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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Seriously, the current instant gratification generation is just hand fed too much. Some people have got thier life priorities way way off centre.


Just chill out, go do some work round the house, play with the dog, go to the shops and stack up some food. It's a frigging hour or two out of your life, not an life-time. I've done all of above, started at 1500, down to 60 now.

Edited by Emidana
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Not even a quarter of the people that will join on the 20th are even in and I'm looking at a hour and a half que. Best part EVER is that disconnects don't get to bypass ques. Every 20 minutes I d/c and get to wait another 1 1/2 to play. Then when i'm down to blow 100 finally, hey look connection dropped again. I have barely even gotten to play the game at all yet and I know i'm not going to actually pay money for this ****** service no matter how much I like a game.
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Not only will they add resources as needed, but they probably set the max user artifically low at first. Let the server fill up and watch the performance. If things are performing well, they will increase the max users (probably several times each day).


If there is a performance issue, they work it fix it without the servers crashing continuously. This is the first time they are able to put a real world load on these servers so the early adopter time allows them to ramp up the number of users.


It probably also help distrubute people among the server by having some create characters on different servers when some are HIGH or FULL.



That is what Beta tests are for. This is production time and we are paying for this service. 1 hour plus waiting is unacceptable.

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Without sounding like a broken record, the game hasn't even launched yet. Huge wait times... it sucks, I know. But they still have 4 days to have everything fixed for a stellar launch. We're essentially the last beta test.


That and everyone who pre-ordered the game is going to purchase it either.

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800+ on space slug


this is kinda ridiculous bioware, you should have been far more prepared.


adding hardware "at a future date" kinda screws the people who were willing to take a chance pre-ordering a game and who received early access. you knew the sales numbers, you knew what load would look like.


what good is early access if it takes over an hour to just log in.

Edited by projoe
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I admit to not reading all the posts in this thread so, perhaps, someone has made the points I an about to.


At the point where BW decided to take responsibility for pre-assigning guilds to specific servers, they also gained ownership of the responsibility to see that those servers were not overpopulated. Had BW not chosen to intervene in what had previously been a random or semi-organized distribution of players, then they would not have this responsibility.


They did, however, so they do.


BW is 100% responsible with immediately solving the absurd login queue situation on certain severs. It does not matter that the solution may cost them money. It does not matter that the solution may require new code that can sift through and validate that those assigned to servers by BW have access to the game with only a modest of no queue time.


Two hours or more is completely unacceptable!!! More than 10-15 minutes is unacceptable!!!


If this means opening an Oceanic server, BW MUST do it now! If it means offering free server transfers to those players, BW MUST do it now! If it means giving Oceanic players a experience speed gain for a week to make up for their having to start new characters on that new server, BW MUST do it now!


If this means increasing the server capacity allocated to crowded servers, BW MUST do it now!


If it means "hard allocationing" allowed accounts on certain servers, BW MUST do it now!


This is a problem they created with full fore-knowledge of the likely populations THEY were allocating vs the sever assets THEY were assigning. THEY also know in advance that "rogue" or unserved player populations, due to choice or release date, had plans to go somewhere and would need to be accomodated.


Any perception on BW's part that this ought to be dealt with and fixed "over time" and within the "normal" practices and procedures of other developers is WRONG! @!!!@#$%!!


They chose to do something exceptional (good for them!) but that makes them solely responsible for resolving this issue with exceptional speed and flexibility.



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i agree. this is *********** ********. they should have opened all servers on day 1 of ega. this is *********** stupid. I will never pay for a game that makes me wait longer than 20 minutes to get into. not even 10.


and yes i bought CE. just sell the statue for money later i guess. just wow bioware. SMOOTH launch my ***. whaen release happens we are all ****ed.

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Queues are inexcusably long. (10 min average queue length is longest I'd consider)


Estimated wait time appears to be 1/2 what it really is.


Server I was on didn't even seem overly populated when I was in, yet there's a 2 hour queue?


Why do we have queues at all, when we have world instancing?


Game client isn't entirely stable, CTD or Bluescreen results in you landing in the queue. Can't fathom why there isn't a window where you can re-login without hitting the queue.


