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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Queue growing and growing and growing...


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I'm really curious as to why they aren't enabling more servers to reroll on. I would completely understand long queue times if people were simply reluctant to reroll on low pop servers but low pop servers just do not currently exist.




Clearly, more people are coming after the 20th. Server pops aren't going to drop until 30 days from now at least, if then. Of course, they are almost guaranteed to plummet fast if these problems aren't fixed.

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I am curious how they can be failing this hard though, they did have plenty of time before launch where they could be like.....oh looks like we have a metric *** tonn of potential subsribers based off of our pre sales and fourm accounts, nah we'll go in nice and slow with less equipment then we need and just see where the wind takes us..........


joking of course, but it does beg the question how it could be this bad with them knowing full well what to expect. Not in rage mode cus well we're playing for free this week ER IF YOU CAN GET ON THAT IS. PLEASE get this shiznat fixed ASAP :)

Edited by Jetnai
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It is not the waiting that gets people mad, but the fact that they knew this was coming, and still could not handle it, and with the few days left of EA.... This is going to get worse and fast, it will be like this ALL this weekend, I feel a repeat of beta test weekend


The fact is we all knew this coming, but how does one predict how many servers to set up for millions of people across the entire world? Sure, they can guess, and that's what they're doing. They're not going to hit the nail on the head with that one. How the heck do you do that with so many variables to consider?


Trust me, Bioware and EA know this stuff much more than we do. We might think we know more than how many servers they need, what cap to set them at, etc, but in actuality, it's way above all our heads. :)

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Because adding more servers now is completely irrelevant. Everyone wants to roll on the servers that their friends who got in earlier rolled on.


This is the problem that everyone saw coming with staggered early release. Initial servers 2 hours in queue, later servers empty. No one is willing to move because their already established friends don't want to re-roll and set themselves behind for launch day.


There is no solution right now except for this: If you are on a queued server, and honestly, truly don't have established friends there, cut your losses and walk away. Any progress you already made can easily be made up by not sitting in queue.


I'm stuck and hosed, my friends all rolled on Swiftsure and are unwilling to re-roll, so I have no recourse.

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queue on swiftsure is unacceptable at 1600+


Won't be able to play tonight. What is the really sad thing is my brother and I both rolled on this server. He has never played an MMO before, never experienced a queue. His view of the genre is a little tarnished right now.

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What would be great if it is possible to raise the pop cap after the 20th...


That way everyone will be settled and spread out over a multitude of servers.


At present, I can't speak for everyone but myself would not choose to start on a full server.


Once, everyone is on their respective server, raise the pop cap (if possible) and viola problem solved :)

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QUES don't bother me. They're almost status quo at MMO launch, now.


However, it's an issue if you crash out of the game and THEN get stuck in another que. You should ALWAYS crash back to character select with no wait/queing.


They need to look at that.

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40min queue is nothing tbh. Last time I tried to log on to Freedon Nadd EU PVP I had a queue of over 2500....that would have meant over 2hrs according to their estimate but would probably have been much longer.



Needless to say, I have never, ever logged out my char during peak time (except when I dc...then I just reroll a new char on a server until it quiets down....)

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you are implying they HAVE customer support. Dare i ask where is the support response to a thread this big? I would say they dont even have a customer support team at this point or if they do every single one of them needs to lose their job


A little dramatic imo. :D


If you look at the forums dev responses, twitter responses, facebook responses, you'll see quite a lot of responses from a lot of different ways that a lot of different devs and customer support members are posting from. They can't simply help every single person at the same time. That's quite impossible.


In fact I was looking at Stephen Reid's twitter an hour or so ago and right when I got done reading responses that were 4 minutes old, 20 new responses came up. Compare that with any other MMO you've played and you'll find that TOR's customer support team far outweighs some others.


That's my opinion at least. Feel free to flame..:)

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