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Im sick of the objective based PVP system.


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Mr. Poster,


What class do you play?


You do understand that many of the classes are not build around 1v1 they are complimentary classes for TEAM play.


Are you asking for a team death match where once you eliminate the other team you win?


The first team to get the first kill will probably win. As you just wiped their healer or their main dps etc. Once a side loses two forget it, then it becomes Ilum all over again. Getting steamrolled is great fun right?


Death squads already run around in the WZ's and they eliminate most everything in their path quickly which is how many doors are capped in VS other than the bait and ninja grab.


I play a powertech, Also what does 1v1 have to do with any thing? Its a TEAM that you are fighting.


First team to get a kill, doesn't guarantee a victory, in getting that kill can weaken multiple teammates to the point where they die soon after. The whole point of the match is to not get yourself killed and keep your team alive, while killing the other team. Good play and skill revolves around that.

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And what would be wrong about having one WZ that can be played that way?


Nothing at all. I'd like to see a deathmatch WZ added. Include an 'opt-in' choice when queuing so people who don't want to play it don't have to - I don't want a bunch of people who join and just bail when they see it's deathmatch/arena.


It would be fun!

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So I call BS. What Statistical facts are you talking about? I cannot find your post on it. Have a link?


Additionally, it is FACT that MANY people ONLY PLAYED WOW for Arena. The Arena system itself was perfectly fine.


What about having XvX players duke it out is an issue?


I did find this post from you though:




So without any max level charcters in either game it seems, how can you even give any opinions worth considering?



Here is one link




That link only talks about 3v3, but there other post I made with that template that talk about 5v5, which is a lot worst except they aren't as easy to find since I didn't start the thread.

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I would say though that premades should not be allowed for this type of WZ, if only to stop win trading.


Win trading will happen if there is a way to do it in any rated WZ. Did you not think about that?


"hey this time you guys 6 cap us in huttball"

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team death match = arena = awesome


you need way more individual skill for arenas, which is probably why so many of you guys are opposed to them lol


standing beside a door or turret for 10 minutes gets boring after a while


basically good players want arena and bad players dont

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Win trading will happen if there is a way to do it in any rated WZ. Did you not think about that?


"hey this time you guys 6 cap us in huttball"


Normal ratings should only qualify for tournament play like what Blizzard does for wow or starcraft. You obviously can't cheat at a tournament since your not using your machines and can't cheat when being monitored. At least that is what I think competitive pvp should developed into. You may cheat through normal rating systems, but you won't get far in a tournament and the rewards often times is real life cash and possibly unique in game items. That will surely get the competitive pvp crowded excited.

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team death match = arena = awesome


you need way more individual skill for arenas, which is probably why so many of you guys are opposed to them lol


standing beside a door or turret for 10 minutes gets boring after a while


basically good players want arena and bad players dont


Too bad you don't provide any facts or statistics to support your claim. Like blowing in the wind.

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Here is one link




That link only talks about 3v3, but there other post I made with that template that talk about 5v5, which is a lot worst except they aren't as easy to find since I didn't start the thread.



You are taking the end result and basing a conclusion off of it, you don't show any contributing factors as to why that is.


I would have to post an entire time line to show X happened at this date causing a huge drop off. Such as Rated war zones had the same gear available and its easier to get that way or it was harder to get gladiator because of the way they set up the system or they changed the rankings needed to get gear.


Im not asking for WoW style arenas. I'm asking for 8v8 style PVP that is a different game mode.



The problem with balancing in WoW came from them trying to take classes designed for 25 man content and fitting them into a 2v2 setting and expecting it to be balanced.


This game is designed for 8 player content.


Your arguments in this case are invalid.

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Here is one link




That link only talks about 3v3, but there other post I made with that template that talk about 5v5, which is a lot worst except they aren't as easy to find since I didn't start the thread.


That entire post is super flawed and doesn't actually prove anything. There are tons of other variables that aren't even considered.


