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Self harm and PVP


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Hi there. If you read my OP you'll see I am asking about tanks using guard to intercept this kind of damage (does it generate rewards for the tank?) and also receiving rewards from healing damage caused by environmental affects (fire pits, falling).



No self harm does not get 'guarded' so doesnt generate reward for the tank. Im not sure about evironmetal damage but i think this is the same.

Edited by da_krall
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@op. yes this is possible. yes this is lame and yes it is... well kinda stupid. but really, so what? they do it, they get their 2 medals and that's it. who cares?


is it for you that you are in a competition for medals or do you want to do pvp and win?


who cares...


Hi there, what does getting medals have anything to do with the context of my OP? That's not what I posted about. I do appreciate you taking the time to reply, but I'd appreciate it even more if you offer any insight to the questions I posed about tanks using guard and environmental damage.



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Like someone else said, you don't get to absorb any of the damage if you are guarding a guy who is damaging himself.


I've been one of the bored guys at a turret with no action. When everyone runs off after taking it I tend to be the one (or one of two) guys that feels keeping a turret may be a good idea.


I hope one of the new warzone medals is for /dance, because I spend a lot of time working on that one.

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my scoundrel likes those sorcerers, so - don't stop doing what you doing, keep up the good work :-)


Yes it was rather funny. Karma!



This sort of post pisses me off. Someone was actually defending a point - something that 99% of the plebs that play this game wont do, they would rather run attacking the third turrent when we hold 2 already or go hunting people no where near points - and you judged him to be an exploiter who wasnt helping the team.


No end of times i have been the only person guarding a point while everyone else ****s about and i have self harmed to get some heal medals. The guy was helping your team win more than the ****tards that run about chasing kills.


Hi there. Please point me at the part of the OP where I complain about this? I am asking about Guard intercepting this kind of damage, how this works with environmental affects. The Sorc was just a real world example. Besides I do disagree with your point. You're not defending anything on 10% health as you die in one hit, which is what happened.


I appreciate you may be Sorc/Sage and rather than reading all my OP, have flown into some kind of rage about the injustice of it all. If I could trouble to reread my OP and specifically look at the questions I raised rather than ranting about something i have not said, that would be great! :p



No self harm does not get 'guarded' so doesnt generate reward for the tank. Im not sure about evironmetal damage but i think this is the same.


Thank you so much. I didn't really want to roll a new character just yet, let alone just to test this as I am sucked into Operative at the moment :p If I could give some virtual loving, I would. I was thinking along the lines of "Guard Ball Carrier" to get them through the Fire Pits with minimal damage etc. but perhaps not.



Like someone else said, you don't get to absorb any of the damage if you are guarding a guy who is damaging himself.


I've been one of the bored guys at a turret with no action. When everyone runs off after taking it I tend to be the one (or one of two) guys that feels keeping a turret may be a good idea.


I hope one of the new warzone medals is for /dance, because I spend a lot of time working on that one.


Cheers for the reply. I understand what you mean as I too am one of those folks left guarding a turret (although sometimes I do get a good fight on the middle). As an Operative, it's quite an interesting challenge holding a turret solo. Eminently doable with Orbital Bombardment (buys a ncie amount of time for reinforcements to arrive), cloaking screen, Frag Grenade and a Flashbang.

Edited by QuiJonPed
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Hi there, what does getting medals have anything to do with the context of my OP? That's not what I posted about. I do appreciate you taking the time to reply, but I'd appreciate it even more if you offer any insight to the questions I posed about tanks using guard and environmental damage.




2/3 of your post is about getting medals.


Specifically, a player initiated some kind of ability that dorpped their health down to around 10%, and then healed themselves up. During this 15 second heal period, they received two medals (presumably 2.5k heal, 5k heal etc.).


Is this workign as intended? If you were to jump from a great height, or burn yourself in the fire pits and heal up, would this also give medals (I need to chek this!).

From a different angle, if you were being guarded by a tank and engaged in "self harm", would the tank intercept the damage as though it was from another player thus earning Comms, Medals, Valour etc.?

your whole post is about mimimi, they can exploit this ability to earn more medals. how much more can they exploit it to get even more medals....


if this is not the context of your op then sorry. it would be helpfull to point that out then.


edit: i also play a 50 sage. i could answer your question about what medals i could get by exploiting the mentioned abilities. but i didn't wanted to because i think it doesn't matter and who should care about it....

