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I no longer vote Sages MVP because of Noble Sacrifice


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Curse that jerk for wanting to get his 4 medals while defending a turret like someone has to. CURSE HIM!


Maybe he should just be the typical ADHD PvP retard and leave the turret undefended to chase off red names and get his medals that way, even if it means losing the turret and the game.


Oh no I didn't get your 50 valor vote! Instead and i got my 500 valor medals AND I played the game properly.

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I just never vote sage mvp period, the only class i ever give mvp votes to is other warriors because they are the only ones who dont have a single faceroll spec. Every other class has at least one 4 button faceroll spec, so if there isnt a warrior in my group i just dont vote.


I'm confused as to what the Agent faceroll spec is...


At least with respect to the 50s bracket, all I hear is that Snipers are useless and that Operatives aren't any good since the nerf to Concealment and burst in general.

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I'm a heal spec sage and I actually heal. Just saying. The only time a heal lands on myself is when I actually need it. However, I always wz with my guild and it's much more beneficial to heal them :).
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UNLESS I know for sure they've been healing me or others, and not just sitting on one turret spamming Noble Sacrifice and healing themselves.



I was just in a WZ where a sage did exactly that, got highest healing in the WZ (on our side because we lost of course), and then got voted MVP 5 times because stupid people just look at the numbers and not what a person actually did.



It's beyond ridiculous, those numbers that they heal themselves for should stop applying towards game stats, and no one should be rewarded for contributing ZILCH to their teams victory OR loss.


Yep, I know healers who do that as well. Especially when the game is lost.

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So your problem is that this sage was left to guard a turret (alone?) while the rest of your team zerged and failed to cap a second turret. So should he have abandoned the node and the other team would have 3capped or just stand there with his thumb up his bum ...


Honestly, this happens a lot. I always tell teams to send someone back either with me, or in my stead.


Too often I get left as an Inquisitor healer to solo guard. It's worthless. Not only is my offensive DPS crap, but my heals aren't actually being put to good use! In pugs though I try not to create too much confusion though as I too don't always know where other healers are in the group (if any).


If you're an OPS leader, ASK who your healers are, and make sure they aren't getting guard points healing no one. Your guard (if you leave 1) should be one of the better PvPers, someone who can take most out 1 vs 1 and have some surviviability in a 2 on 1.

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Unless your team is unusually healer heavy, a healer guarding a turret is usually a bad idea. You want a healer, you know, healing where the action is.


If I run to cap left and everyone takes off I stay. I usually post in /ops "hey can a dps switch out with me so I can heal." If someone comes great. If no one wants to come I'm not going to abandon my post.


So while I'm standing there with my 2 defender medals I'll give myself the 5k crit/2.5k crit.


I've never had a stealthie kill me if he catches me doing it. And what else am I supposed to do while guarding? Guarding is boring. Hell sometimes I do it just to see how big a crit I can get off just so I don't go out of my mind with boredom.


Also if you are up against any other healer for top heals that game it's impossible to get top heals using noble sacrifice. It's too damn slow. There's no way I can get 300k healing with noble sacrifice.

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OP is serious?


You need healers to win, and for all the afk'er talk i haven't seen much of it.. and everyone knows those people are the lowest common denominator.


I think if you have healers you should encourage them to keep puggin. Most of them only run with guilds/premades and they are already gettin their votes honestly.

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Unless your team is unusually healer heavy, a healer guarding a turret is usually a bad idea. You want a healer, you know, healing where the action is.


If I run to cap left and everyone takes off I stay. I usually post in /ops "hey can a dps switch out with me so I can heal." If someone comes great. If no one wants to come I'm not going to abandon my post.


So while I'm standing there with my 2 defender medals I'll give myself the 5k crit/2.5k crit.


I've never had a stealthie kill me if he catches me doing it. And what else am I supposed to do while guarding? Guarding is boring. Hell sometimes I do it just to see how big a crit I can get off just so I don't go out of my mind with boredom.


