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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Angry Forum guy: waaaaaah i didn't get in to early access, Bioware you should let more people in this is stupid.


Bioware: Well ok if it will make you happy *adds more people*


Angry forum guy: Waaaaaaah i can't even play this game because of the server queues, you guys messed up the EGA bad!



Bioware: /facepalm


+1.. haha well done!

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My 500 queue was just finished but 1 minute after I logged in my game crashed and now I'm back at the beginning of a 700 queue :mad:


Why doesn't it save the serverslot for you at least for a couple of minutes? Not cool.


Ouch. You would think they have a placeholder for a few minutes like every other MMO.

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So this is what we got guys! I believe the add said/says something along the lines of "PRE-ORDER TODAY - AND GET EARLY ACCESS!"


And instead we got 1+ hour queue's before we can play (For those of us working and getting home at peaktime)


You truely did an amazing job here bw, a really, REALLY positive experience for all the cutomers who pre-ordered and now are sitting in queue's to play the game, they got promissed early access to.


Good job!

Edited by Vanderkay
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Why doesn't it save the serverslot for you at least for a couple of minutes? Not cool.


Spot on, btw.

Why on earth doesn't the game save my spot for at least 3-5 minutes?

Got disconnected earlier today, quickly logged back in hoping to finish the flashpoint, and guess what, got stuck in a 1100-long queue. Yay, time to wait.


...Only to be disconnected AGAIN somewhere in the last hundred (yeah, the link stability is an issue with my current ISP here), so now I'm facing a 1600+ long queue. Way to go, especially when I think back at how much time I wasted waiting instead of playing.

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My question is, Legions of Lettow is completely jammed. At the moment the usual is to wait 40~80 minutes to enter, it's unacceptable.


Is BW going to do some kind of improvements on this server (and other crowded servers)?


Because I don't feel like leaving PC on 1 hour before I ever think to play.



Kind regards


All popular MMO releases go through this and balance out later. Just take this as a growing pain that you'll have to accept. Once the population spreads out in levels and Bioware continues to fine tune things internally they the wait times will dwindle or dissappear.


I picked a less then optimal named server for this very reason and still went to very heavy last night. My perk is a wife at home to get me logged in while I commute home. :D

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Im waiting 4+ hours. 2 times kicked from queue with error and started waiting again. I got 2 warning messages from forumcerbers with reasons that make me and my guild mates rolling on floor. So im waiting whats next. Again error and again 2h 10m waiting time?

Early access.. lol.

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And now most of the servers are Full.


I wonder how Bioware will solve this really, maybe give us more servers?

How about locking creation of characters of accounts that have not been on our server?


how does making more servers prevent the 1000+ gueues on LoL that are all ready there

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So this is what we got guys! I believe the add said/says something along the lines of "PRE-ORDER TODAY - AND GET EARLY ACCESS!"


And instead we got 1+ hour queue's before we can play (For those of us working and getting home at peaktime)


You truely did an amazing job here bw, a really, REALLY positive experience for all the cutomers who pre-ordered and now are sitting in queue's to play the game, they got promissed early access to.


Good job!


Well you go do better.


Honestly. Criticising people tantruming over things they do not fully understand.

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I'm in a 700 person queue, it said under 40 minutes but its been longer then that. There are queues that are saying 2 hours plus. I don't care what excuse is brought out of the magic bag to explain this, it will not justify anything. People claiming 'it will get better in a few days' are obviously mystics with amazing supernatural powers, or just naive.


I don't expect to be auto allocated a server with my guild/friends only to be locked out when getting back from work and then being given some flimsy excuse that I should reroll on my own to another server when my primary server is full (which has been every evening/night so far).

Edited by Trenyt
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I just waited about 50 minutes in the queue and when it got to position number 9 in queue the launcher said "Lost connection to server error code 9000" even though i know that my connection was fine on my end.




Yup that could really be fixed, improve the queue system. Make it

remember if someone were just queuin and how long. Today i queued for nearly 45 min

then when position in queue was at nr 4 , server said that there was no connection. My network connection was ok because i could surf on web, so no ISP problem. Allthough someone might have minor >1 min ISP cutoffs. Anyway ten i had to queue again, 50 min and that is very very frustrating. So please add that parameter on the server so it cant be

altered locally :p If connection breaks and you requeu in lets say 3-5min then you would have the right to keep your last position in queue. Thanks.

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80min aint even much , change server. If its long for your it must be the first mmorpg launch for you.


i remember Warhammer and Aion jesus that was hell!


this is a smooth ride tbh.



though its no fun to be in qeueu with the pre launch tbh.


i do feel they did a great job so far.


I just hope they beat that blizzard game...what's it called again?

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