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Whats the purpose of the medals in WZ?


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Im still leveling my character and been only few ties on WZs. I have noticed at the end of Warzone you get rewards like: exp, credits, valor, commendations. But i have also noticed two things i dont yet understund:


1. medals

2. the voted thing


How does those 2 things work?

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1) since last patch on tuesday every medal gives you 500 valor and 10 warzone commendation but there is a limit and only first four medals count (because some classes can easily get 10-12 medals while other classes struggle to get their 4th or 5th)


those you can get yourself by doing specific things (killing 10 players earns you a medal, landing a killing blow gets you a medal, defending a tower in alderaan for some time gives you a medal and so on)




2) after a warzone ends you can vote for someone (and then you will be able to see who got how many votes)


each vote on you will grant 50 valor and 1 warzone commendation.


they are supposed to mean MVP but i'm not exactly sure if the person with most votes gets something on top of that






medals are a way of "local progression" - showing how "good" you're doing in a given warzone


unfortunatelly this does not translate to how good you are doing as a team since most of those medals detract you from actually doing the warzone objectives (for example: to get a solo kill you must go away from your turret/door; people who want the killing blow medal will use their hard hitting abilities to make sure they get it but instead they should use some less hitting ability and use the hard hitter on someone with more health)

Edited by FoxNemhauser
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they are supposed to mean MVP but i'm not exactly sure if the person with most votes gets something on top of that


They can get a screenshot of everyone voting for them, but no actual reward other than the one for each vote.

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so either something is bugged or I am not getting it properly.


Just finished few WZs (some lost, some won) and I always ended up with 86 comms at the end. In some I got like 5-7 medals and few MVP votes.

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