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Last night I received a guild invite to run HM E.V from my guild leader. We had started a run a few days earlier after having successful reached the point where normal mode e.v is cake, however we quickly found that HM was a different story and after a couple wipes we decided we just weren't ready, so I was a bit surprised we would be trying again but I said I could make it when he asked so I made sure I made it for the scheduled time.


Flashforward 20mins

And I'm getting flak via whispers about my gear

which is,


Full champion pvp gear, and the middle teir pve helm and leggings, also pve trinkets and necklace (no blue green or orange for sure).. I'm looking around and I am not the only one. Initially I am really upset and feel defensive that another guildy has the nerve to whisper me "you know your wearing pvp gear right?" (dude we are a pvp guild we just finished the normal mode for the first time less then a week ago)Even worse this guy starts saying in Team Speak full on trolling "haha I just asked him why he's wearing that gear!! haha lets see what he says" (Dude IM IN team speak man I can hear you!) I felt like I was being attacked I understood my gear isnt the best but thats why I was there in the first place. He also begins to tell me that I am not wearing the right pieces of teir gear for an Assasin which infuriated me even more, at this point I /ignore but it continues when another guild member begins to whisper me telling me what he was saying..Ex. "hey Whilmound says You *********** suck, hope you die in a house fire"


And thats when I lost it, I hard booted down my computer

I felt like crying, I felt like beating someones ***, I knew how no matter what I said they had won .. I haven't logged into swtor since that happened :-(






sorry it sent it halway through typing that why you were confused

Edited by Galleywest
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I feel for you dude.


While, yes, you were wearing the same gear, there are few things to note about this. First, those also wearing PvP have no place to say anything to you. Second, that person in TeamSpeak should not have said what he did, and is obviously a bad leader.


If a person is having problems with gear, you set them aside and chat with them, not attack them openly in front of others. I think many forget that these characters have a real person with real feelings controlling them.


I would recommend that you find a better guild, even if it means rerolling. One that firmly believes in treating others with kindness and not doing what was done to you.

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Hey man that really blows. I'm sorry that a few of your guildmates and the leader had to be so mean. The biggest problem I have with the community aspect of games like these is the general lack of feeling. It's the internet I guess, though. Anonymity makes people do things they wouldn't normally do.


Just remember there are people willing and waiting to be your friend. So, just ignore all those other guys and look around - I'm sure you'll find someone!


Best of luck, and don't get discouraged. Enjoy your game and don't let what anyone says bring you down!

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My guild is open for recruiting, while we're still small, i make it a requirement to treat others with respect and dignity or they're out (being guildmaster is usefull like that ^_^) so if ur interested, send me a PM, ill meet u in-game (same for any other interested parties), but u should know it's a Christian guild, if u have dont like that, i apologize, but u will have to find another guild (plx dont take that comment as rude, just letting you know)
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1: The guy in your guild starts ragging you for your gear. Same gear that others in your group (guildies) are wearing as well.


2: Guy then starts in on Vent/TS ragging you for your gear to all the others, some of who also have similar gear.


3: The others in your group (guildies) start relaying what's being said to you, so they clearly understood what he was saying, and what he was going on about.


3: None of you group (guildies) stood up for you, nor did they stand up for themselves (fear?) and let him continue.


4: They (your guildies) didn't tell him to shut up, boot him, or any type of censure.


5: well, we got 4 and no need to go on, as 3 Strikes your out.


Quit the guild and find one that is worthy of you, they aren't.


And put them all on ignore.

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Just wait until they add public combat logs, the next elitist rant will be your not doing the required, DPS or HEALING. Having these features in game create these losers and bullies. Leave the guild, forget them.


(Mind trick) "This is not the guild youre looking for"



You need to find gamers with your values. Yes its annoying when people are insulting but get jiggy with the iggy and leave. We dont pay for abuse

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Well, its been said before, but I'll say it again.


Sure, you shouldn't of been in PvP gear for PvE content, but you weren't the only one, and that seems to be the guild standard, as you were a PvP guild, so no worries.


Outside of that, the guy was a douche, the guildies seem to have taken his view, and you're better off without them. Time to find yourself a better guild suited to your needs. And don't let people fool you, if you have to reroll on another server than just go ahead and do it. You can level in a week or two easy.

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During the entire time he was bashing you, did you point out what the others in the raid were wearing and even more so, was he wearing pvp gear himself?


As everyone else has said already, that guild isn't worth your time nor is not worth anybody else's time. Eventually it will fall apart if they continue treating their members like that and the best part of that is when you find a different guild that is raiding endgame content, those members that left might end up looking to join your new guild. In that case you can say yea, about that application to our guild... remember that time?


what comes around goes around.

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Well, to be honest, you probably shouldn't have attempted a HM operation in a PvP gear. You're basically wasting time - not only yours, but your team's as well. I can see how it would piss some people off.


If it was a PUG, I could understand getting upset. But that doesn't excuse anyone of being rude.


I'd hate to be part of a guild that was made up of elitist snobs. The whole point of a guild is to help each other out and enjoy the game. These clowns obviously did not do that.

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Sounds to me like you need to find (or create) a guild that helps each other out with gear/leveling/PvP.


Those guys? Definitely not. That, son, is a "Cool Kids Table" guild, where ragging on each other is the entertainment of the night. Not worth your time, or your feelings, or your effort. Drop 'em like a shipment of bantha poodoo, and move on.

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that's pretty messed up. i hate e-bullies. you should definitely find a new guild. my guild ran a fresh 50 through normal modes even though we didn't need anything from there and then we did H EV with him even though he still had some greens.


i don't even think champ gear is all that terrible, as long as only 1 or 2 people are wearing it. just make sure you're stimmed & have medpacs.

Edited by Quynhdolin
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