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IDEA! Summon Alt Characters (like a Companion)


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Guild Wars - Mercenaries



Sword 2


... just 2 examples of this actually working. Of course, your 'alt/companion' would be summoned at the same level as you & the real 'Alt character' would not gain anything from this (xp, drops), all it would be is a generic Companion based on the look of your Alt.


Thus, if you really only ever play one character in an mmo, it would be an encouragement for you to roll at least one Alt character to use as a (customisable) Companion.



Edited by KrazieFox
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Great idea, but I see one problem: what if you summon your level 50 alt as a level 5ish guy?

Nice idea in theory, love to see Bioware add this feature :D


As tempting as it would be to say "just develop the summoned alt to auto-match your main's level" less the power tree skills... it would take away from the purpose of working an alt to level 50. I also like the longevity benefit to this, being a star wars fan.


... Of course, your 'alt/companion' would be summoned at the same level as you & the real 'Alt character' would not gain anything from this (xp, drops), all it would be is a generic Companion based on the look of your Alt.


Thus, if you really only ever play one character in an mmo, it would be an encouragement for you to roll at least one Alt character to use as a (customisable) Companion.




Yup, exactly but 2 things:

1. if you summoned your alt to the same level as your main, you would not get the extra skill trees / powers until you unlock them by playing the character directly. Which would give more purpose to leveling your alt of course.

2. (If they add the ability to carry over slots/gear) when you log back onto your alt directly, all the higher level gear would drop to your inventory. Or maybe your alt would have two profiles of inventory / slots.


Edit: honestly, I would be so happy if they get this implemented in any way, I would be ok if summoned alt's had to have a different set of slots / gear entirely. Although you know we would ask for this in a later patch. Maybe implementing it to keep it simple as possible, then constantly revisiting the enhancement of the features with each major patch.

Edited by Brockalee
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... maybe your alt would have two profiles of inventory / slots..


Are there plans to have multiple profiles for gear? Maybe asking for alts to have multiple slot/gear profiles is pre-mature.


Edit: I would want to be able to summon any alt from any of my characters. ((unless there is a clever way to tie it into the legacy system))


Since this implies summoning higher level alts from lower characters, and lower level alts from higher characters, maybe the logic would have to be something like when grouping, when you pull a higher level person to fight with you on a mission. Or the other way around, when you pull a lower level person to help join you. Either way, companion logic or grouping logic, the logic is there.

Edited by Brockalee
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Great idea, but I see one problem: what if you summon your level 50 alt as a level 5ish guy?

Nice idea in theory, love to see Bioware add this feature :D


They have the "Bolster" System in PVP. They should be able to use a similar system to get your lvl 50 Alt/Companion to have stats of a lvl 5 or 7 or 27.

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It shouldn't be that hard to do, tbh.


They need to take the gear looks from your alt, character looks and assign them to a AI with the AC you picked. Every AI in the game uses weapons, similar abilities and such as a certain AC, even focused in a specific talent specialization, would, so it shouldn't be that hard of a process. They are able to make AIs that looks exactly the same and uses class abilities in WoW, SWTOR should have the capability to do the same.


I agree, this should be do-able, please add this!

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Guild Wars - Mercenaries



Sword 2


... just 2 examples of this actually working. Of course, your 'alt/companion' would be summoned at the same level as you & the real 'Alt character' would not gain anything from this (xp, drops), all it would be is a generic Companion based on the look of your Alt.


Thus, if you really only ever play one character in an mmo, it would be an encouragement for you to roll at least one Alt character to use as a (customisable) Companion.




THIS , I like the idea of having to manually level my alt, xp as a summoned alt should not count, unless it counts towards legacy or something. I am still not sure how this whole thing will tie to legacy yet, but people have mentioned it would make it even better.

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I personally would love this.


I'd love to be able to summon one of my alts as a companion.


That way I could pick the best class to match my mains attributes while as the same time being able to develop the "companions" own story by levelling the on their own.


Playing a Jedi it would certainly add to the "training your own Padawan" experience.


so far 100 % support !!!

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All they would have to do is make sure your alt was within say 2 or 3 levels of the character you are actually playing on.. this would solve the armor drop and skill issues... not to mention you could gear both of them at once while questing and shopping... maybe even using their crew skills as well!!!!!!!



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I want to summon my other characters similar to how I can summon a companion.


So, if i have a dual wielding sith, it should behave like ashara (dual wielding companion) with the looks and gear / stats of my alt character.


Think how long people would stay in this game if they can do that!!!!


haha, yeah thanks for stealing my idea! ;)




whatever, we don´t get paid so who cares..:D

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Great idea, but I see one problem: what if you summon your level 50 alt as a level 5ish guy?

Nice idea in theory, love to see Bioware add this feature :D


Scale the ALT to the current player's level? You could have your Alt, but he or she would have to scale accordingly? If not, he or she could get away with being 2-5 levels higher than you, or below you.


So much that could be done for Role-playing purposes. Still reading up on what you guys are saying, so many options. :D



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