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The queues on my server are growing every day !!


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Me and a few friends created our caracters on a server 2 days ago. Since then the server population has grown to FULL and we are now constantly stuck in queues.


In prime time we must wait 40++ minutes to log.


Is there any planification to resolve that major problem for the release day??? Now I consider it's normal but december 20 I will start to pay for my playing time and waiting in queue was not part of the "this game will be very fun !!" or I pay $15 a month to look at a countdown.


Is it possible to obtain a tranfert to a lower population server to be able to play ?


Please let us know what you are planning to solve this extremely frustrating situation.


Thank you.

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Did you not expect anybody else in the world to be playing?



Either screw around on newbs until after the 20th, maybe the 30th so all the rush is dead. then maybe find a laid back server? If not bro, you're in the same boat with the very first person who was allowed early access.

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Before you open a new topic, try to know and understand what is going on. Waste of a post = deleted and ignored


As you were lucky enough to get in 2 days ago, several others, myself included, have been waiting, not so paitently, to get in.


They are releasing new people to the servers for 3-4 days straight now, don't you expect your server to fill up and there be ques to get in?


Also this being the release of the game, as stated in several other threads, servers will be at their peak, everyone and their brother will be on 24/7 for the next 3 weeks. Get use to it.

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Before you open a new topic, try to know and understand what is going on. Waste of a post = deleted and ignored


As you were lucky enough to get in 2 days ago, several others, myself included, have been waiting, not so paitently, to get in.


They are releasing new people to the servers for 3-4 days straight now, don't you expect your server to fill up and there be ques to get in?


Also this being the release of the game, as stated in several other threads, servers will be at their peak, everyone and their brother will be on 24/7 for the next 3 weeks. Get use to it.


Well, waiting for 2 over hours to log in is kinda annoying. And this is not even the prime time! I started logging in around 2:30pm CET and I'm still in the que. Perhaps, instead of picking an already full server you should have picked an empty one - I mean of course you and your brothers.

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People were complaining Monday and Tuesday about the servers being empty. Now the opposite happens and people complain. There's just no pleasing people.


Who was complaing about Freedon Nadd being empty? It was full by Tuesday.

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Me and a few friends created our caracters on a server 2 days ago. Since then the server population has grown to FULL and we are now constantly stuck in queues.


In prime time we must wait 40++ minutes to log.


Is there any planification to resolve that major problem for the release day??? Now I consider it's normal but december 20 I will start to pay for my playing time and waiting in queue was not part of the "this game will be very fun !!" or I pay $15 a month to look at a countdown.


Is it possible to obtain a tranfert to a lower population server to be able to play ?


Please let us know what you are planning to solve this extremely frustrating situation.


Thank you.


Some of us are not even playing yet and you are whining over queues?




PS. Release day will have more servers more than likely based on past MMO experience.

Is this your first MMO? :rolleyes:

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Well, waiting for 2 over hours to log in is kinda annoying. And this is not even the prime time! I started logging in around 2:30pm CET and I'm still in the que. Perhaps, instead of picking an already full server you should have picked an empty one - I mean of course you and your brothers.



Look on the bright side you could have been waiting up to 5 days.



Anyone that didn't expect massive queues as they let all pre-orders in and then monstrous queues on the 20th was living in early access fantasy land.

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Millions have been waiting for this game for years and now that it is here they are opening new servers as they are needed to keep q time lower than they would have been. When wow first came out they had 5-6 hour q times on some servers then they have gone down to 0 now might be some with new x-pac or patch but that is about it for now. so they will go down just not as fast as you would like
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I just found out my server a west coast server btw is the unoffical Aussie server and we have a que that is 3 to 5 x that of any other west coast server. Now dont get me wrong i like the Aussie's but no one likes a que. In other games i have left my server and rerolled to avoid a que. I really hope i don't have to do that here. Because it is a huge waste of EGA
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All of you people who are saying "well at least you're in" guess what!? Once you get access, you'll also be in the same type of queue situation, maybe worse unless they do something about it.

Some people only get an hour or two to play, so if you are in a que that long, it's totally unacceptatble, and completely not necessary. You will lose customers!

Now, a couple of my friends who are slowly gaining access can't even create characters on our server, so what, you suggest the rest of the guild re-roll? What's the point of EA then?

Use your heads a little, instead of having some EA envy.

Also, if you waited until December to pre-order, that's your fault. Some of us have been waiting far longer, and if you had cared about the game so much (and EA,) you would have pre-ordered in July.

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People were complaining Monday and Tuesday about the servers being empty. Now the opposite happens and people complain. There's just no pleasing people.


Crazy huh? They dont let nearly enough people in to fill up servers on day one leaving a lot of players group-less while so many others cant even play.


Three days later, after so much planning and frustration ... it turns out they didnt even prepare enough space to keep the population theyve so desperately been controlling, in reasonably low queues, particularly in EU.


This, mind you, is with them knowing exactly how many players they are letting in. Cant wait for release day when its an all around unpredictable free-for-all.


Please stop blaming others for Bioware's incompetence.

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If they cannot manage servers with pre release how will they manage when they open up for everyone?

This is a joke, they allow players to join and within 2 days we have between 15m and 2 hour queues *** are you guys messing about at.

Then you check server status and the US servers are all slight and medium full and EU Heavy to Full.


Major fail before we even see release, I think at release we can all expect no play for ages. Well unless you have a keyboard with timed macros so you never time out.


PvE servers 90% heavy load 10% full and very few English ones.

PvP about 10% heavy load the rest virtually empty.


Even Blizzard managed it better

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Me and a few friends created our caracters on a server 2 days ago. Since then the server population has grown to FULL and we are now constantly stuck in queues.


In prime time we must wait 40++ minutes to log.


Is there any planification to resolve that major problem for the release day??? Now I consider it's normal but december 20 I will start to pay for my playing time and waiting in queue was not part of the "this game will be very fun !!" or I pay $15 a month to look at a countdown.


Is it possible to obtain a tranfert to a lower population server to be able to play ?


Please let us know what you are planning to solve this extremely frustrating situation.


Thank you.


You were only promised early access not how much. Come the 20th it will be much worse and you'll actually have a leg to stand on when it comes to whining.

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