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Cross-Server PvP is upcoming - Why?


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1) Shorter queues. Wait, what? How does having 100 people in the pool vs 1000 people in the pool make a queue for your 16 man game shorter? It doesn't, because you're still going to have the exact same time for a game for the first 6 games in the 100 people scenario, and the first 62 games in the 1000 people scenario. The ONLY time it makes queues faster is if you didn't have 16 people to start a game at all, and if a server doesn't have 16 people who are wanting to do a warzone, there are far larger issues than warzone queues.


2) Even out the population. Wait, what? By their own admission, there is a 57-43 split of Imperial to Republic, with the PVP servers being worse (I notice they didn't say how much worse, but based off my own experience playing both sides on my pvp server, I can guess). Now, sure, this means if you are on a pvp server with say...a 70-30 split, you'll be able to take advantage of a 57-43 split, but it goes both ways. The guy on a pve server that had a 50-50 split is now going to be facing a 57-43 split as well. And, this all seems pointless anyways when they said warzones will be both faction vs faction as well as same faction vs same faction, meaning evening out the population doesn't actually matter.


So...I agree, OP. Bioware, why? As you said with the dungeon finder question, you think community is important. Right now, you know the people you fight, so you are more emotionally invested. Once it goes cross server, the enemy is going to become nameless automatons you'll hardly ever see again (if ever). That sure seems to help the community! And, as I've already pointed out above, there doesn't seem to be any upside we gain from destroying the community.


So....why do it?


me me me me got to love the self centered ppl who think they the middle of the universe....


1. yes shorter queues when you dont even have 16 emp player on a server and it takes a week to get the daily wz done because wz just dont pop since there isnt enoph players


2. same as above i didnt see a rep on my server in 2 months

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The only people who care about imp vs imp or rep vs rep are the Roleplayers. It really doesn't matter much to most pvpers.


Lol this is an incredibly dumb post. Roleplayers really? Please don't make up stats even though this is the internet and all.

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Some of u guys are so clueless with regards to cross server stuff, ill give u one example that shoots all your stupid garbage down about how u think crossserver pvp wont help. I just recently tried out wow again, when i left a few years back, the battle group i was in was super horde heavy, and the q times were up to 40 mins, now they merged all the battlegroups together and now my q is under a minute, it was also the same on my alliance side char that was a heavy ally bg, so there perfect example on how cross server wz will help.


If i was u guys, i would just unsub anyways, the pvp in this game is horrible, and the devs here are clueless how to make it better.

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I didn't read all the posts (14 pages!# but from the perspective of someone on a Low Population server, I gave up waiting for a PvP queue pop on Saturday night and went to play WoW PvP for an hour or so.


On Sunday I played a few times and noticed a pattern - once I got in I could do 2 or 3 games almost immediately, then back to hour+ long queues.


I enjoy this game immensely, however I won't put up with hour+ long queues indefinitely - I'll go hit stuff in WoW where I can do so with consistent 1min queues.


This is a quote from another thread discussing the same issue . This here is a prime example of why Cross Server Warzone queues are irrefutably crucial. The only server(s) not suffering from this problem would be those heavily bulging with activity, such as The Fatman.


Inc Wall of text.

If you are lucky enough to be on a server capable of forming a full Warzone match, it unfortunately won't last long due to the preposterously small and stale bench to pull competitors from. Inevitably one side will learn to work well together and/or be fortunate enough to have the following in any combination not including or excluding any or all: Competence, Experience, Strategy, Powerful Gear. When this occurs, which inevitably it will for any server not extremely heavily populated, that faction becomes heavily favored for Victory thus discouraging the other faction from further queues as player experience deteriorates into a vicious whirlpool of loss after loss. At this point, same faction PvP becomes the only option if your server is capable of producing the numbers to support it. Ostracizing the opposing faction and probably half that server base.


One could argue that a constantly losing faction needs to communicate and improve but unfortunately that's just not the way the vast majority of gamers work nor the way the MMO franchise works when referring to PUG play (Pick Up group). Server Community supporters could also argue here that this is a prime opportunity to foster strong server ties, help one another and improve as a whole faction; we could also ask a dog to lovingly foster and adore your newly adopted cat, while possible it is highly unlikely and both you and the world have little power or say in whether it will happen or not. With other games offering much simpler, quicker and relatively pain free user friendly solutions (Cross Server Queues), most will just leave never to return for a second helping of bitter, fractured, nearly unsustainable PvP.


