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Non click looting and instant mail


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Just been reading some previews about up and coming mmos (won't say which or no doubt will get the usual comments) and 2 things caught my attention which they are implementing.


1) Auto loot from mobs without having to click on anything. In TOR I started out clikcing on loot, seeing if anything was better than I had and equipping it if it was. After a whil that gets to be a pain so changed it to just auto loot - but of course you still have to click to pick it up. Then I would just see if I had picked anything useful when inventory became full and was destroying/selling stuff. So, if people have auto loot turned on then why do we have to click on anything ?


2) Instant post. Why do we have to wait to receive post from other players/alts etc ? I know mail from alts is instant - not sure about other players as have never had to send/receive mail from them (probably cos I'm too sad for people to mail). Howevere I have seen posts saying that credits from selling geare take an hour to arrive. Why ? The main point howvere is a soon to be released mmo has instant post and does not require mail boxes. Mail is built into the UI. Seems like a much better idea to me. Never seen the need to hunt out a mail box.

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Just been reading some previews about up and coming mmos (won't say which or no doubt will get the usual comments) and 2 things caught my attention which they are implementing.


1) Auto loot from mobs without having to click on anything. In TOR I started out clikcing on loot, seeing if anything was better than I had and equipping it if it was. After a whil that gets to be a pain so changed it to just auto loot - but of course you still have to click to pick it up. Then I would just see if I had picked anything useful when inventory became full and was destroying/selling stuff. So, if people have auto loot turned on then why do we have to click on anything ?


2) Instant post. Why do we have to wait to receive post from other players/alts etc ? I know mail from alts is instant - not sure about other players as have never had to send/receive mail from them (probably cos I'm too sad for people to mail). Howevere I have seen posts saying that credits from selling geare take an hour to arrive. Why ? The main point howvere is a soon to be released mmo has instant post and does not require mail boxes. Mail is built into the UI. Seems like a much better idea to me. Never seen the need to hunt out a mail box.


2. anti-gold-sellers feature


1. i agree... its getting boring to click to loot - its nto a fun feature... should be auto-loot (companion should just pick it up automatically while in range of remains and not in combat and put it into inventory)

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some of us like to pretend we're living in a virtual world... you know, immersion and all that jazz.


I guess that's just not as good as instant-everything, huh?


Ah so thats why Dark lord of the sith is looting some pawns for credits?

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Just been reading some previews about up and coming mmos (won't say which or no doubt will get the usual comments) and 2 things caught my attention which they are implementing.


1) Auto loot from mobs without having to click on anything. In TOR I started out clikcing on loot, seeing if anything was better than I had and equipping it if it was. After a whil that gets to be a pain so changed it to just auto loot - but of course you still have to click to pick it up. Then I would just see if I had picked anything useful when inventory became full and was destroying/selling stuff. So, if people have auto loot turned on then why do we have to click on anything ?


2) Instant post. Why do we have to wait to receive post from other players/alts etc ? I know mail from alts is instant - not sure about other players as have never had to send/receive mail from them (probably cos I'm too sad for people to mail). Howevere I have seen posts saying that credits from selling geare take an hour to arrive. Why ? The main point howvere is a soon to be released mmo has instant post and does not require mail boxes. Mail is built into the UI. Seems like a much better idea to me. Never seen the need to hunt out a mail box.


well mial to another player i think takes 30 mins if i remember correctly, i think tehy did this so to cut down credit sellers, as they noramly use the mial system to send the goods.


as for clcik to loot, it can go either way, if you auto looted wiht no clicks, what if you got otns of grey crap and invtory get full and you missed out on a rare item because you did not see it. that one think i like in SWTOR the diffrent lights before you loot so you got a rough idea if it worth doing or not if in a hurry or full invitory.

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some of us like to pretend we're living in a virtual world... you know, immersion and all that jazz.


I guess that's just not as good as instant-everything, huh?


I assume then that you disagree with the upcoming change that you will be able to sprint from level 1. Or are you role playing a cripple that suddenly gets better ? Are you seriously telling me that you find it more immersive to have to click to pick up loot and find a mail box to get mail ? Or having to go through spaceports, shuttles, meaningless corridors and lifts complete with loading screens is somehow more immersive ?

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its all about extending playhours so you burn content slower... its ugly. You are naive you think walking to bodies and clicking them have somethign to do with immersion.


Problem is that developers instead of focusing ultra great games, focus on artificially extending time to burn content by players... Hence slow speeders, cooldowns for quest abilities etc.


Good developer will create big zone and give fast speeders - bad developer / dodger gonna create small zone and make you walk/drive slow.

Edited by MuNieK
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2. anti-gold-sellers feature


1. i agree... its getting boring to click to loot - its nto a fun feature... should be auto-loot (companion should just pick it up automatically while in range of remains and not in combat and put it into inventory)


This is not a criticism of your anti gold selling point - just made me think of something actually.


