it's looking like I will maybe get the 19th.

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So why are there only 4 waves today? Because a good portion of those people invited today are still at work, and the servers are already showing some balancing issues, yet still running smoothly. Come 3/4/5/6pm every time zone, the servers are going to get slam dunked by people getting home from work. They obviously feel they cannot safely invite more than 4 waves before that happens until they know the results.


+1 I will be playing as soon as work gets out! Not all of us have the day off. Who knows what server population will be once people get off work. People are..... awesome?

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You speak as if the amount of traffic is going to drop between today and the 20th


Yeah exactly haha, people think it's going to be any better as the days progress. Guess what, we will be waiting for days to play THEN we will be waiting on queues to actually play. So we get screwed both ways.

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