Edited by me_unknown
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I dont know if it was covered but the toon you are talking about can bubble themselves and walk through the fire pit and get the 2.5k healed imemediately. As far as i know it is working like it is supposed to. But I will also say, if it is a pure heal spec then it isnt very easy to get medals for them.
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Hi there. the context of the OP was obtaining medals via Environmental damage, self inflicted damage and how this works with a tank using guard.


It has nothing to do with people using said approach to farm medals, neither is it a complaint about being dioing so. I am questioning how the machanics work.


Like i said earlier, the real world example was probably a bad choice as all people have done is complain about me picking on a Sorc "defending" the objective. However it was just that, a real world example in an attempt to explain my query.



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If I end up at an objective point with a lot of action, then I'm going to get healing medals for participating and doing my job.


If we just captured a turret and everyone leaves it except me so I'm left to sit there defending it and no red name shows up for 5 minutes, then I may not get my 4 medals for the match, even though I'm participating and doing an important job. So you're darn right I'm gonna Noble Sacrifice myself for a couple medals, why the heck wouldn't I?


Working as intended or exploit? Who knows... Either way, there should be 4 tiers of defender medals. If someone does the job that no one else wants to and defends a turret for an entire game, he should get his 4 medals for not being an ADHD retard and playing the game properly. It's not his fault no red names showed up.

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Given that valor / comms are capped at 4 medals now... who cares?


Maybe because not every class has the ability to get those 4 medals by doing nothing other than standing off in a corner somewhere spamming Noble sacrifice (damaging themselves) and then healing themselves???


ya think THAT migh be why some are upset?? Can a warrior or sentinel do that? An Op, gunslinger do that? No, we would actually have to work to get those 4 medals, while a sage can just camp somewhere and spam themselves, inflate their healing numbers with useless healing, and then get MVP votes too!

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I dont know if it was covered but the toon you are talking about can bubble themselves and walk through the fire pit and get the 2.5k healed imemediately. As far as i know it is working like it is supposed to. But I will also say, if it is a pure heal spec then it isnt very easy to get medals for them.


Completely different issue, they are at least in your scenario being damaged by the environment, not by themselves.

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I haven't seen it done for a while, but it used to be that if someone stood in the acid in Huttball, a tank could guard them and take some of the damage. I've seen a Sorc/Sin combo do this for ridiculous guard/heal scores.
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2/3 of your post is about getting medals.






your whole post is about mimimi, they can exploit this ability to earn more medals. how much more can they exploit it to get even more medals....


if this is not the context of your op then sorry. it would be helpfull to point that out then.


edit: i also play a 50 sage. i could answer your question about what medals i could get by exploiting the mentioned abilities. but i didn't wanted to because i think it doesn't matter and who should care about it....


A healer in Alderaan camped on a turret could easily get 1k Defender, 3k defender, 2.5k healed in one shot, 75k healing done without having done a single thing other than cast Noble Sacrifice and healing themselves. Tell me, what other class can do this all by themselves??


Other WZ are a bit harder because you are more exposed, but still doable.



For the record, I don't want anything nerfed other than the fact that self-inflicted damage HEALED by the same healer (or any team healer, for that matter) counts towards WZ medals and stats. An easy fix

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Well I asked a question about games mechanics and virtually everyone got on their high horse about how I was complaining about medal farming/defending objectives.


Interestingly my OP contains no complaints.


I just wanted to know about the use of guard works in terms of intercepting environmental or self inflicted damage. Plus the possbility of gaining rewards from self inflicted damage or environmental damage. The example was anecdotal, and I felt somewhat humerous considering the fate that befell said player ;)


I did get some very helpful answers from a few people though, so I am very grateful to them for taking the time to read the OP before raging about something that wasn't said :p

Edited by QuiJonPed
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Maybe because not every class has the ability to get those 4 medals by doing nothing other than standing off in a corner somewhere spamming Noble sacrifice (damaging themselves) and then healing themselves???


ya think THAT migh be why some are upset?? Can a warrior or sentinel do that? An Op, gunslinger do that? No, we would actually have to work to get those 4 medals, while a sage can just camp somewhere and spam themselves, inflate their healing numbers with useless healing, and then get MVP votes too!




Its as much 'work' if not more to self harm and heal than it is to kill other people. You get 4 medals easily anyway so give it a break.

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