All that post shows is there are less gladiators in season 10 than there are in season 3. That doesn't define that Arena has lost popularity.


First off, that only shows 3v3 and 5v5 for arena in WoW. A simple explanation COULD be that after 10 seasons people got bored and wanted to play a different game. It doesn't mean that Arena itself was dead. Additionally, I believe Blizzard lessened the percentage of players that received gladiator after season 7 or 8.


The fact of the matter is that was WoW and this is SWTOR. It's a new game, with a chance to do new things or old things BETTER. The #1 misconception on this forum is that Arena in SWTOR would be exactly like Arena in WoW. I don't know why people simply assume this, but they do.


Additionally, this thread ISN'T DISCUSSING ARENA. It's discussing Team death match. They are NOT one in the same.


Team death match is just a mode of play, where the OBJECTIVE of the match is to kill the other team more than they kill you. That's it, there's nothing more to it. There are different ways and rules sets you can surround the Team death match with to make it more interesting (like no-respawns, or kill streak rewards from CoD) or whatever, but those are just different variations.


I think the greatest benefit of having a TDM warzone would be to break the monotony of node capture (alderaan, voidstar, and the new Coast one) and CTF (Huttball). I think it'd be great to keep switching it up.

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When are we going to get a warzone that focuses on killing the other team, with no respawns when zero players are left on the other team, your team wins.



Any one else feel this way? I want to see the skill in killing other players, i don't find any joy in standing next to a "node", door, or running a ball.


Yea you can kill other players in warzones but that's not the goal of any of these matches.


Because the WZ would last 30 seconds.

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I strongly support the OPs suggestion. Yes, this is an MMO and I also enjoy FPS games. Neither of those make the suggestion that a PvP based map, based around PvP, a bad idea.


I want a map where kills count. I'd like an "arena" (large scale) where killing the other team is the ONLY objective. I have this silly idea that PvP is about players killing players, be it in an MMO or a FPS. One doesn't have exclusive ownership on killing other players.


With Ilum being an absolute wreck, and all the WZ's centered around objectives, a team deathmatch arena game would be most welcomed by me.

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I'd rather be doing a RIFT or a WoW "type" BG over and over again, than what we currently have.


... thats exactly what you have.


Civil War? Arathi Basin/Eye of the Storm/Battle for Gilneas


Void Star? Strand of the Ancients


Huttball is slightly more original but is basically 1-flag CTF.


They are *exactly* like WoW's Battlegrounds.

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I strongly support the OPs suggestion. Yes, this is an MMO and I also enjoy FPS games. Neither of those make the suggestion that a PvP based map, based around PvP, a bad idea.


I want a map where kills count. I'd like an "arena" (large scale) where killing the other team is the ONLY objective. I have this silly idea that PvP is about players killing players, be it in an MMO or a FPS. One doesn't have exclusive ownership on killing other players.


With Ilum being an absolute wreck, and all the WZ's centered around objectives, a team deathmatch arena game would be most welcomed by me.


only the extremely simple somehow believe that "PvP" = Killing. Player vs Player means any activity in which enemy players are matched against you and your actions directly oppose theirs.

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No, we want a Warzone that isn't all about clicking gimmicks.


We want Battle for Praag.


A Warzone where killing the enemy is 80% of the gameplay, not 20%.




Silly wowtards.


I didn't know what this is so i youtubed it, its pretty close to what I was saying

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No, we want a Warzone that isn't all about clicking gimmicks.


We want Battle for Praag.


A Warzone where killing the enemy is 80% of the gameplay, not 20%.




Silly wowtards.


Actually I would not be oppose to that, but where you can respawn several times, on a timer, death counter up or down.


The reason I ask this is because certain class have more powerful cd and if you simply use a death match with no respawn timers those classes are more powerful and useful than if you put them in a a scenario where their cd's won't always be up all time. One extreme example was blood lust in wow. It was op for a long time, but had arena allow respawn, then the shaman relative over power ability would have a less significant impact on the match and this applies to many other classes too.

