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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PLEASE VOTE: Give Us Real Combat Logs


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my guild rerolled in and hit 50 in 1 month, and about 5 days in /played, we cleared normals in 1 week, cleared HM the next, cleared nightmare mode next, I have footage of our raid night in EV nightmare and us 1 shotting 3 of the encounters and 2shotting one.
Coolness! And without the use of meters too! Edited by GalacticKegger
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Coolness! And without the use of meters too!



your join date is 2 years ago, please enlighten us on what content you have cleared in this game or in any other MMO for that matter. also would you be as kind to help me breakdown a few WoW logs and help me prove that it's all fiction and this warrior didnt hit the boss for 40k with an axe, and instead gave him health* with with a salami sword?

Edited by Retzilla
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this content is a JOKE, every nightmare mode is laughable and this is coming from a player who has done every single nightmare mode and compared it to several tiers of raiding across several MMO's including FFXI


So why then do you feel you need a more comprehensive combat log to the one that's being provided?


Please whatever you do don't give me the circular argument that you need harder content to justify tools to make it easier (and don't bother saying that a more robust combat log wont make your life easier either).

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It sticks out, is easier to find while quick scrolling and remains more legible than most against the dark blue. I used to use "wheat" but others were using it too for a while. Thank you for your concern.


I like Star Wars too but, deal with graphs, trends and numbers far too much to want them driving my game play.


So just, you know, play the game and not use them. There's an option to turn off head gear in the game, doesn't mean you're forced to turn them off.

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your join date is 2 years ago, please enlighten us on what content you have cleared in this game or in any other MMO for that matter. also would you be as kind to help me breakdown a few WoW logs and help me prove that it's all fiction and this warrior didnt hit the boss for 40k with an axe, and instead gave him health* with with a salami sword?
I can't ... which is my whole point. It's all opinion, so we're all weilding salamis in this room - yourself & myself included. :eek: Edited by GalacticKegger
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I am all for an in-game version (created by bioware) of recount. It has everything you need, hell the code already exists in game as shown at the end of a pvp match. Throw in a simple UI to read the results as they update in the next patch.


Yes, recount is needed.

Edited by Processj
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So why then do you feel you need a more comprehensive combat log to the one that's being provided?


Please whatever you do don't give me the circular argument that you need harder content to justify tools to make it easier (and don't bother saying that a more robust combat log wont make your life easier either).


Because I would like to break down my damage to a science, I want to know how i can squeeze out as much damage in an encounter. I want to be able to pull up why the tank died in a boss fight on the instant and use hard data with numbers that don't lie. rather than having to take a wild guess that could either berate the healers, or the tank himself. a combat log will make me more knowledgeable but it will not play the game for me, a combat log will not make me hit my buttons in the right order, It will guide me to what the right order is, It will not heal a tank for me, or make the tank take less damage, it tell me exactly how hard the boss is hitting. It will tell me who got hit by what mechanic, it will not make me or my raiders any better at not standing in fire, it will not move for me, it will just record what happened.


edit" the way I want to play the game is the right way, I dont want to hit the wrong buttons and do less dps than the person that is, killing a boss isn't good enough for me, I want to straight murder the boss with every fiber of my being and hit him as hard as i can.


edit 2: please provide an argument against the pursuit of knowledge i seek.

Edited by Retzilla
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I can't ... which is my whole point. It's all opinion, so we're all weilding salamis in this room - yourself & myself included. :eek:



I don't understand your whole point if you cant do anything that contributes to end game raiding why would you want to cripple the people that do?

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It is clear to me that Bioware does not want us to have access to combat logs because of the scrunity it will place on them. This game still has so many bugs that the combat logs will give us, the community, a means of pointing out these bugs and causing more havok to Bioware to fix the issues, which, even now, three months after release, havent been fixed.


Yes there are still lots of bugs in the combat system. Abilities that trigger a cooldown yet the damage doesnt take effect. AoE that is ontop of a group and yet the group takes no damage. There are more, and the combat logs would be arming us with the tools we need to bring Bioware's issues to the forefront. Why would they want to do that to themselfs? It just causes them more work and grief. So yea, I dont expect them to add combat logs for a while. Not until they are reasonabley sure they fixed the majority of the bugs.

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I've chosen? Is it my choice that an argument is not grounded in empirical evidence? Is it my choice that the basis of the argument is emotion and irrational fear.?


I'd love to hear a reason why combat logs hurt the community, besides "they just will."


They are giving you combat logs in the form of a parseable text file you can download that contains all the same information a combat log would contain pertaining to what your character has done and what has happened to your character in combat.

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I don't understand your whole point if you cant do anything that contributes to end game raiding why would you want to cripple the people that do?
Why would you assume someone you've never met has nothing to contribute to end game? I already stated in a post (probably buried 3 pages back by now) that I am in favor of a combat log. I like how BioWare is doing it offline so the players, teams and guilds that want to learn can do so privately. I have also stated that this is all opinion and preference as there is no hard data to support either side. If you find that logic offensive then I apologize. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Can we stop calling the 74% who voted no, "the majority" please. Currently the poll has 253 votes, rendering it pretty meaningless to what the majority of subscribers would prefer.