Cross server queues would infinitely alleviate this vicious whirlpool of a problem by offering a nearly endless pool of combatants to cycle into any particular Warzone/Battlegroup. Sometimes due to no fault of a particular player, certain combinations of classes do not mesh well together, other times certain players and play styles clash into utter failure; without cross realm function there is no solution to this, you are simply stuck with the hand you are dealt for that server and must deal with it or move on.


While it would mean that you no longer are able to enjoy the great joy of having Joe or Bob strapped to your hip at the queue of every Warzone for your particular server, it would mean functioning, breathing, active Warzones across multiple realms. If you so enjoy the company of Joe or Bob from your particular server so deeply, feel free to whisper the player and invite him/her to your group to further continue building your blissful server community experience. But please do not force the remainder of the PvP community to endure your personal decision if they so detest it and see it as dysfunctional. While neither side can nor should claim to have the majority or minority vote for this feature, no one can argue that the Server Community Supporters have an option to continue fostering their chosen play style while Cross Realm Supporters currently do not. What Community supporters really need is a feature similar to Real ID implemented by a competing MMO, allowing players from any server and or faction to add each other as friends through a global game tag not tied to a single character, through either an account formulated ID or E-mail. This would allow you to group with Joe#2 or Bob#2 which you've just met in a cross realm Warzone match and happened to hit rainbows and sunshine with like no tomorrow, therefore able to contact him again at a future date for more sunshine and rainbow goodness.


Lastly although the upcoming Server Transfers will offer an immediate solution for Cross Realm Supporters as most will transfer to heavily populated servers, it does not properly address the staleness and inherent problem with Warzone activity and ensuring it's future as a whole. While Transfers put a band-aid on the problem it does not stop it from festering and once again becoming a problem in the future.

Edited by LeonHawkeye
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Agree with the OP, I have a feeling that cross server WZs will degrade rather than enhance the experience.


Everyone seems to think people who take this stance are only concerned they will lose touch with friends. That's not entirely true for everyone. For my part I like keeping an eye on rivals, people who terrorised me at lower levels, afkers/quitters/smackers; basically the ones I enjoy pounding on when the opportunity arises. It's not just the people I like I enjoy seeing in WZs ;)


I like being able to recognise alts by their legacy name, even at low levels. Or recognise the guild and guess that level 10 lurking in a low level match or the fresh level 50 in greens is an alt of one of the best players on the server. That's one of the rewards of PVP-levelling 4 characters or paying attention to some of the alt sellers on the GTN, and knowledge that I've earned, which will simply become irrelevant when cross server queues launch.


I don't think anyone who is querying whether we actually want cross server PVP is happy with the current situation. We certainly need a larger pool to play in, but can that be achieved by merging 2-3 servers into 1, or starting with mini cross server queues? That solution would allow some phased implementation if BioWare were to chose it. Longer term people should have the option to select "queue within server" or "open server queue". Chances are if the two were to run concurrently groups of people would have their own preference. I'm all for that as it adds diversity. Proponents of cross server need to remember, those who counter argue are not doing it to stop other players from enjoying the game. It's a genuine concern that it will lower overall enjoyment, and a call to consider merging servers addresses a lot of the wider population issues, without whole guilds being forced to pick an unknown server and move.


If you so enjoy the company of Joe or Bob from your particular server so deeply, feel free to whisper the player and invite him/her to your group to further continue building your blissful server community experience. But please do not force the remainder of the PvP community to endure your personal decision if they so detest it and see it as dysfunctional. While neither side can nor should claim to have the majority or minority vote for this feature, no one can argue that the Server Community Supporters have an option to continue fostering their chosen play style while Cross Realm Supporters currently do not.


Demanding cross server queues as the only solution to the current situation is equally blinkered; the highlighted statement counters your own position just as easily. Once BioWare implements this, we will probably be forced exclusively into that play style. Better to debate it now than after the fact; player response to this change will quite literally decide the success or failure of PVP within this game.

Edited by Keiret
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OP should not try to project his opinion on others.


I'd much rather enjoy ACTUALLY GETTING QUEUES thanks to cross server instead of "knowing the community".


The pvp community is generally selfish, intolerant, and mean spirited. Disagree? Actually READ the forums.


I'll take being able to play again over unsubbing due to no server pops ANYDAY. I ain't alone either in feeling that way.

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