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Disciple of Khaine melee healing was 350% of the damage inflicted.


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- they healed 350% of the damage they inflicted, for 5 hits

- free attack, usable every 8 seconds

- that class did far better dual wield melee damage than any marauder/sentinel ever could

- lots of other healing attacks

- could directly cast heals

- if you hit a crit, you inflited a 50% healing debuff, just for criting, with any attack



And tons more, plus a spamable 10' ranged attack that did great damage and snared.



I saw a thread where "OMG, our left tree is already uber overpowered because we heal 2% on a bleed crit" Like ***?


2% melee healing and 20% healing debuffs are insultingly low. It is long overdue that these values get boosted, and to argue othering is just lack of experience.

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- they healed 350% of the damage they inflicted, for 5 hits

- free attack, usable every 8 seconds

- that class did far better dual wield melee damage than any marauder/sentinel ever could

- lots of other healing attacks

- could directly cast heals

- if you hit a crit, you inflited a 50% healing debuff, just for criting, with any attack



And tons more, plus a spamable 10' ranged attack that did great damage and snared.



I saw a thread where "OMG, our left tree is already uber overpowered because we heal 2% on a bleed crit" Like ***?


2% melee healing and 20% healing debuffs are insultingly low. It is long overdue that these values get boosted, and to argue othering is just lack of experience.


Different game, very very different classes (one is a healer hybrid and maras is a pure DPS) and as a former DoK player (life long melee healer here rolled teh class to do what it was suppose to do rather than what ppl made it do) your facts are wrong


Rend soul dealing x spirit damage over 3 seconds with up to 4 strikes healing your defensive target for 350% of the damage dealt 8 sec cd costs 25 Soul Essence per second (DoK special resource)


Rend Soul was channeled and suffered from being buggy (often times it would go on cd when you activated it but not fired), suffered from very heavy pushback, each indivudal hit could be blocked/parry, and it also had the lowest base damage of any attack at all in the game.


DoKs did terribad damage bc with the exception of 2 abilities they did 100% physical damage in a game where mitigation for physical damage is often stacked in the 50-75% even on light armor healers. Even now with the newer sets having a design for melee healing their damage is no where near other mdps period, they made up for that by having decent survivability through healing.


DoKs had 1 other lifetap (well originally 2 but one was changed last year) and it was not impressive doing low healing plus a % of the damage dealt added to the heal


DoKs could NOT directly heal they had to acquire resources for their heals bc they where the only class that used class resources instead of ap to heal. All resources for a melee DoK where built through attacking and bc of the passive tactics they had to take they suffered a -40% outgoing healing debuff and could not stack a stat that boosted healing so no DoK in thier right mind stands in the middle of the melee train throwing out 300-400 heals when other healers stand from safety throwing out 2k+ heals.


Curse of Khaine was an overrated tactic. Pretty much every single class has healing debuffs and would use them as often as possible. Rather take a tactic to make my detaunt AoE than waste it on CoK.


There was no spammable 10' attack with a snare. There was an aura that gave a chance to snare for 20% on each hit and a separate low damage ability to use while we where closing the gap. In a game where set bonuses include 50% snares for ranged classes with large damage components and every tank having a spammable 50% snare 20% was a joke.


To sum it up. Different classes, different designs, different class focus, and lots of misinformation.

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- they healed 350% of the damage they inflicted, for 5 hits


Damage reduced by armor, block, parry, using an attack that is channeled and almost never hit 5 times. And the damage was only moderate :(.


- free attack, usable every 8 seconds


Not free: it cost Soul Essence which is more or less similar to Marauder Rage. Cost approximately 4 Rage to fully channel.


- that class did far better dual wield melee damage than any marauder/sentinel ever could


No. Only during the patch phase where attack speed buffs were calculated retardedly and DOK AA's could fire 20 times faster than base attack speed.


- lots of other healing attacks


Only 2 other attacks that healed for significantly less damage.


- could directly cast heals


In melee DPS spec, KE was very poor.


- if you hit a crit, you inflited a 50% healing debuff, just for criting, with any attack


Marauders have charge, stun, AOE mez, combat stealth, damage reduction cooldowns, interrupts.




And tons more, plus a spamable 10' ranged attack that did great damage and snared.


Great damage = hell no bro.



2% melee healing and 20% healing debuffs are insultingly low. It is long overdue that these values get boosted, and to argue othering is just lack of experience.


To argue that they need boosting it clearly your lack of experience.

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Why are you comparing classes from two different games?? :confused:


I'm pretty sure that the point is: people shouldn't be getting all excited over the 2%-3% healing per crit that marauders do...its a non factor. You can heal 75k-100k over the course of a warzone, party wide, mind you, and take 300k damage individually. Even 1 on 1 its a non factor, since most classes are capable of putting out 3-4k dmg hits.

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I used to play GW a LONG time ago and I had a Necromancer that was....blood I think.


I remember that I would throw on a bunch of abilities that acted like super dots, draining full health in a very short amount of time whilst healing me. When my opponents would focus me, my health would go down crazy fast but my abilities brought it back up crazy fast. I distinctly remember being alive while 4 of them were beating on me and I'm healing all the damage due to my casts and finally dying because I forgot to use Grinth's Balance (can never remember the name).


Each game has different skills and different combat styles. In GW my health bar fluctuated insanely, in this game it's very different.

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- they healed 350% of the damage they inflicted, for 5 hits



dok was a priest hybrid, comparing it to a warrior hybrid in another game is fail.


Just a bad warhammer player, in a new game, nothing to see moving along

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dok was a priest hybrid, comparing it to a warrior hybrid in another game is fail.


Just a bad warhammer player, in a new game, nothing to see moving along



haha - your feeling are hurt I'm better than you at a video game, and I'm not fat IRL.



I should link all the endless QQ posts you made about DoK. There are sheets and sheets of them. There is a word for people like you, and it is: Overweight Hypocrit.

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haha - your feeling are hurt I'm better than you at a video game, and I'm not fat IRL.



I should link all the endless QQ posts you made about DoK. There are sheets and sheets of them. There is a word for people like you, and it is: Overweight Hypocrit.


Wow, harsh

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