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Who are all these clickers standing in fire because they can't see the action while clicking? Are they playing on an IMAX screen or something? The hotbar is like 2 inches from the action. Silly arguement.


And strafing? It gives zero advantage in this game.


Really? Because its sooo hard to manipulate the camera... You guys are so funny.

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I wish people would stop trying to encourage others to keybind!


Let them play the way they want!


Clickers are half my kills in Warzones so stop messing with my score!


True, show me a clicker and I'll show you player that can NEVER win a duel with me.


unless my power goes out or my game freezes of course.

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I wish people would stop trying to encourage others to keybind!


Let them play the way they want!


Clickers are half my kills in Warzones so stop messing with my score!


OMG! Top dmg in a warzone. OMG! Top heals in a warzone. OMG! Top kills in a warzone. OMG! Top raid dps (in games with logs/meters)... I have managed to do all of these things.....wait for it...... *GASP* as a clicker! OMG the Blaspheme! How is such a thing even possible! *GASP* Must be all lies, because surely elite play is ONLY possible with keybinds...

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This thread is another example of elitists being elitists. I have been playing MMOs since UO. I have never once switched to keybinding for everything. I actually use a combination of clicking and keybinds. I bind a few abilities that I deem comfortable with my playstyle, otherwise I click. I tend to bind keys 1,2,3 and sometimes 4 or 5. For those of you that are insinuating that I cannot dps and get out of aoes or that I somehow cannot dps and deal with fight mechanics, or that I fail at pvp... yall need top step down from your high horse. You do your thing, ill do mine, but do not tell me that I suck.


Elitists (the real kind) are better than you, there's no doubt about that. It's why they're called the elite. Because they do things better than you, by a large margin.

That being said, its about the level a person is playing at.

And chances are, at that level, you will "probably" not be able to handle the pressure as a clicker. Very few are able to.


The main problem is that people feel threatened for whatever reason. Up to this date i still don't understand why people are so afraid to admit their own limits. Not everyone is meant to be the top and it's ok not to be.

You aren't a lesser person if you can't do something i can't (and the other way around). You're a lesser person when you pretend to be something you're not. And the worst part is, it will hurt you more in the long run, than it will anyone else.

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OMG! Top dmg in a warzone. OMG! Top heals in a warzone. OMG! Top kills in a warzone. OMG! Top raid dps (in games with logs/meters)... I have managed to do all of these things.....wait for it...... *GASP* as a clicker! OMG the Blaspheme! How is such a thing even possible! *GASP* Must be all lies, because surely elite play is ONLY possible with keybinds...


OMG lies so much, OMG it's so obvious, OMG wz kills are not your kills.


I challenge to duel me anytime

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OMG lies so much, OMG it's so obvious, OMG wz kills are not your kills.


I challenge to duel me anytime


Not one lie there. Sorry that you feel threatened by someone that can possibly secceed at a competitive lvl w/o using all kybinds. Sorry that I threaten your elite status

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OMG! Top dmg in a warzone. OMG! Top heals in a warzone. OMG! Top kills in a warzone. OMG! Top raid dps (in games with logs/meters)... I have managed to do all of these things.....wait for it...... *GASP* as a clicker! OMG the Blaspheme! How is such a thing even possible! *GASP* Must be all lies, because surely elite play is ONLY possible with keybinds...


I believe you!


It's hard to do that when you're going up against other clickers!


You're like...CLICKER ELITE!.....No...you're more advanced than that...


You're a Clacker now!

Edited by Tiaa
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just throwing this out here, are there any hardcore gamers who post videos of themselves clicking? just curious


there are no real hardcore MMO gamers any more as the content isnt hard enough for them just pre-teens that think because they've raided HC Lich King makes them uberpro :) sad state of affairs this MMO malarkey is these days.

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I believe you!


It's hard to do that when your going up against other clickers!


You're like...CLICKER ELITE!.....No...you're more advanced than that...


You're a Clacker now!



OMG you seriously have talent, i have lmao. I like that thank you =)

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there are no real hardcore MMO gamers any more as the content isnt hard enough for them just pre-teens that think because they've raided HC Lich King makes them uberpro :) sad state of affairs this MMO malarkey is these days.


Look you are a pretty cool cat really, clicker or not does not matter but I have played wow since vanilla and HM LK was one of if not THE toughest wow fight imo so that was not a very good point. That being said your statement has truth to it..