Blame the OP. This thread was created around a poll. Small sample or not, it largely follows the opinions of the individual posters in this thread and depicts a pretty strong majority. Maybe it is not a 74/26 majority but, I think it's safe to say it is a majority.

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Why is it a travesty to know what the hell hit me at times? In a new game like this with the bugs flowing around.. I'd actually like to know what killed me instead of standing around guessing with a thumb up my ***. Oh look.. I could also be helping the development team with actual LOGS instead of making them do 100% of the work for me. Combat LOGS.. not a DMG meter, but LOGS.. should show the actions of me and my target.
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Can we stop calling the 74% who voted no, "the majority" please. Currently the poll has 253 votes, rendering it pretty meaningless to what the majority of subscribers would prefer.


It would be the majority of those that care enough about the topic to vote at all and come to the forums.


Those that don't come here to read about it either don't care or aren't concerned one way or another.


While a small number overall, It's a valid argument.

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yes we need real combat logs, as a raid leader I need to know who is lacking in dps or healing so I can do what I can to help them so we can get passed the brick wall of failing at a raid boss. This is a industry staple bioware. I simply do not understand why georg soeller is so adimant about not letting people see what others are doing.


We cannot have nice things because of other people who insist on being douchbags at every opportunity.

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Why is it a travesty to know what the hell hit me at times? In a new game like this with the bugs flowing around.. I'd actually like to know what killed me instead of standing around guessing with a thumb up my ***. Oh look.. I could also be helping the development team with actual LOGS instead of making them do 100% of the work for me. Combat LOGS.. not a DMG meter, but LOGS.. should show the actions of me and my target.


The proposal offers you that possibility. No travesties involved. Dig into your data and find out and/or share it with the devs. Probably, some one will design a 3rd part tool for it.

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Your assumptions are 100% wrong. They know exactly how much damage we are doing.


Furthermore, players getting logs, has ZERO to do with how tough developers could make the content. They could make bosses unbeatable or a cakewalk or anything in between.


you are making the same assumption when you say they know exactly how much damage we are doing.


yes of course they could make a boss unbeatable etc, but thats the point im making, it needs to be just right. not easy but requires concentration. how can i make the 10+ dps in my raid do this without seeing what they are doing?

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It would be the majority of those that care enough about the topic to vote at all and come to the forums.


Those that don't come here to read about it either don't care or aren't concerned one way or another.


While a small number overall, It's a valid argument.

LOL ya ... the votes that really matter are too busy playing the game.
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Way ahead of you. Along with you and the people already clearing nightmare content, none of us are using combat logs. Isn't it nice to have experiences in common? ;)


Except for the fact that you're actively arguing against something that you don't want, therefore no one else should have, yes experiences in common.

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Why is it a travesty to know what the hell hit me at times? In a new game like this with the bugs flowing around.. I'd actually like to know what killed me instead of standing around guessing with a thumb up my ***. Oh look.. I could also be helping the development team with actual LOGS instead of making them do 100% of the work for me. Combat LOGS.. not a DMG meter, but LOGS.. should show the actions of me and my target.


And we gettin personal combat logs if you will read the guild summit notes.



Q: Threat meters, dps meters – are they coming? what is bioware’s stance?


A: we want reliance on in-game visual cues but that is not we say we won’t give you dps and threat meters. We will have them in but just not in 1.2.


We you to have control over what other see about your character – we went for the middle ground – in 1.2 you will be able to use a simple input in the chat system to see what defeated you.


we also have a very detailed combat log you can write to your disk – someone enterprising can use it for their guild to see their performance but it will be out of game (3rd party).




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Because I would like to break down my damage to a science, I want to know how i can squeeze out as much damage in an encounter. I want to be able to pull up why the tank died in a boss fight on the instant and use hard data with numbers that don't lie. rather than having to take a wild guess that could either berate the healers, or the tank himself. a combat log will make me more knowledgeable but it will not play the game for me, a combat log will not make me hit my buttons in the right order, It will guide me to what the right order is, It will not heal a tank for me, or make the tank take less damage, it tell me exactly how hard the boss is hitting. It will tell me who got hit by what mechanic, it will not make me or my raiders any better at not standing in fire, it will not move for me, it will just record what happened.


edit" the way I want to play the game is the right way, I dont want to hit the wrong buttons and do less dps than the person that is, killing a boss isn't good enough for me, I want to straight murder the boss with every fiber of my being and hit him as hard as i can.


edit 2: please provide an argument against the pursuit of knowledge i seek.


Dear me. What can one say to this? Can you hear yourself?


You aren't describing a game, you're describing a scientific experiment. When did gamers stop playing games and start decrypting data? It's as if you're almost trying to make a computer game sound important. What exactly are you trying to turn this game into?


You want "pursuit of knowledge", go to university. This is a game. To be played.

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