Also if you are up against any other healer for top heals that game it's impossible to get top heals using noble sacrifice. It's too damn slow. There's no way I can get 300k healing with noble sacrifice.


This is the only time I spam NS -- if I am alone guarding a turret. Any other time it's not worth it. But if nobody wants to switch with me, I may as well get the extra medals, because in a lot of cases I can go the whole match without seeing any action.

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Since the 4 medals thing, I don't bother doing it any more. There isn't a desperate need for medals. But if I get deposited as the only person on a turret, why on earth would I risk getting just 2 medals when 2x NS + healing will pick up a quick 2.5k & 5k medal. I don't bother going for amount healed, as someone said, repeated use of this really IS asking for a stealth ganking.


However, that doesn't change how people vote. Generally, people don't vote for sages at all unless they've clearly gone healer role. I've been in matches (as a DPS Sage) where I've topped DPS charts by a not-inconsiderable-amount, and because we had no dedicated healer, my bubble + Self healing has had me top the Healing charts too (at 50-60k). All of which happens during the normal course of play trying to complete the objectives, and not farming. On those occasions, I still rarely get even one MVP vote.


People only tend vote for dedicated healers, not part time ones. If there are no healers, they tend to go with their friends/guildies/familiar names before picking a sage already. At least, that's my experience of how people hand out MvP votes.


This thread won't change anything.

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Why would anyone bother to NS/heal spam since the patch? You only need 4 medals for max valor...


You shouldn't be blasting the Sages, instead you should be yelling at people being stupid enough not to pay attention in a warzone.


This, its a waste of time other than to get the 5k medal. You had some really fail healers if this guy got top heals doing this.

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If I were in civil war and a healer was guarding a turret by himself, I'd want to know about it, because that's just a waste, and probably dangerous too.


I was actually in a WZ recently where a healer spent the entire time at the east turret healing himself, and I was pissed off about it (especially since we lost). In general, if you don't have healing you're going to lose, unless the other team just sucks or doesn't have healing either, so if you're a healer and you're not healing your teammates, something has gone terribly wrong.


I will always take over node guard from a healer who asks because I want to win.

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I've been stuck guarding a node many times. If my team is getting pounded I'll yell in ops that if someone comes to replace me i'll come heal .. its 50/50 if anyone will bother tbh.


Thankfully as a Sawbones healer i am a pita to kill and can solo hold a node for a decent amount of time. Of course alot of the time I'll yell *inc 3 east* and no one will bother to come anyway since they are all tunnel visioned elsewhere. Just the nature of pugs. /shrug.

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Curse that jerk for wanting to get his 4 medals while defending a turret like someone has to. CURSE HIM!


Maybe he should just be the typical ADHD PvP retard and leave the turret undefended to chase off red names and get his medals that way, even if it means losing the turret and the game.


Oh no I didn't get your 50 valor vote! Instead and i got my 500 valor medals AND I played the game properly.


This- ITT bads who think this is team deathmatch.

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Why would a heal specced anything stay to guard a node?? Unless there are like 4-5 healers already, you have a lead, and have two capped already.


A healer not with the zerg trying to cap #2 is a waste of a team slot.


because leaving a node undefended is asking to lose that node. its not rocket science. if everyones else runs off, the smart person stays and defends. never leave a turret undefended, its just stupid.

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because leaving a node undefended is asking to lose that node. its not rocket science. if everyones else runs off, the smart person stays and defends. never leave a turret undefended, its just stupid.


Honestly, if you're a healer and you leave the node undefended, it's not you're fault. Somebody else isn't doing their job. Unless your team has more than 2 healers, it's probably better off with an undefended node and you in the zerg than with you isolated and alone at a node. (It's obviously best to have somebody defending the node, but not if that somebody is your healer.)

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The funny thing is I saw 2 of them doing this on a node on my focus guardian.


Let's just say there were none of them in about 5 seconds and I capped the node.


Those guys are banes to their teams.


Lol, I caught a sorc doing this yesterday on Alderaan, i dont know how he did not see me but I got to him and he had noble sac himself down to like 15%, I killed him in like 2 shots and capped the node.