If this game is doing so well where are the gold sellers ? I appreciate that there is absolutely no nedd to buy currency in this game but it has just struck me that this is the 1st mmo I have played where I have not been mailed or whispered regarding buying gold.


Maybe BW have got some magic software that stops them :D

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well mial to another player i think takes 30 mins if i remember correctly, i think tehy did this so to cut down credit sellers, as they noramly use the mial system to send the goods.


as for clcik to loot, it can go either way, if you auto looted wiht no clicks, what if you got otns of grey crap and invtory get full and you missed out on a rare item because you did not see it. that one think i like in SWTOR the diffrent lights before you loot so you got a rough idea if it worth doing or not if in a hurry or full invitory.


Only time I ever ran into maxing my inventory was when I was a newbie. Once I get my companion, I make it a point to routinely send him/her to sell off the junk. I'm never in so much a hurry to chain-pull mobs that I can't take 60 seconds out to send my "pet" to sell.


The mail delay is a PITA. Especially the ones with proceeds from the GTN sales. I don't need TWO emails for each sale. For GTN sales, just send me the mail when the money clears.


Maybe a "perk" for getting a 50 or attaining a certain Legacy level would be insta-mails? Not many gold-spammers are going to grind a Legacy 10+ and take a chance at having the account banned for gold sales. Just sayin'.

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its all about extending playhours so you burn content slower... its ugly. You are naive you think walking to bodies and clicking them have somethign to do with immersion.


Problem is that developers instead of focusing ultra great games, focus on artificially extending time to burn content by players... Hence slow speeders, cooldowns for quest abilities etc.


Good developer will create big zone and give fast speeders - bad developer / dodger gonna create small zone and make you walk/drive slow.


You sir have just posted the most sensible reply I have read all day :p

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This is not a criticism of your anti gold selling point - just made me think of something actually.


If this game is doing so well where are the gold sellers ? I appreciate that there is absolutely no nedd to buy currency in this game but it has just struck me that this is the 1st mmo I have played where I have not been mailed or whispered regarding buying gold.


Maybe BW have got some magic software that stops them :D


Its still fresh game and so far people dont have anything to spend money for and have plenty of money. - no good customers base for the farmers.

The golden rule is simple: if there is need for something, there will be someone and a way to provide the goods and a way and people to pay for them.

None WAR ON DRUGS and WAR ON GOLDSELLERS wont stop them. If some rich person want to buy credits - reducing unpleasant waste of time, the poor person gonna invest his time to provide the credits for real life money. Its simple as that.


Developers should never fight it - they should just adapt so the in-game currency should not give e-peen anyhow. Then its all fine and everyone is happy.

Edited by MuNieK
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Just been reading some previews about up and coming mmos (won't say which or no doubt will get the usual comments) and 2 things caught my attention which they are implementing.


1) Auto loot from mobs without having to click on anything. In TOR I started out clikcing on loot, seeing if anything was better than I had and equipping it if it was. After a whil that gets to be a pain so changed it to just auto loot - but of course you still have to click to pick it up. Then I would just see if I had picked anything useful when inventory became full and was destroying/selling stuff. So, if people have auto loot turned on then why do we have to click on anything ?


This feature I think would be nice, but there would be some major setbacks as well. If you notice when you loot a corpse, it despawns rather quickly. If you are farming for mats for biochem this could get rather cumbersome to have the mobs despawn before you even finish the battle.


The second major hurdle and probably the largest is the roll system. If I am in the middle of a fight with a party, the last thing I want to happen is for a loot window to pop up. Imagine killing 5 mobs in a party and each of them is carrying something that needs to be rolled on, while you are still fighting the next 5 that your healer (i.e. me) just pulled.


Another major hurdle would be inventory management. Your bags would fill up rather quickly, even with the ability to send your companion out to sell greys this would become more of a hindrance than a blessing. They already give you the ability to loot multiple mobs at once, and there is a large loot area so you really don't even need to get close to loot. Personally I think this is fine the way it is.


2) Instant post. Why do we have to wait to receive post from other players/alts etc ? I know mail from alts is instant - not sure about other players as have never had to send/receive mail from them (probably cos I'm too sad for people to mail). Howevere I have seen posts saying that credits from selling geare take an hour to arrive. Why ? The main point howvere is a soon to be released mmo has instant post and does not require mail boxes. Mail is built into the UI. Seems like a much better idea to me. Never seen the need to hunt out a mail box.


TL;DR: In-Game Economy.


I believe the mail system works similar to most MMO mail systems in that sending between alts or guild members is instant, but sending money or items to some random joe or sending money is delayed. This slows down people (or companies) from creating a large number of alts (we are talking in the hundreds to thousands) on separate accounts to farm with from instantly lining their pockets with credits. I do agree however that some areas need a hell of a lot more more mailboxes. I would also like to be able to see who the mail is from without having to run to the mailbox. I got a message the other day from the AH (first time using it) and I dropped everything I was doing and ran half way across the world map just to find out it was from the AH informing me that one of my items had sold and I would receive the money shortly.

Edited by whyzerman
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