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I no longer vote Sages MVP because of Noble Sacrifice


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UNLESS I know for sure they've been healing me or others, and not just sitting on one turret spamming Noble Sacrifice and healing themselves.



I was just in a WZ where a sage did exactly that, got highest healing in the WZ (on our side because we lost of course), and then got voted MVP 5 times because stupid people just look at the numbers and not what a person actually did.



It's beyond ridiculous, those numbers that they heal themselves for should stop applying towards game stats, and no one should be rewarded for contributing ZILCH to their teams victory OR loss.

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UNLESS I know for sure they've been healing me or others, and not just sitting on one turret spamming Noble Sacrifice and healing themselves.



I was just in a WZ where a sage did exactly that, got highest healing in the WZ (on our side because we lost of course), and then got voted MVP 5 times because stupid people just look at the numbers and not what a person actually did.



It's beyond ridiculous, those numbers that they heal themselves for should stop applying towards game stats, and no one should be rewarded for contributing ZILCH to their teams victory OR loss.


Why would anyone bother to NS/heal spam since the patch? You only need 4 medals for max valor...


You shouldn't be blasting the Sages, instead you should be yelling at people being stupid enough not to pay attention in a warzone.

Edited by Khadroth
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You mad coz other stupid ppl voted him or cause there are actually idiot ppl who join a wz and their only "fun" is to nolbe sacrifice and heal themselves?

You should be sorry for them and all the ppl doing same thing or afk or whatever lame this game has to offer,not to be mad at them...

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UNLESS I know for sure they've been healing me or others, and not just sitting on one turret spamming Noble Sacrifice and healing themselves.



I was just in a WZ where a sage did exactly that, got highest healing in the WZ (on our side because we lost of course), and then got voted MVP 5 times because stupid people just look at the numbers and not what a person actually did.



It's beyond ridiculous, those numbers that they heal themselves for should stop applying towards game stats, and no one should be rewarded for contributing ZILCH to their teams victory OR loss.



So your problem is that this sage was left to guard a turret (alone?) while the rest of your team zerged and failed to cap a second turret. So should he have abandoned the node and the other team would have 3capped or just stand there with his thumb up his bum ...

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Why would anyone bother to NS/heal spam since the patch? You only need 4 medals for max valor...


You shouldn't be blasting the Sages, instead you should be yelling at people being stupid enough not to pay attention in a warzone.


so that would be 1k defence, 3k defence, 2.5h heal and 75k total heal?


i think they are doing that so they get the MVP votes as well (and that's what OP is hinting at)

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So your problem is that this sage was left to guard a turret (alone?) while the rest of your team zerged and failed to cap a second turret. So should he have abandoned the node and the other team would have 3capped or just stand there with his thumb up his bum ...


A sage can get themselves to 4 medals in a vacuum.... they need no outside help, contribute nothing to the battle, and can get themselves 4 medals by using two abilities, Noble Sacrifice (damaging themselves) and healing themselves.



You people defending this guy and all the other sages doing likewise are the reason teamplay is so terrible. As soon as things aren't going great, you camp a node and spam yourselves into 4 medals, while everyone else (who could probably really use your healing abilities) has to try and eke out 1-2 by rushing the defense with no support.


And like one poster said, do these guys stop at 75k healing once they have the medal??? heck no, the guy I'm talking about spammed his way into 150k healing, thus capturing himself top healing on our side and 5 MVP votes (which I admit is the voters fault, but STILL those self-healed self-spammed heal numbers SHOULD NOT be showing up in the final tally).


How anyone can defend this practice is beyond me. Unless of course you're a sage

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I just never vote sage mvp period, the only class i ever give mvp votes to is other warriors because they are the only ones who dont have a single faceroll spec. Every other class has at least one 4 button faceroll spec, so if there isnt a warrior in my group i just dont vote.
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I see this all the time, Sorc will sit somewhere and heal themselves the whole game. I do mess with them by healing them myself.


This made me smile =) alot actually, maybe I will jump on my sage and just follow one of these tools around and do the same. The rage potential is astronomical

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I just never vote sage mvp period, the only class i ever give mvp votes to is other warriors because they are the only ones who dont have a single faceroll spec. Every other class has at least one 4 button faceroll spec, so if there isnt a warrior in my group i just dont vote.


And as a sent, I am starting to feel the same way.... unless I see a healer/sage that really went over the top and saved the game.

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This made me smile =) alot actually, maybe I will jump on my sage and just follow one of these tools around and do the same. The rage potential is astronomical


Or you know, just point out in ops chat that that's exactly what they're doing.


Again your problem seems to be with the other idiots in your WZ who didn't pay attention to the fact that some guy on their team had huge healing... BUT NEVER ACTUALLY HEALED THEM.


I wouldn't vote that guy mvp either, but you also shouldn't be blindly voting healers mvp anymore. They now get the same valor as the next guy due to the medal cap, so they don't need the sympathy votes to help bolster their valor gains. Vote for the person who actually had the biggest impact.

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I think at this point, as someone pointed out earlier, that voting MVP just for healing doesn't make sense anymore, they max out at 4 medals, same as everyone else.


MVP should be a choice that you make depending on what you thing was important in the particular battle.


Last night I voted a guy MVP and he was the lowest rated on the list, but we wouldn't have won without him. I stayed at our turrent (obviously alderaan) and just called out when he had incomcing. Then everyone else raced back and forth between 'his' turret and the middle.


We totally dominated, but becuase he only participated in fights at his turret, he was low rated. Sucks for him, so he deserved the MVP.


Don't worry about what other people are voting, you need to vote for who you feel was the most impactful for the WZ. Heck, there have been times I wish I could vote for the opposing team.

