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So it seems like nobody ever mentions the carnage spec; just how you should go annihilate and not rage for marauders. I personally choose to go carnage from the beginning because of that sticky forum (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=72872) describing the specs and said it was good. I enjoy it and regularly place very high in PVP. I am 44 so I understand things have high potential to change when I am 50...


All that being said my (Q) is whether or not it is still a commonly held belief to not go carnage for a marauder?


I do hope not.

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I've been carnage since day 1 and I haven't even considered switching specs. It's good for pve and pvp. I've done all the hm flashpoints about a dozen times each and have done the ops on nightmare mode, and I consistently rank in the top dmg in pvp (unless I spend most of a round defending a node not being attacked). Play whichever spec you enjoy.
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Play what you enjoy and what works for you. For me Anni works better in damage, utility, and survivability. Partially bc I hate hate hate hate specs that rely on procs off of procs and partially bc I don't like the limited windows of opportunity for my big damage.


However, if Carnage works well for you more power to you. I do hope update 1.2 gives carnage something over Anni (probably damage due to the number of survival talents in Anni)

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Try them all and come to a conclusion yourself, although debating over it before you are 50 with some gear is kind of pointless, too much changes in the last 5-10 levels.


As for me, Annihilation spec is hands down better in every way. Show me a Carnage Marauder at 50 with gear that can push 600-700k dmg in a warzone. That is the reality of what I can hit doing pure single target dps as Annihilation. Of course, that isn't the norm, but I nearly always break 450k, if not 500k.


I also heal myself + party members.


Currently I feel that the big hitters in Carnage spec do not do enough damage, considering that the spec has little in the way of dots. You can call the Ataru form hits similar to the dots that Annihilation spec gets, however in my experience the Anni spec dots hit for much much harder.


To me, PvP without my anni bleeds + the heals they give me + my team is like fighting with 1 arm behind my back. That is how carnage feels, fighting like a 1 armed man.


Do what you want, but I see full BM geared Carnage Marauders pushing a paltry 250-300k dmg in warzones, while I hit 500k-600k regularly with mostly champion gear. Maybe they just really suck, and I'm just really good, but double the damage on a regular basis?

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I prefer Carnage because I don't really enjoy keeping up DoTs. I like all my damage upfront and in your face. Within a team and especially in huttball a Carnage Marauder can lock down a ball-carrier pathetically easy.


Just remember. Don't get mad if you can't kill someone. There's 8 classes for a reason. We -can- kill pretty much anyone, but were not always supposed to.

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How hard does force scream hit in pvp procced at 50?


My opening as carnage, frenzy, bloodthirst,charge,use relic while charging,gore, hopefully pull a form strike and force scream for a huge crit


that's my quick boost into the start of any WZ :3

Edited by doromleynek
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I play carnage and do just fine. The possible burst from a gore>massacre>force scream with retalitation up is amazing. I've never played annihilation though, too lazy to learn new rotations, so I can't really say which is better. But, carnage is viable and I can only imagine how well I'll do if they buff it. Edited by xChroniCx
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I've got a Carnage spec'd Mara at level 33 and just started using Jaesa Wilsaam as a companion. I think I need to adjust my tactics somewhat because I'm getting dinged up worse than I'm used to by groups.


Just use Quinn. You'll save yourself a headache.

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As much as I love carnage, and leveled as Carnage, played majority of my time at 50 as Carnage, Annihilation is just a superior spec.


Better survivability, better damage, better utility.


Carnage is much better burst, but I primarily do PvE, so it makes life easier. I really wish they would add some more uniqueness to Carnage. Give it more burst, or some unique mechanic.

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As much as I love carnage, and leveled as Carnage, played majority of my time at 50 as Carnage, Annihilation is just a superior spec.


Better survivability, better damage, better utility.


Carnage is much better burst, but I primarily do PvE, so it makes life easier. I really wish they would add some more uniqueness to Carnage. Give it more burst, or some unique mechanic.


Hopefully in patch 1.2 we'll see it fixed. Considering how much I love playing Marauder, it really sucks to get bottlenecked into one spec. Wouldn't be so bad if each spec was meant for either PvE or PvP but it bothers me how one is superior in both aspects.


Saying you do "just fine" with a spec is all well and good. But I prefer something a little more than that. Here's to hoping Carnage becomes the PvP tree its clearly meant to be!

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heres the thing with carnage...its gimped. its gimped not because of the skills, its gimped because of the skills OTHER classes have.



Gore+ massacre...setting up for a forcescream.....WOOPS! STUN/KB/ knocked off the ledge. there goes your 6sec window...


the thing with carnage is the window of oppertunity to do amazing damage is too low, and in PVP too manythings can happen that you miss this window. not to mention the insande ammount of CCS you go through.




the reason Anni is better is because of the CCs. as an anni, i can careless if i get CCed (granted i still do suffer dps loss) because my bleeds are dpsing away. numerous times ive played wzs only to be knocked back...just to watch my bleeds kill the poor ****er.

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Carnage is fun, and it works, but you are still gimping yourself by using it. The other mara I raid with was carnage. and switched after he saw how fast I killed stuff. After he got used to it he is right there with me and the sniper leading the raid in dps.
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Carnage has by far the BEST UTILITY in all warzones:

  • 2 additional 3-sec roots that bypass resolve can do miracles on HB: charge-throw-ravage is a 9-sec lock combo, especially when combined with mass-fear and choke.

  • Rooting target with saber throw also helps greatly versus different kinds of kiters and RDD, adding a throw + charge combo to arsenal (while kiting ppl yourself.
  • Ravage's root makes most opponents use knockback, stun or kick, so when used wisely you can make them to spend 1 cc when you need it.


But damage and survivability are overall lackluster, even while i try my best pulling 200-300k DMG on WZ solo, most anni marauders in the same circumstances can solo 2-3 enemies and get 450k+ DMG total.

Edited by ZakPreston
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