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So I had this dream of a new WZ... An Idea


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This will probably be tossed past page 1 and never viewed because too many people would rather complain about how everything is broken... I too was on the fence about some of the 1.15 changes, but so far I have enjoyed the matches this week. Anyhoo on to the idea...


This is an attack and defend WZ idea. Again I am sure this might be something thats in other games, but since my PvP experience is limited to this game and Lotro, its something I have not seen before. I call it: The Trench


So you basically have the defenders who cover from higher ground, and then others who are lower in a trench. The attackers start at the opposite side and rush the trench. The upper defenders use cannons that shoot wide AOE's at the oncoming troops (i guess via control panels you activate). The soldiers in the trench cannot do much until the attackers make it past "no man's land" and hop down into the trench. The defenders in the trench cannot get out to take on the attackers head on. The attackers must hop down into the trench in order to use stairs that lead up to the upper levels where the "prize objective is (ie; shield generator control, hardware to slice, etc...)


Thats the idea.. I am sure it could be expanded on, It seems simple and something that would not take forever to create, and yet something that could have some interesting fights.

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Huzzah for bumping it on page 1!




Okay so what you're proposing here is ESSENTIALLY a slight variation from voidstar where instead of busting through doors to reach the end prize, you're running across a field with cannons shooting at you to reach an end prize.


I like the idea because while it's similar to the type of voidstar, it's got a bit of a twist (cannon D, yay?), but you either would have to add NPC's into this cause cannons shooting at 8 players would be no fun at all, or you'd have to allow more than 8 people per side in the WZ. We already know what happens to swtor's engine when 40+ people show up in the same area.


Actually, what you're proposing sounds a lot like strand of the ancients in wow, and while I agree that this could be fun, it's been done before, and copied ideas in games usually goes bad unless the idea itself was / is good.

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Saluting the creativity of the OP.


IMO one of the BEST map designs for PVP is from the game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and its spinoff Quake Wars: Enemy Territory.


Each map is more-or-less like Voidstar in that they are attacker-defender maps. The twist is that each stage of the map requires different skills and class abilities to complete.


- Some obstacles can only be negotiated by engineers. (Say, building a bridge.)

- Some obstacles can only be negotiated by "heavy soldiers" Say, demolishing a computer control network with dynamite.

- Some obstacles can only be negotiated by the stealth classes.



I would LOVE to see this in SWTOR. It would promote a fresh change in tactics from the usual. Parallels could be:


- Some obstacles could only be completed by RDPS classes ("destroy the comm relay from 20 meters")

- Some obstacles could only be completed by "force leap" classes (engage the computer relay that is 20m away)

- Some obstacles could only be completed by "stealth" classes (sneak past the platinum/elite level 200 defenders with stealth.)



Obviously, a lot of care would need to happen to make each map doable by anybody who signs up. For instance, what happens if an obstacle needs, say, a stealther, but the entire team is made of Sages?


A solution would be to provide a LIMITED number of objects that provide the requisite abilities. Say, one or two "stealth kits" or "jetpacks" that can be claimed either before the battle OR spawn during the battle. These would work like the mission-specific objects we get in class quests - e.g. , "Scan these sith apprentices to see who is loyal" type of thing.



The overall point is that the maps can be a lot more interesting than what we have (Not knocking our current maps - I like them all - but variety is the spice of life.) Also, class-specific tasks would encourage more class diversity. . . again, more interesting and fun for all.

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You could get around the whole "need X number of (class)" by making it so you don't NEED said classes, but they make it easier for you to progress. There's plenty of instances in game let you sneak past pulls if you have archaeology, slicing, etc. It could be the same with classes or professions in PvP.


Only problem I can foresee is one team having duplicate classes / professions, or basically, not enough variety. Perhaps you could assign something along the lines of "PvP professions" when you enter the BG. Assign explosive charges to one person, defuse kits to another, Biomed kits, slicing / scrambling kits to others, but only if you're missing said professions / classess?


Neat idea though, has good potential.

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So you basically have the defenders who cover from higher ground, and then others who are lower in a trench. The attackers start at the opposite side and rush the trench. The upper defenders use cannons that shoot wide AOE's at the oncoming troops (i guess via control panels you activate). The soldiers in the trench cannot do much until the attackers make it past "no man's land" and hop down into the trench. The defenders in the trench cannot get out to take on the attackers head on. The attackers must hop down into the trench in order to use stairs that lead up to the upper levels where the "prize objective is (ie; shield generator control, hardware to slice, etc...)


I don't like this idea. It sounds like you pretty much have half the defending team waiting around while the other half of the defending team uses turrets and not their own abilities to take on the opposing team. This doesn't sound like engaging PvP to me, nor does it measure my skill against my opponents.


I'd rather see a WZ implemented with large scale PvP(in a non zergish fashion) where people participate by using their class abilities and not vehicles but thats just me.

Edited by Anrix
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