All I could do was lol at the idiot.


We won because they could not get anyone there in time to stop me. LOLOLOLO

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Since the 4 medals thing, I don't bother doing it any more. There isn't a desperate need for medals. But if I get deposited as the only person on a turret, why on earth would I risk getting just 2 medals when 2x NS + healing will pick up a quick 2.5k & 5k medal. I don't bother going for amount healed, as someone said, repeated use of this really IS asking for a stealth ganking.


However, that doesn't change how people vote. Generally, people don't vote for sages at all unless they've clearly gone healer role. I've been in matches (as a DPS Sage) where I've topped DPS charts by a not-inconsiderable-amount, and because we had no dedicated healer, my bubble + Self healing has had me top the Healing charts too (at 50-60k). All of which happens during the normal course of play trying to complete the objectives, and not farming. On those occasions, I still rarely get even one MVP vote.


People only tend vote for dedicated healers, not part time ones. If there are no healers, they tend to go with their friends/guildies/familiar names before picking a sage already. At least, that's my experience of how people hand out MvP votes.


This thread won't change anything.


This I can relate to.


While leveling up, I very often capped a door or gun, got 300+k on Alderaan and 400+k on voidstar. With 75K+ healing done, which was not all on myself alone. The next closest being around 60% of my dmg done. I would then leave the warzone with not a single MVP vote.


Its not the lost valor and commendations that bug me about it. It is the principle of it all. Purposely not voting for someone that quite obviously contributed a lot to the warzone, simply because they are a sage. Seems a bit silly to me.


So I have now started only voting MVP for other sages that play decently. Or for some WZ buddies that I have accumulated through my many WZ's, that will always vote fairly.

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Honestly, if you're a healer and you leave the node undefended, it's not you're fault. Somebody else isn't doing their job. Unless your team has more than 2 healers, it's probably better off with an undefended node and you in the zerg than with you isolated and alone at a node. (It's obviously best to have somebody defending the node, but not if that somebody is your healer.)


If you leave a node or door undefended, ever, in any circumstance, it's YOUR fault.


Sure, if you run off to join the zerg that's attacking the enemy node, you might help them take it. Or you might not. Or they may have taken it without you anyway. Meanwhile, you just guaranteed the loss of a node you already had. At best, it's a wash. Or, you could have stayed to defend and at worst it's a wash, at best it's a win.


Stop encouraging excuses for stupidity.

Edited by lueckjathom
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A sage can get themselves to 4 medals in a vacuum.... they need no outside help, contribute nothing to the battle, and can get themselves 4 medals by using two abilities, Noble Sacrifice (damaging themselves) and healing themselves.



You people defending this guy and all the other sages doing likewise are the reason teamplay is so terrible. As soon as things aren't going great, you camp a node and spam yourselves into 4 medals, while everyone else (who could probably really use your healing abilities) has to try and eke out 1-2 by rushing the defense with no support.


And like one poster said, do these guys stop at 75k healing once they have the medal??? heck no, the guy I'm talking about spammed his way into 150k healing, thus capturing himself top healing on our side and 5 MVP votes (which I admit is the voters fault, but STILL those self-healed self-spammed heal numbers SHOULD NOT be showing up in the final tally).


How anyone can defend this practice is beyond me. Unless of course you're a sage




Lol any healer can get at least 3 medals with no outside help, 2.5k/5k heal, 75k healing, but I am curious what was the other medal for?


Oh and if you want to moan about medals, then just roll a tank, it's easy to get your 4 medals :)


So let's not be bitter that someone got voted over you, bit sad really to see this kind of jealousy.

Edited by Pvpingwithnoobs
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If he got the highest healing sitting at a node, he was probably your only healer and someone else should've volunteered to guard that node. It's pretty simple, someone Noble Sacrificing themselves for a whole match won't do a lot of healing, maybe break 200k on a long match.


I usually vote highest protection, but if the highest protection are all under 10k, I'm not going to reward someone for being less mediocre at taunting than the rest.

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