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Do the "Good" Watchman Sentinels Not Use Master Strike?


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I've used it plenty of times, all situational. Amazing how many people stand still or dont move much while you do it. Ppl in cover esp, or a guy just blinded or stasis'd or rooted I may go for it. Bad healers too who are getting hit on by others trying to spam self heals... usually don't move around. But it's not a go to attack usually, as ppl have said, situational and feeling the players.
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I use Master Strike and Blade Storm very regularly in PvP. Both hit pretty hard and are reliable damage. Master Strike can be used to fill gaps in DPS when your stacks of Merciless aren't maxed (you have a DPS void to fill, essentially). Master Strike does its first 2 ticks of damage very quickly, so it's wise to interrupt it for Merciless Slash if the CD rings up just right, or the enemy is moving away (as the final swing will lock your movement briefly even if it's interrupted).


Blade Storm is useful in pursuit, but expensive. Use it sparingly, unless you know that it will benefit you to use it (finishing an opponent, keeping pressure on, waiting on CD).

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MS for all three trees is situational IMHO.


Sure, but if you're playing for maximum effectiveness, isn't almost EVERY ability situational? After all there's no point to doing Strike with a full focus bar, and you can't use Slash with an empty one. Force Kick can only be used as an interrupt (well you can hit it at other times but it does nothing). And OS is not effective to use if Force Leap is on CD and you are some ranged distance away from the target (by the time you run up to it, the OS effect will dissipate).


So yes, MS is situational but I would content that so is everything else, and so there is no reason to single MS out in that regard.

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and that is how you do less damage.



I do not know what moron though up interrupting master strike but the 3rd hit of master strike can crit for ALMOST as much as merciless crit. so you lose out on damage.



This is why there are so many terrible players, you get one person posting 100% terrible informationt hen every ******* out there thinks its right. It is no different then who said more accuracy = armor penn.


this is actually incorrect!


I agree you shouldnt interrupt it but any player with half a brain is not standing still and when they are not, you wont hit that third strike anyways! So it is smart to be aware, interrupt yourself and take advantage of the sequence.


Like an example, huttball ball carrier, you charge in, small stun, MS, only 2 hits, dude is moving on you, pop merc and/or statis combo, (overload on charge in, cauterize on the tail of this combo), you can put ballcarrier to half easy.


Everything is situational, interrupting MS when you have no choice is NOT a bad tactic.

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Master Strike is good on any spec and it should be used.


First, it hits and connect to pretty much any targets that is not ACTIVELY running away from you. If he's just backing up while your final hit unleashes, you will land that hit. Against a cloth wearer or even med armor, Master Strike + (Riposte) + Merc Slash will drop pretty much anyone to 15% hp, especially if it crits.


Blade Storm is really fun to use but you always get a bang for your buck. Still, I crit more often than not so if you have the focus and your target is running away and everything else is on cooldown, use it. It hurtz!



If your target is slowed, Master Strike is a good alternative. It is indeed a lower priority move but neglecting it is a mistake.

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and that is how you do less damage.



I do not know what moron though up interrupting master strike but the 3rd hit of master strike can crit for ALMOST as much as merciless crit. so you lose out on damage.



This is why there are so many terrible players, you get one person posting 100% terrible informationt hen every ******* out there thinks its right. It is no different then who said more accuracy = armor penn.


Don't you understand? It is 50% of the damage for 1/3 cast time. It's a short-term net DPS gain. It has no correlation with the misconception that accuracy gives armor penetration. You simply do not understand its usage. You just come in here to troll and give destructive feedback to other peoples ideas.


Standing still for 3 seconds is not acceptable when you're being kited. But you can get away with a 1 sec cast.


I don't know what type of players populate your server, but the Imperials on my server run away if you start casting Master Strike in their face, or simply interupt it. That 3rd hit will never hit, unless your target in incapacitated.


And if the last hit never lands, you just root yourself for 2 seconds into the ground for no reason.


I'm sure this has no practical application in PvE, but I never spend time with scripted enemies after I reached level 50.

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Don't you understand? It is 50% of the damage for 1/3 cast time. It's a short-term net DPS gain. It has no correlation with the misconception that accuracy gives armor penetration. You simply do not understand its usage. You just come in here to troll and give destructive feedback to other peoples ideas.


Standing still for 3 seconds is not acceptable when you're being kited. But you can get away with a 1 sec cast.


I don't know what type of players populate your server, but the Imperials on my server run away if you start casting Master Strike in their face, or simply interupt it. That 3rd hit will never hit, unless your target in incapacitated.


And if the last hit never lands, you just root yourself for 2 seconds into the ground for no reason.


I'm sure this has no practical application in PvE, but I never spend time with scripted enemies after I reached level 50.


If your not using MS your not playing sentinel correctly.... In PVP there are a ton of situations when it is applicable... and I dont know about your server but on mine there are plenty of stuns going around that the 3rd hit can and does go off.


Stop spamming your rotten advice or maybe you can just auto attack an incapacitated target when your important abilities are on cooldown...


The advice on these forums is atrocious.

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