One of your staff once said that one of the things that can kill an MMO is a bad launch. You're moving in that direction, please course-correct.

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If this means opening an Oceanic server, BW MUST do it now! If it means offering free server transfers to those players, BW MUST do it now! If it means giving Oceanic players a experience speed gain for a week to make up for their having to start new characters on that new server, BW MUST do it now!


You know it wasn't 'launched' in Australia yet, right? So why would they open up an Oceanic Server for us.


I think if they either increase server population / phasing if possible, or launch new servers with characters under level 10 allowed to transfer free, it would fix a lot of problems.

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bioware stated they closed other threads and moved them to this one to keep integrity. its actually to make it seem like they don't have that many problems.


this is a well known trick, you crowd everything on one thread wich cuts down the amount of problems showing on your forum wich in turn makes it seem like a smaller problem.

Edited by Minnlin
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800+ on space slug


this is kinda ridiculous bioware, you should have been far more prepared.


adding hardware "at a future date" kinda screws the people who were willing to take a chance pre-ordering a game and who received early access. you knew the sales numbers, you knew what load would look like.


what good is early access if it takes over an hour to just log in.


lol started at 800 on space slug. now 565. still ******** bioware ****ed us by doing this only opening servers as needed crap. OBVIOUSLY from thanksgiving beta there all needed. were all screwed on the 20th. u will be in queue till newyears. :mad::mad::mad:

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1hour and 50 minutes for the swiftsure, hahahaha :eek:


That's only the estimate. They can't give accurate times because it's based on when people log out or get booted. I was 1283rd in the queue on Harbinger with an est wait time of 1hr 20mins. I'm down to 500th in the queue and have been waiting 1hr 15mins.

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Seriously, the current instant gratification generation is just hand fed too much. Some people have got thier life priorities way way off centre.


Just chill out, go do some work round the house, play with the dog, go to the shops and stack up some food. It's a frigging hour or two out of your life, not an life-time. I've done all of above, started at 1500, down to 60 now.


Some of us only have one to two hour play windows and we are supposed to waste it all in a queue? Should I have myself queued when I start my commute home, when dinner is being made, or ....


Suck up all you want to Bioware .... I don't think they give you points for it, but you do get the ire of those posting legitimate concerns with a queue before release.

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That is what Beta tests are for. This is production time and we are paying for this service. 1 hour plus waiting is unacceptable.


I agree..it was an idiotic idea to not have an actual open beta or stress test. Even in the very limited stress tests they did perform the servers couldn't handle the load what so ever. It's not that i'm crying over wasting an hour of my day (kind of what i play video games for to begin with)...I'm just not going to pay for inferior service. This is money we're talking about and not f2p (which it'll end up soon enough). If you want to collect a subscription from me...EARN IT.

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One of the biggest things needed is a reserve spot for server errors / dc problems which they are facing. So far I've only been kicked twice, but to come back and have a 2 hour queue time is a little frustrating to say the least.
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Im in queue at 572... guess I wont be playing a game I paid money to play.


Thanks a lot BioWare.


You know, at 34 years old I thought I would enjoy an mmropg, and see what all the hub ubb is about. I had friends try to get me in WoW, but it wasnt my thing. I declined, never played it. But Star Wars, well, that is an entirely different thing all together.


Much to my chagrin, I've been duped. I figured if I paid money for a game I could come in, casually play while the 4.5 yr old is at preK or after he goes to bed, for a few hours a few times a week, that it would be fun, and relieve some stress.


Now here I am, Friday night, kids sleeping, wife is downstairs scrap booking, and waiting in queue. I lay stone, brick, and block for a living. It wears me out. I cant stay up all night waiting in line to play a game I paid money, and will be paying a monthly subscription to play.


I guess you get the last laugh because you already have my money. Im willing to be though, that you will lose MANY people who otherwise would be willing to pay $15/month to play this sweet game, if you dont fix this issue NOW, or at least give a response.


For Christs sake, you know its a problem, and you say nothing?? It would be like one of my customers saying to me "We gave you a down payment to come and build us a fireplace, and were wondering when youre coming to start?" , and me sitting there staring at them saying nothing.


This is really unacceptable to me.

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