Edited by Quintan
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OMG you seriously have talent, i have lmao. I like that thank you =)


Your attitude alone says much about you.

And I'm pretty sure you're not all that huff puff as you think you are.

But it's the internet right? Showing your lacking epeen is the thing to do.


Edit: HC raggy was a lot harder. I'd even drop the towel and say it was overtuned.

Then there was C'thun. But that one was bugged AND overtuned. so it doesn't count.

Edited by Frozenshiva
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Your attitude alone says much about you.

And I'm pretty sure you're not all that huff puff as you think you are.

But it's the internet right? Showing your lacking epeen is the thing to do.


Edit: HC raggy was a lot harder. I'd even drop the towel and say it was overtuned.

Then there was C'thun. But that one was bugged AND overtuned. so it doesn't count.


I wont respond to your insult about me having a good laugh but I'd be willing to bet you have never downed a final HM boss because the chances of clicker being allowed in a guild with that kind of skill is improbable, to put it lightly.

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I wont respond to your insult about me having a good laugh but I'd be willing to bet you have never downed a final HM boss because the chances of clicker being allowed in a guild with that kind of skill is improbable, to put it lightly.


In the name of humanity I call you a Troll. Because if you aren't... then god help us all

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I wont respond to your insult about me having a good laugh but I'd be willing to bet you have never downed a final HM boss because the chances of clicker being allowed in a guild with that kind of skill is improbable, to put it lightly.


i agree i cant belive that people think looking at tehre action bar moving the mouse to click on a spell


then useing there keys to turn makes them a good player


its shocking

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In the name of humanity I call you a Troll. Because if you aren't... then god help us all


Don't hate on me man, i was a clicker when i started playing too. I'm only saying the truth here. I mean my guild in wow is an excellent guild and we did not kill HM rag b4 the nerf, neither did month behind(pretty hard core guld), you know the one Lore from the tankspot shows is in. Then people say they killed HM rags and they are clickers, give a break man please.

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i agree i cant belive that people think looking at tehre action bar moving the mouse to click on a spell


then useing there keys to turn makes them a good player


its shocking


I agree. I don't bother using the keybinds.


It's the same with Adobe Photoshop and other programs I use frequently.


Why would I keybind when I can just click the menu options and work 100% slower?


I could careless if I get fired from another job.

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I agree. I can't believe that people think looking at their action bar, moving the mouse to click on a spell,


then using their keys to turn, makes them a good player.


It's shocking.


But aside from that.

Reading isn't one of your strong points is it?

I never said binding isn't better than clicking (in most cases).

I said it is possible as a clicker to be just as good as a binder. It's a lot harder, and few people would play that way at the top, but it is possible.


Heck, you might know some awesome clickers yourself, that could potentially be better than you, but because of all this drama and hating, he decided to jump on the bandwagon and say he's a binder.

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But aside from that.

Reading isn't one of your strong points is it?

I never said binding isn't better than clicking (in most cases).

I said it is possible as a clicker to be just as good as a binder. It's a lot harder, and few people would play that way at the top, but it is possible.


Heck, you might know some awesome clickers yourself, that could potentially be better than you, but because of all this drama and hating, he decided to jump on the bandwagon and say he's a binder.


It's possible but the keybinder would have to be pretty bad or slow to react.


Give me odds on a bet with a Keybinder Vs Clicker and my pocket will mandate I go with the keybinder EVERY time. Safer bet..

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It's possible but the keybinder would have to be pretty bad or slow to react.


Give me odds on a bet with a Keybinder Vs Clicker and my pocket will mandate I go with the keybinder EVERY time. Safer bet..


It depends on what level of play we are talking about and what the skill level of each of them is.

If we're talking about top level play. I said it a few times now, yes i think binding is better.

I also think in order to dish out the same performance a clicker has to be better than the binder.


If we're talking about mostly average players, then it doesn't matter as much. I do think it would still be in favor of the binder, IF and only IF the binder is accustomed to his bindings.


One of the reasons i don't encourage binding (or switching to binding) is because most people don't really understand how to correctly use bindings. A lot of player will bind more skills than is actually needed making game-play actually harder for them.

There's a fine limit on how many skills you bind.

It's also the reason i hate the Logitech G keyboards while on the topic.

They offer more functionality, in terms of extra buttons, than a player ever actually needs.

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