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Actually I would not be oppose to that, but where you can respawn several times, on a timer, death counter up or down.


The reason I ask this is because certain class have more powerful cd and if you simply use a death match with no respawn timers those classes are more powerful and useful than if you put them in a a scenario where their cd's won't always be up all time. One extreme example was blood lust in wow. It was op for a long time, but had arena allow respawn, then the shaman relative over power ability would have a less significant impact on the match and this applies to many other classes too.


The reason it was OP for a long time was because arenas were very limited in the number of people you could bring so much that it caused it to be an issue


WoW had 10 classes, and you could only put 2 3 or 5 on a team.


this game has 8 classes and you can put 8 on a team.

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Win trading will happen if there is a way to do it in any rated WZ. Did you not think about that?


"hey this time you guys 6 cap us in huttball"


Of course I did, but in a one-death-you're-out style deathmatch there would be more incentive to do this, because you could finish a match in seconds. At least in Huttball, if the other four people on your side don't want to win trade, they can try to make a game of it. In deathmatch, if your group of 4 stands there with no armor and lets themselves get killed right away, the remaining four have zero chance of doing anything.


But you are right that win trading sucks in any scenario.

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Of course I did, but in a one-death-you're-out style deathmatch there would be more incentive to do this, because you could finish a match in seconds. At least in Huttball, if the other four people on your side don't want to win trade, they can try to make a game of it. In deathmatch, if your group of 4 stands there with no armor and lets themselves get killed right away, the remaining four have zero chance of doing anything.


But you are right that win trading sucks in any scenario.


What are you talking about?


Rated warzones will be a premade of 8v8...


I think you are confused sir.

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That entire post is super flawed and doesn't actually prove anything. There are tons of other variables that aren't even considered.


All that post shows is there are less gladiators in season 10 than there are in season 3. That doesn't define that Arena has lost popularity.


First off, that only shows 3v3 and 5v5 for arena in WoW. A simple explanation COULD be that after 10 seasons people got bored and wanted to play a different game. It doesn't mean that Arena itself was dead. Additionally, I believe Blizzard lessened the percentage of players that received gladiator after season 7 or 8.


The fact of the matter is that was WoW and this is SWTOR. It's a new game, with a chance to do new things or old things BETTER. The #1 misconception on this forum is that Arena in SWTOR would be exactly like Arena in WoW. I don't know why people simply assume this, but they do.


Additionally, this thread ISN'T DISCUSSING ARENA. It's discussing Team death match. They are NOT one in the same.


Team death match is just a mode of play, where the OBJECTIVE of the match is to kill the other team more than they kill you. That's it, there's nothing more to it. There are different ways and rules sets you can surround the Team death match with to make it more interesting (like no-respawns, or kill streak rewards from CoD) or whatever, but those are just different variations.


I think the greatest benefit of having a TDM warzone would be to break the monotony of node capture (alderaan, voidstar, and the new Coast one) and CTF (Huttball). I think it'd be great to keep switching it up.


It's dead alright. Why would Blizzard invest money in arena in it's current state. In fact, the next expansion is going to focus on pet battles. What other indication do you need that Blizzard has arena on life support cause a very small portion of their player base still play, but it will never be a selling point any more. Those statistic are only ones that exist and those are only true indication of the state of arena over time. Blizzard has better statistics, but they will never release those stats until after wow has been shutdown or arena removed from the game.


You also seem to forget that the number of gladiators per season is a direct percentage based on the total number of people who participate. It's top .05% of total number of rank teams, thus a direct indication of total number of people who participate in arena. That's just a fact. The other variables are impossible to quantify, which is why Blizzard doesn't include them in their internal reports either other than what people post when they unsubscribe. My analysis is purely statistical and not based on what I think or unquantifiable variables.

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