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Sage here. I'm specced for healing. Do you have any idea how many times I get stuck guarding a turret because everyone else ran off!?!? I am fully aware that my healing skillz would be very valuable for whatever team is trying to take another node, but I'm not about to leave a turret undefended.


I have never personally done that noble sacrifice trick you're talking about, but that's because I didn't think of it. When I'm stuck babysitting a node, I'll have to start. If those people voted for that guy because he was max healing, and they probably did, then yeah that is silly. But if they voted for him because he guarded a turret the entire game, maybe he deserved a vote or two for the boring job.


How about you non-healers stop leaving a healer by themselves at a turret, and free them up to go help the team.

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UNLESS I know for sure they've been healing me or others, and not just sitting on one turret spamming Noble Sacrifice and healing themselves.



I was just in a WZ where a sage did exactly that, got highest healing in the WZ (on our side because we lost of course), and then got voted MVP 5 times because stupid people just look at the numbers and not what a person actually did.



It's beyond ridiculous, those numbers that they heal themselves for should stop applying towards game stats, and no one should be rewarded for contributing ZILCH to their teams victory OR loss.





Are you a healer by any chance competing for those votes or just a concerned citizen? ;)

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As a 31 point madness sorc (same goes for hybrid dps and 31 pt. lightning specs), I tend to only use Consumption (mirror to Noble Sac) in any warzone if I find that I'm still yet to earn a 2.5k heal medal after a set amount of time from static barrier. My enemies seem to hit me for 2.5k damage much less frequently as I gradually swap champion gear for battlemaster gear and due to pvp trauma debuff (which as a DoT-******, I'm almost ALWAYS at full trauma timer) my only guaranteed method to get a 2.5k heal is to consumption twice followed by a Dark Infusion (the 3s heal) typically right after a respawn. Unless it's Hutt-ball, in which case all I'd need to do is bubble up and take a single fire pit tick.


Personally, in Alderaan, one of the first things I'll tend to do if I'm stuck guarding a node without any enemies around is similar to what the sage you're talking about did, albeit I wouldn't bother going beyond 75k heal medals and I tend to not do it if I know the pubs have more than one cloaky on their team (yes, Scoundrels certainly love to kick ya in the nuts if you do this, but I always have a bubble up and no, that doesn't always mean I'll survive, but it helps lol).

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Sage here. I'm specced for healing. Do you have any idea how many times I get stuck guarding a turret because everyone else ran off!?!? I am fully aware that my healing skillz would be very valuable for whatever team is trying to take another node, but I'm not about to leave a turret undefended.


I have never personally done that noble sacrifice trick you're talking about, but that's because I didn't think of it. When I'm stuck babysitting a node, I'll have to start. If those people voted for that guy because he was max healing, and they probably did, then yeah that is silly. But if they voted for him because he guarded a turret the entire game, maybe he deserved a vote or two for the boring job.


How about you non-healers stop leaving a healer by themselves at a turret, and free them up to go help the team.


Why would a heal specced anything stay to guard a node?? Unless there are like 4-5 healers already, you have a lead, and have two capped already.


A healer not with the zerg trying to cap #2 is a waste of a team slot.

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I have done this before.


When I am solo defending in civil war and I do not get anyone attacking, I will get my heal medals from noble sacrifice. However, I don't do it unless the game is already over without the losing team taking all 3 cap points. Now I only need to do it once to get the 2.5k and 5k heal medals, with the 2 defender ones thats all thats needed for the 4.


If you don't like it, come defend instead of me.

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Why would a heal specced anything stay to guard a node?? Unless there are like 4-5 healers already, you have a lead, and have two capped already.


A healer not with the zerg trying to cap #2 is a waste of a team slot.


Right because you should leave a node undefended. That might be the most asinine thing you can propose to someone in a warzone. Reread what he said, everyone else left, he was forced to stay.

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Why would a heal specced anything stay to guard a node?? Unless there are like 4-5 healers already, you have a lead, and have two capped already.


A healer not with the zerg trying to cap #2 is a waste of a team slot.


Heal-specced sages with points to increase their bubble absorbtion are one of the hardest healers to kill quick enough (with 1 or 2 attackers) before reinfrocements arrive. I find scoundrel healers to be the most effective for travelling with the zerg.

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I have definitely done this before, not so much after the patch, but before the 4 medal limit. Only when I was sitting on defense and no action was coming my way. I would keep going because I wanted every medal possible, and because the MVP votes would make up for the lack of 75k 300k 10 kills 25 kills, killing blow etc...The only non noble sacrifice replacements were 1k defender and 3k defender.


Now with 4 medal limit there is no point, so I rather just sit and twiddle my thumbs.

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Or the healer says something in ops Chat him/herself. When stuck defending a node. I doubt that there would no one to come replace them. Just saying..


I've actually seen exactly that happen. Sure sometimes people do come, but not always, which shouldn't be surprising considering you're in a group where everyone who should have considered staying to defend the node... left.

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Or the healer says something in ops Chat him/herself. When stuck defending a node. I doubt that there would no one to come replace them. Just saying..


This. Or just be one of the first ones to leave. A healer should never be the one solo-guarding a node unless there are 3 or more healers on the team.

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I just never vote sage mvp period, the only class i ever give mvp votes to is other warriors because they are the only ones who dont have a single faceroll spec. Every other class has at least one 4 button faceroll spec, so if there isnt a warrior in my group i just dont vote.


Hybrid Juggs faceroll huttball with charge/friendly charge/force push and tank CDs.


I log on my roommate's Jugg every now and then for funsies and just completely dominate in huttball with those few abilities.

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